Another weekend, another round of Wild decks. Let's see what our community members have come up with while continuing to explore the Throne of the Tides.

Weapon Warrior

No cards from the Mini-Set but a great guide to compensate. LazyKid has reforged this underplayed Warrior archetype and included some rarely-seen cards like Phantom Freebooter to the mix.

Deathrattle Hunter

A lot of big Deathrattles in this list from anchorm4n. Ozumat serves as the newest big inclusion, and can be used as an effective board clear in combination with Play Dead of Feign Death.

Libram Paladin

Skyfer is using Libram of Wisdom and Holy Maki Roll to quickly cheapen Devout Pupil, Lightray, and Arcane Giant to take over the board in a big swing turn. Another giant combo (Thekal + Molten Giant) has also been included.

OTK Warrior

MarkMcKz has continued tinkering with OTKs of all sorts and this time the new Neptulon has gotten the honor of Charging to victory with the aid of Whirlwind Tempest.

Mark has also been trying to bait his opponents into playing Commander Ulthok for a surprise OTK.

Beast Hunter

A low-curve Beast list from Reddington1. The new Snapdragon will buff most of your minions and Don't Feed the Animals should keep the pressure high later on despite the low Cost of your minions.

Want to witness the Colossal clash at the Throne of the Tides? Brave the Wild depths with more community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!