This is the deck I used to get to Wild Legend in AUG2020.
Always keep Darkglare, period. Other than that try to draw into Flesh Giant and Molten Giant. If you can't get them don't worry, this deck doubles as an aggressive Zoo type Warlock so you can spam minions that cause self-damage for mana refreshment to play more stuff.
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I have been playing something really similar and I love this mentality of blowing through your life to drop serious threats fast
What is your experience in using The Soularium? When do you usually use it (and at how many HP)? I am a bit worrying about discarding the more expensive cards (Loatheb, maybe the giants) when playing it too early.
In all honesty, I think I've wasted more cards than actually using them when I've used The Soularium. But it does highroll into the giants on occasion and it's also useful for Pen Flinger combos to get more mana from Darkglare. If you can find a replacement let me know!
Loatheb is a game ender against Warrior if you play the combo with him in it on turn 5 so the opponent can't play Brawl.
Surely, actually I am testing several options. For The Soularium I would take an Expired Merchant -> doubling a giant is great. But when you play against opponents like priests, mages or shamans, you should kill the Expired Merchant immediately because of Potion of Madness, Hex or Sheep.
You think, nobody is playing Sheep today? Zephrys the Great will probably give the transforming card to your opponent ;-)