[Updated on August 5]
24 hours (and counting) after the expansion launch for Murder at Castle Nathria, we were bound to stumble upon a handful of bugs or various ongoing issues. As usual, some of them have already been officially documented, while others only tend to come up across multiple reports from the community. Any pending fixes might take a little while longer to arrive.
Update: It would seem a few of the issues listed below might've been silently resolved under the hood. There wasn't any official announcement or a hotfix patch, just the changed status for the Blizzard's Patch 24.0 forum thread. We've adjusted the notes accordingly.
Here is a quick list detailing what we are currently aware of, based on the official Blizzard forums and a number of Reddit/Twitter posts:
Castle Nathria Launch - Bad, Bad Piranhas and Murlocs
Not a long section by any means, but now with some good news:
Quote From Blizzard
[Added 8/2] The team is aware that the Sunken City game board is erroneously available Arena, even though Sunken City is not legal in this Arena rotation. This allows for a fringe case where Transfer Student can give a card that doesn’t work properly, due to the eligible card pool.
[Resolved 8/3] The team is aware that Sir Finley’s Task 2 is not currently tracking. The team is temporarily disabling the Sir Finley visitor while the Task issue is being worked on.
At least it didn't take long for the new Mercenary's task chain to return in a working fashion. But Transfer Student's misadventures apparently continue. Why continue? When Patch 24.0 went live to set up the expansion, the card's evergreen Discover option was also coming up blank on the new Castle Nathria board - presumably due to nothing being eligible as a pick back then, what with Prince Renathal not counting.
Quote From Blizzard
[Resolved 8/3] The team has resolved a bug where playing Primordial Wave would break “After you summon” effects, like that of Piranha Swarmer.
Looks like the team might've gotten to the bottom of this other persistent issue, apparently naming Primordial Wave as the culprit? Hopefully that means smooth sailing from now on, for Piranhas and everything else that wasn't working.
Quote From Blizzard
- [Resolved 8/3] Murloc Holmes could cause crashes in certain edge cases.
We've seen a ton of reports blaming the renowned Murloc detective for crashing people's games by putting them in a state of permanent freeze. It's mainly been a problem in Arena and Duels, perhaps because the card isn't exactly being played much in Constructed.
If that rings any bells, you'd be correct. We've been dealing with something similar before courtesy of one Nellie, the Great Thresher. The only solution was to notice this in time and restart immediately.
The note above states things should be back to normal by now, so here is hoping. Meanwhile, you could still disenchant the sneaky murloc for full dust value. Just as a suitable punishment.
Then there are the new achievements with their varied bugs, something we are used to by now. Can't remember the last time all of them tracked the progress as intended. Topior seems to be the newest suspect here.
As noted by our community members in the comments below, the achievement involving Suspicious Minions also struggles to correctly update.
There might also be some problems with claiming the returning player's decks.
On the Radar
A handful of notes on a couple of features and updates that are yet to happen, courtesy of Celestalon:
Quote From Celestalon would it be possible to implement search in collection manager for word Imp, to show all the cards that are summoning imps, not just minions, so we could know what works with new Rafaam.Yep, that's coming.
We did have a full imp-actful coverage of this topic before, so it will be nice to see something that doesn't require keeping all of that in mind constantly.
Quote From Celestalon Any chance of getting random hero portrait to change game by game for Arena runs (like card backs do), rather than stick for an entire run?It's something we're considering. We thought it would be better per-run, but open to changing that based on feedback.
Hmm, now that the multiple portraits feature is here with us, which solution would you prefer for your Arena adventures?
Quote From Celestalon Here's a suggestion if this feature doesn't exist. When you dust a golden copy and it informs you that it's in a deck. after dusting the system would automatically replace it with normal one if you got one. Would be nice little QoL update.Wow, we were *this* close to shipping this without anyone asking for it. Thanks for ruining it.
(This is coming in 24.2.)
Surprise? A little quality of life change and all that.
Quote From Celestalon will it ever be possible to upgrade uncraftable cards to golden? Sire Denathrius is calling!No, any uncraftable cards come from specific sources, and we wouldn't want to circumvent that.
Ow, well. So still very counter-intuitive.
Quote From Celestalon as the features person any update on the report feature also when we get it will we have the ability to report obvious botsYeah, sorry about the false start on the In-Game Reporting feature. We thought it was going to be ready just a week or so after 23.6 launched, but ran into some unexpected issues on the server side that required some additional work. We're working through it, couple more weeks.
