Super Cycle Shadow Stealth Rogue Version 2

Last updated 4 years, 5 months ago by
  • Fun

This is version 2 of our Super Cycle Shadow Stealth Rogue. It was meant to be a bit more competitive, but it ended up being a bit worse... However, the games were still a ton of fun, so we still made a gameplay video (coming soonTM) and decided to share. Here's the explanation for how the deck works from the first version:

Have you wondered if it's possible to fill the board with Akama Primes? Well, that's precisely what we attempted to do with this deck! This deck uses almost all of the absurd card draw available to Rogues (Dirty Tricks, Greyheart Sage, Heistbaron Togwaggle, and Galakrond, the Nightmare) to cycle through the deck extremely fast.

Once we've played Akama and shuffled his prime into the deck, we can just draw him with our absurd cycle through the deck, or use Stowaway. Then, we play him onto the board and shuffle a bunch of Shadow of Deaths into the deck. With the help of a second Stowaway, we easily flood the board with permanently stealthed terrors!

This version uses Escaped Manasaber instead of Togwaggle's Scheme to improve the card draw with Greyheart Sage and help cheat out more cards in a turn.

The games we played with this were a lot of fun. We've got a gameplay video at if you're interested. Enjoy and have an awesome day!

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