New Quest Paladin

Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
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General Strategy:

While being quite a versatile deck, this strategy is typically quite straight forward. You want to complete your Quest as soon as possible.  Once completed you want to be using your hero power every turn. Now, the minions that you copy can sometimes make or break a match. The best value minions to copy are obviously going to be Mechano-Egg and [Hearthstone Card (Mechanical Welp) Not Found].  Against slower matchups these are going to be your win conditions in addition to Bad Luck Albatross.  In the slower matchups its fair to copy the Bad Luck Albatross a few times but eventually you will want to transition to copying your Mechano-Egg and Mechanical Whelp. Don't Overextend! You have so much value from your hero power try to save an Egg or Whelp in hand in case of a board clear so you can refill.

Against faster, more aggressive decks you want to first be concerned about tempo at all costs (even if it means skipping a hero power) until you can play an Ancestral Guardian and copy that, or play a Khartut Defender.  Oftentimes, playing a Mechano-Egg or Mechanical Whelp will be too slow against Face Hunters, Embiggen Druids or Rogues unless you have an Annoy-o-Module or Zilliax to magnetize onto then make a copy the following turn. 



Always Keep - Crystology, Murmy, Micro Mummy, Shotbot, Temple Berserker, Candletaker, SN1P-SN4P

Sometimes Keep - Bad Luck Albatross (against control decks), Ancestral Guardian (if on the coin and you have a 2 drop and follow-up 4 drop), Bone Wraith (same reason as Ancestral Guardian), Sky Gen'ral Kragg (same reason as Ancestral Guardian), Zilliax (against Hunter)


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  • Thanatos's Avatar
    80 7 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    This deck does not work against priest... impossible to win... feels bad...

    • Thanatos's Avatar
      80 7 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
      Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

      Does not work against any highlander decks with Zephyr (4 mana silence kills yo)

      • dapperdog's Avatar
        Dragon Scholar 1890 5610 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
        Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
        Quote From Thanatos

        Does not work against any highlander decks with Zephyr (4 mana silence kills yo)

        Quote From Thanatos

        This deck does not work against priest... impossible to win... feels bad...


        If you're facing lots of res priest you can tech in Zul'Drak Ritualist. Absolutely kills them. In any case, the only way priest wins definitely is if they get Zerek's Cloning Gallery on 9. Other than that, just don't over extend your eggs (Mass Dispel turns them into 0/5, so your board slots are dead). Its a long match, don't draw if you don't have to.

        Against highlander decks, the albatrosses will see to them fine enough. Besides which, they only get one shot. They still need to clear the board.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5610 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Just a few comments. I haven't tried your list yet but I'm basing my opinions from my experience of playing quest paladin in this meta.

    - I noticed your list does not have Truesilver Champion and instead includes Sky Gen'ral Kragg. Since both cards does mostly the same thing (deal 4 damage), but truesilver can do it twice, there's no reason to not include this in favour of Kragg.

    - I would personally either remove Kangor's Endless Army or SN1P-SN4P due to the major anti synergy here. With Shotbot included KEA has been watered too substantially enough, and with Snip snap in the mix, there's a good chance KEA generates a 1/1 instead of something substantial.

    - Remove Acolyte of Pain for Witchwood Piper. Piper does just about the same thing but better. I would personally make room for two pipers.

    - One copy of Equality. Better than Subdue and Shrink Ray. Best of all, if your opponent plays taunt minions to block damage, you can whisk it all away without removing damage from your side.

    • FunkiMonki's Avatar
      260 79 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
      Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

      Thanks for your input! 

      I do like [Hearthstone Card (Sky Gen'raal Kragg) Not Found] over Truesilver Champion because in the late game you can copy the rush if you need to, and provides better board presence if you can make some value trades. Truesilver Champion is not a bad option though if you don't have [Hearthstone Card (Sky Gen'raal Kragg) Not Found]!

      You do have some valid points about Kangor's Endless Army, however it is mostly used as a late game value bomb against slower decks to refill your board. Think of it similarly to the late game value bomb of Shudderwock. You will most likely play it so late game that you'll have plenty of Mechano-Egg, Mechanical Whelp, 7/7's and 8/8's in your res pool.  It is also not bad against aggressive decks as a desperation play to res that one mech you magnetized Zilliax onto. If you still don't like KEA I would replace it with a Tirion Fordring

      I like your suggestion about Witchwood Piper! it does thin your deck of the early minions so you don't topdeck them later. I'll have to test it out vs Acolyte of Pain to see which I prefer tho because being able to copy Acolyte of Pain does have it's advantages in the late game over Witchwood Piper

      Agreed that 1 copy of Equality can make it's way into the deck. As of now i'm unsure of which card to cut for it but is a very good suggestion!

  • DelkoHS's Avatar
    Child of Galakrond 485 481 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I always like at least 1 Subdue for big threats like Edwin VanCleef or Mountain Giant

    • FunkiMonki's Avatar
      260 79 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
      Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

      good idea! there are probably 1-3 flex spots in the deck so you could maybe try replacing an Acolyte of Pain or Candletaker (since we can complete easily with Shotbot now).  In the games I was playing I didn't see too many giants or big Edwins but if you are then I could see how Subdue or even Shrink Ray would be decent

  • Thanatos's Avatar
    80 7 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    No room for "DA UNDATAKAH" ?


    The only bad deathrattle would be from snip snap... I think its a great play on turn 10 if your opponents clear your board...

    • FunkiMonki's Avatar
      260 79 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
      Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

      Da Undatakah is a great value card! However it is just a little too slow in this meta. a turn 8 or 10 that doesn't impact your opponents board is tough to survive.  And this deck already generates so much value with Mechano-Egg and Mechanical Whelp and Kangor's Endless Army in the slower matchups that we don't need anymore value. Great suggestion tho! 


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