And yes, there is an option to report bots in it.
Still coming along, even though it feels like many of us sort of forgot about it already.
Duels Bugs
Our favorite Associate Test Analyst put together a small list of ongoing issues with Duels:
Quote From Daniel Duffin Here are the known Duels-specific bugs in 24.0:- Banned cards can appear in group learning buckets
- Format conversion button appears in Duels Collection
- Cannon isnt detecting location position correctly
I'll add to this as more are discovered but things look smooth so far
That Druid's twig just doesn't want to leave peacefully.
A couple of further clarifications:
Quote From Daniel Duffin […] the twig thing in group learning buckets is a bug yea. We should see it disappear from group learning buckets over time. But ill see if we can find a quicker solution.
Quote From Daniel Duffin Its possible to get two buckets from the same category. Were working on it![]()
Just imagine all the Elwynn Boar Angry Chicken buckets you could find.
Patch 24.0 Hotfixes
There hasn't been anything important that we didn't already report on before, in case you missed the whole Moonlit Guidance saga and Battlegrounds + Duels adjustments. And the new Daily/Weekly Quests should be active again.
- Hearthstone 24.0.1 Hotfix Patch - Grease Bot Temporarily Removed
- Follow-up Hotfix Patches - Moonlit Guidance and Duels
- New Daily and Weekly Quests Disabled Until the Expansion's Launch
Beyond that, the only other two previous entries from the Blizzard forum thread read as follows:
Quote From Blizzard
[Resolved 7/26] The team is aware that Achievements that granted Sunken City cards were able to be claimed after Patch 24.0 went live and that for many players those cards were already claimed. This is not a bug, but part of the shift from one expansion period to the next. Those are cards that were given on the Sunken City Rewards Track, converted to Achievements in anticipation of the end of the Sunken City expansion period. Some people have already received those cards and completed those achievements; others will still have a chance to earn those free cards by completing those achievements later.
- [Partially Resolved 7/26] The team has received reports of players receiving Yogg-Saron Tasks in Mercenaries even after completing Yogg’s task chain, and then getting blocked after completing Task 2. The team has identified the cause of this issue. We are temporarily disabling Yogg-Saron Tasks while we work on a solution, which will be scheduled for a future update. It is expected that players who had this errant Yogg at their Campfire will have that slot vacated for a less corrupting visitor.
Patch Notes - Game Improvements + Bug Fixes
Now, when the big Patch 24.0 came online the other week, we covered various fixes and changes as they pertained to their relevant game modes - separately with Duels, Mercenaries, and Battlegrounds.
- Hearthstone Mercenaries in Patch 24.0 - Sir Finley Joins the Action, Balance Changes, & Various Fixes
- Hearthstone Patch 24.0 Battlegrounds Updates - Free Emotes, Heistbaron Togwaggle Hero, & More
- Hearthstone Duels in Patch 24.0 - New Season & Hero, Added Treasures & Balance Changes, No More Unlocks
But we never spent much time on anything else not fitting within a specific category. If you don't reguarly put the patch notes under the microscope, perhaps some of these didn't even actually appear on your radar. In that case, it's better to be aware late than never:
Quote From Blizzard
- Fixed a visual bug where the filter in the Collection Manager would appear blank on some devices.
- Fixed a visual bug with the 1000 wins animation.
- Fixed a bug preventing Drakonid Operative’s effect from triggering.
- Fixed a bug where if you attack a minion and then play Multi-Strike, you are unable to then attack the enemy hero.
- Fixed a bug where Eureka! summoning a Colossal minion that had its cost reduced would result in the Colossal minion summoning double the appendages.
- Improved shop lag and performance issues.
- Fixed bugs preventing the “Harold Who” and the “Killamari” Achievements from tracking.
The Multi-Strike fix is of particular note if you enjoy playing your Demon Hunter. Turns out this wasn't intended, after all, just only took an entire preceding Sunken City expansion to get here.
The achievement fixes came way too late, unfortunately, when they also disabled the XP gains at the same time. That does feel rather silly.
Last but not least, it's always good to see improvements to the Hearthstone client. The game has its fair share of sins when it comes to (not) running smoothly. I don't know about you, but personally I've indeed noticed that the in-game shop doesn't tend to be nearly as laggy and slow as before. The most welcome change.
