How to Train Your Dragon Buffadin

Last updated 5 years, 3 months ago by
  • Fun

Let's start with the groundwork, er... skywork for who you need to meet up with and what you'll need to do.

We'll begin at the hatchery. This is where the whelps become Big Ol' Whelps! Here, you'll meet a couple of Dragon Breeders, always willing to lend a hand, given that a hatchling's not already nibbling on it. If you're looking for a particular type of dragon you've seen out on the field, they're sure to know where to find another. In charge of the hatchery is Frizz Kindleroost. Her passion towards the research, growth, and bioengineering of the little critters is utterly unmatched! Although, I will say her passion burns hotter than any match ever could. What? Were you expecting a dragon's fire pun? Come now. We're a respected institution with standards. We don't just hatch puns willy-nilly. Moving along!

Of course, every Dragon Keeper must also provide his or her dragon with the proper sustenance if one wishes for the creature to grow. Here at the feeding hall, we take care to supply our wyrms and drakes with meals that are both nutritious as well as appetizing! Dragons are hunters after all, so sometimes they like a good chase before a meal. Our Tasty Flyfish are sure to make for *ahem* a fine workout. However, "fruits" aren't all that dragons require. Minerals are just as necessary in order to maintain our dragons' coat of scales. Luckily, we have expert Glowstone Technicians working throughout the day to deliver the finest supplementary stones. I hope you aren't hungry though because we have at least one more stop to get to. Speaking of which, if you do ever find yourself lost, you can always ask Bronze Explorers for directions. They're quite the knowledgeable bunch. Off we go again!

Phew! It was quite a hike to the training grounds, wasn't it? This is where the mettle of a true Dragon Keeper is tested! As you can see, the Scaleriders are fully immersed in their aerial combat exercises. You needn't worry about the combat portion yet, however. Before combat is  learning the maneuvers, and even before the maneuvers is becoming a united force with your very own dragon. Take a look at that Evasive Wyrm over yonder. I cannot understate enough how much skill is required to tame such a formidable creature, but we manage. No, we excel! And, you shall too. Perhaps we should start you off by having you familiarize yourself with the Evasive Feywing. We'll get to figuring out a suitable partner for you soon enough, but do understand that being a Dragon Keeper requires self-improvement in addition to teambuilding. I encourage you to hone your skills with the blade, your trusty Truesilver Champion. Likewise, I advise you to develop your abilities further such as becoming adept with Consecration. You never know when you and your dragon will be separated in an actual battle. For now, you can rest easy knowing you are safe here. Along with our Scaleriders, the elite Evasive Drakonid unit patrols this area, warding off any potential threat. The Bronze Heralds and Amber Watchers keep watch of the other areas as to ensure they are also safe from harm. I know I said you could rest easy, but there is one last stop I think you'll be most pleased to know about. Come, join me.

At the end of our journey is our very own tavern. Barista Lynchen manages the place. Whether you're a new face or an old one, she'll know the gist of what you're like after meeting you. Most people come here after a long day well spent to unwind. We like to play a particular card game around here. So, how about it? Let me just make some room by the hearth for you...


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