The weekend is here again! Shadows already shared some infinite deck ideas to celebrate Pi Day (3/14) but in case you're also happy with some shorter games, I'll spotlight some decks that our awesome community members have been tinkering with lately.

The speculation about Blizzard's Tuesday stream is also running Wild. Don't forget to tune in (9 AM PT/17 CET) and visit us for all the (hopefully) massive reveals!

Galakrond C'Thun Rogue

Did someone order a 0-Cost C'Thun? Iridean has combined the greatest of the old gods with a more modern menace to create this double-terror deck. Oh how I miss C'Thun...

Galakrond Mech Shaman

Another old deck with a Galakrond twist. Mech Shaman was one of the fastest decks out there during GvG era, and now Dorkpork has refreshed it with some new Boomsday Mechs and Galakrond Invokers.

Quest Paladin

Superkowboj1 has taken a different approach to Quest Paladin, choosing to go with cheap and fast buffs instead of more valuable ones. Divine Favor allows you to refill very efficiently, and Chef Nomi provides alternative win condition to Lynessa Sunsorrow and the mighty Galvadon.

Quest Deathrattle Hunter

Morningrock's deck has a lot going on but it all kinda makes sense. There are a lot of small combos to pull off, and in addition to the classic Unleash the Hounds + [Hearthstone Card (Ramkahen Roar) Not Found] finisher you could just win with sticky Deathrattles getting out of hands.

Big Priest

It'll be a real Hitchcock movie out there when dymar's deck truly takes off. In the spirit of the infamous Weasel Priest, you'll aim to fill your opponent's deck with useless 1/1s while running off with the win.

Looking to adventure further into the Wild? Take a look at these decks.

Came up with something Wild yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to write a guide!