If you like using deck trackers, or Hearthstone Deck Tracker specifically, you might've noticed there was some early unfair advantage to be had when it came to 'suspicious minions' - with the tool outright telling you which card was picked by your opponent and taking the guessing part out of the game.
The necessary fix should be already in (otherwise this goes against Blizzard's Terms of Service, after all), but this isn't exactly the first time deck trackers managed to uncover information that wasn't supposed to be readily available.
And for anyone caring about this sort of thing: with the recent Patch 24.0, it was uncovered that the Lightning Bloom nerf becomes reverted (gaining mana crystals instead of just refreshing) when playing through various Solo Adventures content. Who knew the technology was there?
That should about cover everything for this post-launch report. We'll keep you posted should more issues (and preferably fixes) come up.
How about your own experiences with the expansion, did you manage to keep the bugs at bay? If you know of anything else that isn't working properly, do tell!
Creepy Painting achievement not counting class cards...
What about the bug betwen the interaction witf Twinbow Terrorcoil and Collateral Damage, where the second activation of the spell is counting the excess damage of the first cast? Ex: 6 minions on board, all with 2 health, the damage is supossed to be 12 on each cast, but, it will count 12 on the first cast, and 24 on the seconde, because it will add the 12 from the first cast on the second excess damage
I was going to add it (also the issue with Sinful Brand not triggering when a minion dies), but then they've updated with some bug fixes in place. It would warrant testing again whether they also took care of this.
Looks like the report feature will be a thing after all. Im not exactly sure I like the idea, because my opponent being a bot has in the past helped out tremendously whenever Im trying to complete those pesky expansion achievements.
Not even sure if anyone would actually report it. From my own experience, not only are there really, really complex bots out there (making it difficult to mark it as one) they all tend to wallow around the bottom barrel of bronze, likely very low MMR.
On the murloc holmes bug, I havent actually experienced it, because unlike nellie, mr holmes is fairly useless. I only saw it a couple of times so far, and it seems like you need to get all three correct to get even one card at all, making it even worse than first imagined.
Suspicious minions achievement seems to be bugged in weird way. Played all 3, fooled all 3, didn;t get it. Then played a game with mage again. Achiev 2/3. Seems it's tracking like rogue quest for the same minion instead for unique ones.
Ah, so it was bugged after all. First time I found Murloc Holmes bug, I immediately went and posted it as bugs, but the 2nd time I tried, it works, so I thought it was just my connection dropping etc, and so I deleted it.
But sure, location-minion bugs really tends to mess up my gameplay, because I lost count as to how many times the game doesn't work as intended and cost me the game.
Curious though, because all of those theorycraft streams and no-one actually triggers any bugs? I'm lost.
The post has been updated with the following:
Update to an update: Now with some of the bug fixes included and more dev insights, all notes adjusted accordingly.
Was Murloc Holmes supposed to be part of the random Legendary regular track? I could've sworn they compensated some people last time for getting a duplicate of a Legendary last time.
Yes, and they are still doing so. If you found regular or golden Murloc Holmes, you should be able to disenchant them for full dust value for two more days. Regardless of whether you have the diamond copy from the Tavern Pass. More details here.
Can confirm the piranha bug. That's interesting about the color
There also seems to be a bug with the Suspicious minion achievement where you're supposed to fool your opponent. It doesn't track if your oppponent gets foold but rather if you get fooled by an opposing Suspicious minion (or if you guess it correctly, I had both happen in one game so I don't know which one applied)
I think it's the one where you pick wrong. At least the only progress towards that achievement happened when I missed the mage one (he also missed mine, but from both my experience and the one you recalled, I can reach that conclusion).
Uh, I don't even want to attempt wrapping my head around this (bugged) logic.
I think it might be because the game is unable to track an achievement that doesn't happen for you (or it was accidentally coded to only proc on your turn or something)
Either way, there's a workaround by using Theotar and just giving your opponent the suspicious minion in question. They'öö most likely play it at some point and then all you have to do is guess wrong.
Minor thing, but you are linking the Story version of Sir Finley instead of the collectible one which uses different portraits.
Ahh, way too many Finleys at this point (don't tell them I said they all look the same). Thanks for the note, switched for the more appropriate model. Admittedly we'll still need to pick it up for the actual Mercenaries portal.