Hallow's End is slowly arriving to Hearthstone and Out of Cards hasn't been safe from tricks and treats either! Let's see what kind of spooky decks our users have been playing in the scariest of formats.

Deathrattle Highlander Priest

Deathrattle is obviously the spookiest keyword out there, and Deathrattle Priest is a true classic built around the mechanism. Your opponent will certainly get nightmares from Amara and Reno after facing against 0Alquimista's deck.

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Deathrattle Control Warrior

Priests aren't the only class with Deathrattle Control decks. Blackiron has added the extra-spooky Dead Man's Hand for some healthy amount of greed to this deck that is well and truly prepared to go to the distance.

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Egg Rogue

The spookiest Deathrattle minions? Eggs, of course. All sorts of slimy, scaly, creepy-crawly critters inside of them are what DePachy uses to achieve victory with this unusual Rogue list.

Highlander Boar Mage

The legend has it that restless Boar spirits wander across Wild ladder on Hallow's End, and may grant a mighty weapon to those pure in heart. The quest to gain the spirits' blessing is dangerous which is why MarkMcKz has included ways to prevent and heal the damage done by those trying to stop you.

Quest Totem Shaman

RegisKillbin has chosen Totems as a way to ward of the evil spirits of Ranked, and your average 0/2s just aren't enough for the job. Luckily Stormcaller Bru'kan has promised some extra big buffs for your wooden friends if you manage to complete a small quest first.

Leaving Stormwind for an adventure in the Wild? Replenish your supplies with more community decks.

Found something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!