Twistlock w/ Skull of the Man'ari

Last updated 4 years, 6 months ago by
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UPDATE - 5/26/20 Below

Hey everyone!  To go with my recent theme of Big Warrior decks, I figured there has to be a way to make a Big/Recruit Warlock work with the old Plot Twist w/ Dollmaster Dorian or Fel Lord Betrug trick.  Most of the minions in this deck have good deathrattles or reborn.  That is the main goal of the deck. 


There are many broken Warlock cards right now.  I'm not sure how many low mana defensive cards are needed.  I'm also not sure how many minions to run either, but this feels pretty good for now.


Some Card Explanations:

Plague of Flames:  Is this card needed here?  It's certainly good and it can bail you out at times.  I am currently subbing one for Kanrethad Ebonlocke.

Shadow Council: This is your emergency card.  Remember, it only affects your hand.  The stat boost can make it better than Arch-Villain Rafaam if your deck is empty.

The Soularium: May not be necessary.  The idea is you play it right before Plot Twist.  You can play it w/o Plot Twist if you get Dollmaster Dorian or Fel Lord Betrug on the board, but you don't want to discard Bloodreaver Gul'dan.  I haven't used it much yet, but I do think it's good.

Unstable Felbolt: Broken card imo.  If your board is empty, make sure to play it before you play your minion.

Defile, Dark Skies, Aranasi Broodmother, Voidcaller, Voidlord: I think we just need two of these.

Plot Twist - The card you're waiting for, usually.  You play it after Dollmaster Dorian or Fel Lord Betrug are on the board. 

The Dark Portal: Just trying this one out.  I had Sense Demons instead, but this feels better.  You can play it on 4, then play the minion you pull on turn 5.  This will also trigger Dollmaster Dorian or Fel Lord Betrug if they're on the board.

Skull of the Man'ari - I think this card helps save the deck.  It can hit Fel Lord Betrug or Enhanced Dreadlord.

Arch-Villain Rafaam: Prob not necessary, but he's fun.  You could run Augmented Elekk instead.

Enhanced Dreadlord: Pretty cool new demon.  Def run two of these.

Dollmaster Dorian/Fel Lord Betrug: Awesome cards.  Once one of them are on the board, play that Plot Twist.  (Play The Soularium first if you can.)  Tapping works too.

Mal'Ganis: Broken card.  Need I say more?

Bloodreaver Gul'dan: Maybe not necessary, but you are running so many demons I think you have to run this card.  It's really the only card you don't want to mill/discard. 

Colossus of the Moon/Scrapyard Colossus: These seem pretty good for overall synergy here.  If you're running into Mecha'thun, you could play Hakkar, the Soulflayer instead of one.


Cards left out:

Supreme Archaeology: Don't think it's necessary.  No real advantage imo.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke: Could be good.   Currently trying this one.....

Augmented Elekk: Def should try this out.  It can be hard to pull off, but you could play this card when you have both Plot Twists in your hand.  Then play a Plot Twist.

N'Zoth, the Corruptor: Def could fit in here as well.  Just ran out of room.  And we already have enough high cost minions. 

Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound: I don't like this card here.  Often your board is full when he appears....and that makes a 1/1 copy of this card kinda useless.


Other cards to tryDr. Morrigan, Keli'dan the Breaker, Riftcleaver, Lord Godfrey, Valdris Felgorge, Zzeraku the Warped, Hakkar, the Soulflayer, Mountain Giant, Zilliax


UPDATE - 5/26/20

- Arch-Villain Rafaam, - Plague of Flames, + Zilliax, + Kanrethad Ebonlocke

The deck is doing quite well for me.   I tried Keli'dan the Breaker and he felt ok.  I think Zilliax belongs in the deck.  Kanrethad Ebonlocke has it's good and bad sides,  It's a tough call because I still like Arch-Villain Rafaam.  I don't plan on changing much else here. 


Against Aggro look for early anti-aggro cards like Unstable Felbolt, Defile, and Dark SkiesThe Soularium is often worth keeping cause it can get you out of a jam.  Voidcaller is usually good as well.  You can keep a large demon if you already have a Voidcaller.

Against Control look for Skull of the Man'ari, Dollmaster Dorian, Plot Twist if you already have Dollmaster Dorian, and Voidcaller.

28-19 overall in dumpster legend so far.  Good Luck!


UPDATE - 5/29/20

I'm really enjoying this deck right now.  It feels like you have a decent chance against almost anything.  58% after 35 games.  Kanrethad Ebonlocke feels great.  Sure sometimes the Skull of the Man'ari will pull Kanrethad Prime or Fel Lord Betrug from your hand, but usually you can work around it.  Skull of the Man'ari is so good otherwise. 

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