We've got the first card reveal for Hearthstone's upcoming Alterac Valley expansion and its a Shaman legendary! Name is not confirmed.

Blizzard hasn't officially started the card reveal season yet for Alterac Valley, nor have they confirmed the name of the expansion, but Eurogamer has taken it upon themselves to leak their card reveal ahead of time. It's quite fitting considering how messy things have been with not much news from Blizzard for their huge Global Inn-vitational taking place this weekend. The leak also gives us a look at the set's new icon!

The new icon.

Could the big expansion reveal be next week with sites that are taking part in card reveals already getting their cards? Given that we'll see a client patch for some card balance changes next week, it would make sense for a pre-order to also go live then. We'll certainly find out real soon and I'm sure all of our sleeping schedules are incredibly excited.

We've got a translated version of Eurogamer's article below and the original because we're expecting it to get deleted once Blizzard notices.

Quote From Eurogamer.it (Translated)

Blizzard hasn't been talked about particularly well lately, given the huge scandal that hit it. We discussed it far and wide, following its evolution, up to the modification of the names and costumes of some characters in order to clean up the image a little. However, it seems that the World of Warcraf spin-off, Hearthstone , has so far escaped such changes.

The card game therefore continues to be updated, even with new cards and, exclusively , we can show you the one dedicated to Barorso Gla'cius :

The White Wolves and the Pickaxers have both claimed the Vale. Little did they know they were trampling on the frozen kingdom of Barorso Gla’cius. Whispered tales of His Majesty ran through the ranks. Most dismissed them as bad jokes. Those who listened could seek her out in the treacherous wilderness of Alterac.

Quote From Eurogamer.it

Ultimamente di Blizzard non se n'è parlato particolarmente bene, visto l'enorme scandalo che l'ha colpita. Ne abbiamo discusso in lungo e in largo, seguendone l'evoluzione, sino alla modifica di nomi e costumi di alcuni personaggi al fine di ripulire un po' l'immagine. Sembra però che lo spin-off di World of Warcraf, Hearthstone, abbia per ora scampato tali modifiche.

Il gioco di carte continua dunque ad aggiornarsi, anche con nuove carte e, in esclusiva, possiamo mostrarvi quella dedicata a Barorso Gla'cius:

"I Lupi Bianchi e i Picconatori hanno entrambi rivendicato la Valle. Non sapevano che stavano calpestando il regno ghiacciato di Barorso Gla'cius. I racconti sussurrati su Sua Maestà correvano tra i ranghi. I più li liquidavano come brutti scherzi. Quelli che ascoltavano potevano cercarla nelle infide terre selvagge di Alterac."