Bal'a dash, malanore! How are you enjoying your vacation to Marin's resort? Well, before you head back into the crystal-clear water, come have a look at some fresh deck recipes for you to sink your teeth into.

We have 10 decks for 9 classes for you to try out (Sorry, Mage and Hunter), courtesy of Rarran. From aggro to control, from very cheap to "you can't afford this AND the vacation". Also Zilliax. Lots and Lots of Zilliax. Let's see what's in store!

I'm in Charrrge... of This Plane

Patches the Pilot Card Image

We have two Pirate decks this expansion, and both are focused on Demon Hunter's Pirate package. One is for the aforementioned class, and one is for Shaman. Both of them focus on swarming the board really fast and killing your opponent, with the Shaman variant having some comeback tools in their arsenal.

Elemental, my dear Lamplighter

Lamplighter Card Image

We have two Elemental decks that revolve around the card Lamplighter.

The Rogue deck wants to end the game in one turn, playing the Lamp and bouncing it back with cards like Breakdance and Shadowstep, the latter of which then allows you to copy it with Sonya Waterdancer. I'd actually be a bit hesitant to craft this deck, since Lamplighter is very likely to be nerfed, and that card is what's holding the whole thing together.

The other deck is a Shaman version, which aims to kill over several turns with the Lamp, Skar, the Catastrophe, and Incindius. If Lamplighter gets nerfed, I expect this deck to still be functional.

Virology. Precision. Perfe-COUNTERED!

Zilliax Deluxe 3000 Card Image

We have two decks that focus on ramping to Zilliax Deluxe 3000 (specifically the keyword salad made up of the Virus and Perfect modules) and trying to bring it back as many times as possible, mainly with Hydration Station. The Druid variant has some more ramp options, while the Warrior deck is more control focused and has Inventor Boom as an extra means of resurrection.

Aman'Thul Card Image

And coming in to counter it, is Dragon Priest! This deck is has a very swarmy strategy, playing small dragons and using Timewinder Zarimi as a finisher. You have Aman'Thul as the main way of dealing with Zilliax, and Sasquawk as a way to replay some explosive turns.

Deja Vu, I Have Seen This Deck Before

Party Planner Vona Card Image

Here we have two decks that make their return from the Previous expansion. First up is Painlock, who got some more toys to hurt itself with, and a new payoff for all that hurt in Party Planner Vona. Otherwise, the purpose is still to drop 8/8s as early as possible and demolish your opponent with them. Sheriff Barrelbrim is your best defense against Zilliax.

Dreadhound Handler Card Image

Then, there's Rainbow Death Knight, which is basically unchanged from last expansion save for the addition of Dreadhound Handler for some extra corpses. Reska, the Pit Boss can handle Zillax if you come across it.

I Will Fight With Honour. And This Heavy Machine Gun I Found.

Sunsapper Lynessa Card Image

Let's end things with a... different deck. If you want to play the best Paladin deck, Handbuff is the better option. This one, however is more unique. The purpose of the deck is to use cheap damage spells and play them with Sunsapper Lynessa on board so they cast twice and kill your opponent quickly. The deck doesn't have a positive winrate, so this is purely if you want to have some fun.

What do you think of these decks? Any of them tickle your fancy, or are you brewing something yourself? Let us know in the comments below!