Reveal season for Perils in Paradise continues with Priest cards! Don't let the Light burn you, use sunscreen.
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All the beach fun hits on July 23, so until then, here are today's card reveals!
Perils in Paradise Card Reveals for July 9 2024
Here are all the cards that have been revealed for Perils in Paradise on July 9th.
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What are your thoughts on today's cards? Let us know down below or head on over to the Hearthstone Realm to share your thoughts in each of our dedicated card reveal threads.
Narain Soothfancy - Its not a bad card but Im not sure any archetype that actually wants to play this would be successful. It gives you two copies of the card at the top of your deck but you still got to pay full cost to play it, so its not really much of an advantage. Plus, playing a 4/4 that bricks your hand by two cards comprising of something that isnt certain, is not likely to be good enough in any deck outside of control. Perhaps it'll see play, but unlikely the win rates gonna be good.
Chillin' Vol'jin - Exceptional card against certain archetypes but useless in others. Will see play only if hunter cards are up to scratch.
Sensory Deprivation - Its 6 mana mindcontrol with the most pitiful condition ever. Basically broken as fuck assuming control priest can even manage to get back to form. If it does however, this card is undoubtedly toxic and will prob be nerfed
Twilight Medium- So you look at narain and think to yourself that this card must be broken. Well, the problem is this is practically a brick in your hand until you get narain out and until you reach a card you want to discount. So basically youre gonna be destroyed 90% of the time while this does absolutely fuck all.
Sauna Regular - I honestly think this would have been one of the most broken cards printed for a class that can barely ever take advantage of it. Like seriously, both dhunter and priest hardly ever have cards that damage themselves, and this is the only worthwhile reward for doing so. Prob gonna see play in dhunter, in priest though Im not sure.
Rest in Peace - Unplayable unless the most expensive minion that have died at your side is literally amanthul and no one else.
Nightshade Tea - Probably playable in dhunter, assuming it can be discounted consistently. In priest though this card is likely one of the worst cards ever printed purely to make other cards work. Take 2 damage to deal 3 a minion. Like even holy smite does that at one mana less.
Hot Coals - Not good for priest. Doing 2 damage to your enemy board is only barely acceptable, but at 3 mana though? Priest can do better
Brain Masseuse - Worthless trash. So you have cards that synergizes with taking damage. But this need to happen on your turn. So what happens is you'll prob just end up taking 4 damage to your face and lose a minion, whilst progressing none of your supposed payoffs. Not to mention that this is practically unplayable in the late game.
Acupuncture - Its 1 mana burn. Acceptable in aggro decks. Does priest have any? Well, none so far.
This is the weirdest ever set for priest because none of its cards seem to fit priest's playstyle, or synergizes much with anything they already have currently. The only exeception is sensory deprivation, whereas other cards like narain and twilight mediums are coin flips as to whether they can see any play.
Those hunter cards better be good. Otherwise zarimi might actually get nerfed yet again, because what else is priest supposed to be even doing next expansion?
I think you're drastically underestimating the power of Rest In Peace. In most priest control decks these days, the top end minions are Ziliax, Aman'thul, Yogg, and Elise. Of those, only Elise doesn't give immediate advantage with Rest In Peace; the other three are fully capable of removing the enemy thing that got rezzed by themselves *and then some*. Ziliax can attack and kill the enemy minion (gaining you life in the process) and leave behind the game's most annoying body. Yogg can mind control the enemy minion! And Aman'thul, as you pointed out, can remove the enemy minion plus one other while generating value.
For three mana, that's pretty darn sweet. Is it maybe a bit greedy? Maybe. Does it have possible midgame utility? Unclear. But it strikes me as a very cheap way to get another bite at your very best apples.
Its the same argument for stuff like Nine Lives. Its not that the card is bad, but if the card is only playable in the late game, and only after key targets are dead, assuming it doesnt get transformed or renoed out, then the card needs to win you the game or its never gonna be considered. Same reason for why stuff like Stranglethorn Heart is barely ever seen despite being a tradeable, and presents a nifty win con.
Its way too much greed for my taste. I chose amalthul as an example because thats in every priest deck, and even then I cant see this card being played.
Hm. The second wave of reveals is a more Suicide Priest thing. (Or maybe it's technically Mutually Assured Destruction Priest.) I don't know about that. It's been working for Warlock, sure, but Warlock has, ironically, better recovery than Priest with INFERNAL! and the warlock weapon. We'll see, I guess?
Don't forget, they're also Demon Hunter cards. I think DH has a much easier time activating these, and better recovery tools than Priest.
Hey, targeted resurrection that's immune to having your pool polluted! There's no way this could go wro--
/Is shot in Wild