"Zombie Infestation" Disruption Priest

Last updated 4 years, 4 months ago by
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I did theorycraft a Buff Priest already, but I wanted to tweak it a little bit. More specifically, I wanted to incorporate deathrattles after realizing that Bad Luck Albatross is still good at interfering with a bunch of decks, specifically Highlander, Pure Paladin, Big Warrior, and—of course—Guardian Animals Druid. The main differences between this variation and the popular tempo variant is that this deck is less reliant on having a turn-one play and focuses more on longevity. Yeah, you still have the potential to snowball, but when you don't, you still have plenty of ways to win the board. Build a miniature wall against aggro with Injured Tol'vir and Gift of Luminance, or bring it back with full health through a Psychopomp. Fill your opponent's deck with those pesky Albatrosses, or if your opponent's deck is still too good, steal it with Mindrender Illucia! Even though you're a Priest, you can't bring a dead turn back to life, so you might as well let the other guy or gal handle it. Alternatively, you could follow Convincing Infiltrator's footsteps by giving up what little humanity you had left, and stack it with buffs to give everybody Resurrect Priest PTSD. If you really want to give your opponent a headache, just play Archmage Vargoth. He's the real bad guy of the Dalaran Heist because the way he runs off with games is outright criminal! Likewise, Vargoth is easily deserving of the title Archmage since "magic" is the only way to describe how he manages to pull off wins. There have been plenty of games where I just had a board full of Vargoths that would just never go away, summoning a bunch of copied minions and buffing my board nonstop. It's absolute chaos, and it's exactly what this deck feeds off of!

Bring back your dead minions. Copy your deathrattles. There ya go. You've got yourself some zombies.


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