Cry Baby Galakrond
- Battlecry Shaman
- Wild
- Ranked
STAGE ONE: Protect and Invoke.
Try to protect yourself through the early game whilst starting to build Galakrond and simultaneously completing Corrupt the Waters..
Don't be afraid to upgrade your minions early with Bogstrok Clacker however you'll need to keep one charge of your Boggspine Knuckles for stage Three.
STAGE TWO: Prepare for Battle.
By turn 6-8 you will have hopefully depleted some of your foe's resources whilst you continue to protect yourself with Dragon's Pack and Shield of Galakrond
Once you complete your quest and have fully upgraded Galakrond you need to equip Boggspine Knuckles ready for turn 10.
Using your new hero power to trigger Galakrond's mighty army twice you now have four 8/8 minions with Rush which you can also upgrade.
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0- 00
- 41
- 12
- 73
- 44
- 115
- 16
- 27+
- 1 Corrupt the Waters x 1
- 1 Earth Shock x 1
- 1 Invocation of Frost x 2
- 3 Bogstrok Clacker x 1
- 3 Hex x 2
- 3 Lightning Storm x 2
- 3 Mana Tide Totem x 2
- 4 Torrent x 1
- 4 Vivid Spores x 1
- 5 Bandersmosh x 1
- 5 Boggspine Knuckles x 2
- 5 Corrupt Elementalist x 2
- 5 Dragon's Pack x 2
- 7 Galakrond, the Tempest x 1
- 7 Swampqueen Hagatha x 1
- 2 Acidic Swamp Ooze x 1
- 4 Devoted Maniac x 2
- 5 Barista Lynchen x 1
- 5 Cobalt Spellkin x 1
- 5 Shield of Galakrond x 2
- 6 Kronx Dragonhoof x 1
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