Well met! Here's another episode of our Wild Class Spotlight Series, where each time we focus on a specific class and highlight different ways to have fun with it.

Today is Paladin's turn - while there are less successful classes in Wild Hearthstone, Uther's only viable deck is the good old Odd Paladin. Mech Paladin and Murloc Paladin can still win games thanks to the insane high-roll potential of some of their cards (Prismatic Lens and Mechwarper above all), but they cannot consistently outclass the top of the meta.

Therefore, here are new ways to explore Paladin's diverse class identity! Have fun!

MarkMcKz's Togwaggle Paladin

Directly from one of the most creative content creators out there, we bring to you Tog Paladin. While it may seem quite amusing at first glance, the goal of this combo deck is pretty straightforward and consists of using Oh My Yogg! combined with King Togwaggle!

First of all, you draw Tog via Prismatic Lens; then you play it together with Oh My Yogg!: on the following turn, the opponent will try to play King's Ransom, which will get Yogged!

Handbuff Paladin

This deck runs part of the same shell used by Mech Paladin: Divine Favor and [Hearthstone Card (Crystlogy) Not Found] for the draw, Smuggler's Run and Grimestreet Outfitter for the buff effect. But that's not all: the deck also runs Small-Time Recruits and Glowstone Technician, Magic Carpet to come back from the tempo lost while buffing your hand and Leeroy Jenkins/Loatheb to seal the game.

Most of the time, if your opponent doesn't understand what you're playing, it will be too late for him when he'll notice.

UncleSkeeter's Pure Dude Paladin

Do you want to play Lothraxion the Redeemed, but at the same time, you don't want to feel bad about it and play Odd Paladin like the rest of the folks out there? No problem, we've got your back.

Wild Pally has plenty of Silver Hand Recruit/Divine Shield synergy at your disposal: while some of them are blatantly bad (Light's Sorrow anyone?), others can really stand out with the right support.

Since the deck is not that "unfair", don't expect to have a 90% winrate, but you should still be able to have plenty of fun.

Secret Paladin

2021 Paladin's class identity is not really centered on Secrets; Sure, Darkmoon Faire gave us Oh My Yogg!, but that's about it for the entire Year of the Phoenix. However, in the past, Uther received some interesting goodies, that have kept stacking in Wild's enormous card pool. Every HS veteran knows about Mysterious Challenger, but this list is full of unexpected surprises.

Corpsetaker was a very used card back in the day; Call to Arms was beyond broken in Prime Even Paladin and is still able to pull off some decent board swings; Sunkeeper Tarim is one of the best Paladin Legendaries ever printed.

Double OTK Paladin

This interesting deck gathers many different strategies and merges them together - we have the Uther of the Ebon Blade combo package, C'Thun, the Shattered in case you lose some Uther pieces and the powerful Highlander cards to hold everything together. You also have some great drawing tools like Crystology, Solemn Vigil and Prismatic Lens.

UncleSkeeter's Hobgoblin Paladin

It is about time we put our Wisps and Tinyfins to good use. How? Draw as many units as possible with Crystology and keep spamming the board with threats thanks to Hobgoblin's massive buff. Since you can dump your hand so quickly, Voracious Reader is a valid inclusion even at 3 mana (moreover, it has synergy with Hobgoblin itself as well). Moreover, you have the ultimate high-roll package consisting in High Priest Thekal and Molten Giant - it may not be as incredible as it was a couple of years ago, but turn 3 8/8s are never going to be bad, right?

Did you enjoy our Paladin spotlight? Which class would you like to see as the next one?

Don't forget to share your own Druid deck creations with the community by adding them to our deck database via our deckbuilder and sharing them in the comments below.