Card reveal season for Forged in the Barrens continues with a new Warrior card reveal from AmazingLP! We also have two watch towers and a Priest Legendary.
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Thought it was a control card but is more of a tempo card and tempo warrior hasnt exactly performed lately. But just the warmaul interaction makes this interesting.
I really like Amazing LP's reveal videos, and the use of Warcraft 2 voicelines in this one made me nostalgic.
An important point to consider with this card is that you can attack face and still get the buff from this card. With that in mind, this card seems pretty spicy. It can pull your board out of key damage break points and just make it more uncomfortable for your opponent to deal with. It's a way of mounting more threat on the opponent without actually committing any resources. In the ideal scenario, you use this card while you have a decent board to put enough pressure to bait out a big removal card, then crack back with the rest of your minions in hand. The fact that it has rush is also nice, since it allows you to ping off something without having to waste an attack of another minion.
Not sure how good this card can ever be. Fact is that after attacking other minions, most minions would not be in a good condition to take another, assuming they don't just outright die.
It does have a niche with Warmaul Challenger, which can grow up to at least 2-3 times before removing the target. So there's that I guess.
You appear to have missed that you can attack face and get the buff. This doesn't specify attacking into minions.
If you have board and your opponent doesn't remove it, then you're already going to win. In those cases this card simply puts the final nail in that coffin. Its always about consistency with cards like these, and I think in most cases in standard warrior's looking to secure board rather than go face. Its pretty rare to have a board and your opponent not interact with it.
My point was just that I thought you didn't realise that you could attack face and still get the buffs. It's probably still a win-more card, but my thought process was that in an ideal world, in an Aggro/Enrage Warrior vs. Control matchup where the control player doesn't have the resources to fight for the board early on, they'll be relying on stalling until they can get a big board clear and swing the game. This card just makes stalling harder for the opponent, and it allows you to keep putting pressure while not committing more minions or spells (you improve your board state for "free" since it costs no resources). This way, after a big removal card, you can reconstruct the board with the cards in your hand. Again, this is the ideal scenario. Chances are it's just a win-more card.
This card reveal is a must watch, really good job as always from AmazingLP