The full set of cards for Murder at Castle Nathria has been revealed a little while ago, and we're nearing the time when they can finally become a part of our collection. Still not sure what to make of Hunter or what kind of decks to play? We've broken down all class archetypes for the upcoming expansion and gathered a variety of theorycraft decks from streamers, pros, and community members to guide you on Day 1.
First off, there is a lot of other relevant content that you might be interested in:
- You can find all important information about the upcoming set in our Murder at Castle Nathria expansion guide.
- You can also build decks with all these new cards in our deckbuilder.
- The new Rewards Track has been fully detailed. Get a head start on the early XP gains!
- Major Patch 24.0 (plus hotfixes) prepared the ground for the expansion with various game mode updates and features.
- Need a more detailed overview of new themes and mechanics? We've also covered the Infuse keyword.
- This time around, you'll be able to open your packs faster than before - should you wish to!
Now, onto what's right around the corner. Before we jump into a variety of potential decks, here is a quick look at the class in the upcoming expansion:
Castle Nathria Hunter - Quick Impressions
- The Wildseed cards offer constant board pressure tied to efficient Spells & Minions to play on curve.
- A secondary theme of Infuse cards further promotes this kind of Midrange Hunter playstyle.
- Both Huntsman Altimor and Ara'lon fit perfectly into that archetype, potentially pushing the deck over the top.
Castle Nathria Hunter - Expansion Cards & Archetypes
The new Wildseed cards and Infuse effects all go hand in hand when it comes to establishing a board and later reaping the benefits. All the Wildseeds are great and thus should be run as a bundle seems to be a unanimous first impression. With that established, the point of contention moreso lies on what previous Hunter cards should be cut to make room for this many new playables.
Wildseed Hunter
Three tokens are possible outcomes from a Wildseed summon - each with different Dormant timers, and scaling in impact as the timer lengthens. The Stag Spirit in particular enables Hunter to consistently push for more damage. In a way it's the Huffer of this new trio. Wild Spirits is the only Spell to tie together this theme into some kind of synergy, as it works with other Wildseeds you may have prepared to get your seeds to grow even faster.
Infuse Cards
Another set of generally good cards that don't need much afterthought to get some good use out of. While Batty Guest doesn't have an Infuse effect, it's great at enabling them! Out of all these, Stonebound Gargon feels like the weakest link, while Huntsman Altimor is a great finisher when all 8 Infusions can be fulfilled.
Other Hunter Cards
Currently, Castle Kennels is out of favor. Doggie Biscuit's immediate potential is just more valuable when it comes to buffing up your early 1-Drops.
Collateral Damage on the other hand has seen some experimentation and will at the very least be a decent filler for the XL-sized Questline Hunter Decklists.
Castle Nathria Hunter - Top Neutral Cards
As one of the few Neutral Infuse Minion deemed worthy, Murlocula has seen some experimentation. The tempo-push of a free 3/4 might just be what you need to fill out the curve, as this vampire feasts on the souls of their fallen bat-friends.
Castle Nathria Hunter - Day 1 Decks to Try
Not sure what to play for the class once it's time to enter Castle Nathria? We've gathered a handful of early deck ideas from all across the Hearthstone tavern just to help you out:
Out With the Old, In With the New!
For a first taste on what the new Standard could look like, NohandsGamer stayed with powerful cards like K9-0tron + 1-Drop friends (which Batty Guest is now part of) and the Barak Kodobane package. Houndmaster Shaw is an interesting innovation, as it allows for your 2- and 3-Turn Wildseeds to Rush as well.
Could Use More Infuse
Thijs gives the archetype a different spin by including a full on combo win-condition in the form of Brann Bronzebeard, Kael'thas Sinstrider, and Sire Denathrius. To help rake up more deaths, Springpaw lends itself as useful fodder.
Greedy, But Still Seedy
Continuing with the puzzle that is Wildseed-based deckbuilding, what happens if we include them in Beast Hunter? That's what Kranich must've thought, as this list even runs Forensic Duster to slow down the opponent and reach the plethora of Legendary threats this deck has in store.
Going Face at a Faster Pace
This might be as aggresive as we can lean, while still including all the Wildseeds. Dekkster found that Wound Prey and Castle Kennels lead the way, while Quick Shot and Furious Howl make sure you can keep going.
Expect the Unexpectable
Though Warshack also ran the usual Wildseed stuff, this one breaks conventions the most. The pair of Twinbow Terrorcoil and Collateral Damage allow for devastating bursts of damage. However, the doubling Spell effect also goes very well with a six-time countdown reducing Wild Spirits.
More Class Coverage for Murder at Castle Nathria
Want to look at what we've put together for another Castle Nathria suspect class? The navigation links below can take you there in an instant!
What do you think of Hunter's card package for the upcoming expansion? Which decks are you going to take for a spin once Murder at Castle Nathria goes live on August 2? Is there something else from your favorite content creator that we didn't include here? Let us know in the comments!
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