Soul Fragment Lackeys

Last updated 4 years, 2 months ago by
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Here is a fun off-meta Warlock deck that can compete in Ladder. Although it must be mentioned that this deck is a high variance and requires high skill to pilot it correctly. Like every other high variance deck it takes practices and the more games you get in, well the better.


When I originally built this deck,

the general idea was Lorekeeper Polkelt on 4,

[Hearthstone Card (Dark Pharaoh Tekhan) Not Found] on 5, then

turn 6 you draw Grand Lackey Erkh, which you can use Expired Merchant to make copies and fill your board with 4/4 Lackeys.


But, since then I have added Soulciologist Malicia for a more reactive swing turn. Also, because playing Erkh on 6 didn't make much sense as you usually need more mana for a more explosive Erkh turn, and Malicia offers an immediate answer. But yeah Malicia has been okay in the deck and besides copying her with [Hearthstone Card (Expired Merchants) Not Found] is crazy fun too.


I consider Malicia as a flex card and you can cut her from the list and add more removal like Dark Skies.


Here are some guidelines:

(1) Always be aware of your Handsize

-Combos like Expired Merchant to EVIL Genius or Mortal Coil can fill up your hand quickly and force you to burn cards.

-When using Grand Lackey Erkh on an almost full hand is not good especially when generating Draconic Lackey (dragon) and Ethereal Lackey (spell).

*But this is a great tool to have as you never seem to run out of gas.


(2) Soul Fragment Package

-The Soul Fragment Package here is used mainly for heal and for Malicia, there is no inclusion of the Void Drinker or the Shadowlight Scholar. The Soul Fragments seem much more useful as heal so you wouldn't have to worry spamming your hero power when you're digging to find Polkelt.

-You can shuffle upto 12 Soul Fragments into your deck allowing a total heal of 24 HP. This doesn't include more soul fragments when you Raise Dead your Spirit Jailer or discover more [Hearthstone Card (Soul Sheer) Not Found] or School Spirits.

(3) The Expired Merchant and Raise Dead

-The Expired Merchant was included in this deck mainly to copy Grand Lackey Erkh. Since, he is a high priority for removal. We challenge how much removal options your opponent has by making multiple copies of Erkh.

-Other targets for the Expired Merchant can be Malicia or other dragons or spells generated from your Lackeys. That being said you need to be extra careful with what you discover if you are planning to copy Erkh or maybe Malicia. You do not want to get stuck with a clunky spell or dragon that has to be unloaded before you can copy your Erkh or Malicia.

-Raise Dead is an amazing card in this deck if played right. You can get Lackeys to engine your Erkh. You can get Erkh back. You can get more [Hearthstone Card (Expired Merchants) Not Found]. But, be aware of what minions are in the pool for Raise Dead. For instance after your using Malicia, you might get a bunch of Souls from your Raise Dead. They aren't that great but they still have rush and might be useful to trade in. 


(4) Lorekeeper Polkelt

This card is what makes this deck possible because it almost guarantees that if you don't draw [Hearthstone Card (Dark Pharaoh Tekhan) Not Found]. Polkelt will hand him over to you on a silver platter. Do watch out though for classes that can shuffle your deck, like Bomb Warriors. There is absolutely no point using Polkelt, when they have their Wrenchcalibur ready to shuffle another bomb into your deck. Although, you do have Tour Guide and this allows you to play Polkelt and tap on Turn 4 to get Malicia or Tekahn, if Malicia is already in your hand.

After playing Polkelt remember to consider how necessary is it to shuffle any Soul Fragments into your deck. As much as possible you try to get the key cards first. The general order will be:

x1 Soulciologist Malicia

x1 Dark Pharaoh Tekahn  

x1 Grand Lackey Erkh

x2 School Spirits

Then your 2 drops.

After getting the key cards you should get School Spirits which will allow you to shuffle your deck in case you need to draw Soul Fragments.


(5) Removal

You almost always have enough removal for the early game. However, your key removals for late game will be Plague of Flames and Nether Breath because of the heal, thanks to your [Hearthstone Card (Draconic Lackeys) Not Found].

Against Aggro decks, School Spirits and Unstable Felbolt are great.

Keep in mind that Unstable Felbolt or Plague of Flames can trigger your [Hearthstone Card (Expired Merchants) Not Found] deathrattle too, making for a very efficient preparation turn.

Also, if you feel you are running low on removal don't hesitate to fetch some more with Ethereal Lackey.

(6) Lackeys

Now this is where you have to apply most of your skill. Galakrond Rogue players will understand as they have experience with these lil' fellows. Knowing which Lackey to discover and use for certain match ups or board situations is crucial to your success. Since there is a lot of discover or created by offered by the Lackeys don't forget to use them reactively when possible.

Faceless Lackey is good for building a board to trade or for Plague of Flames. Just be careful because it can dilute your Raise Dead pool.

Goblin Lackey is great for your Expired Merchant.

Kobold Lackey can help add that little bit extra damage that your spells might need for your opponents chunkier minions.

Titanic Lackey may come clutch when you need that extra bit of health on a minion to trade or just a taunt in the way to buy you some more time.

Witchy Lackey works great for your Tekahn or Malicia as their stats to cost isn't super good so you normally end up with a better evolved minion. But, keep in mind that you can also use them for some of the dragons you get from the other Lackey.

Ethereal Lackey and Draconic Lackey are probably the most important as their discovers may catch your opponent off guard. 


For mulligans,

(1) Against aggro decks, you want to keep your early removals,

School Spirits - great against Face Hunter, Stealth Rogue, and Aggro Demon Hunter

Unstable Felbolt - great against Libram Paladin and Highlander Hunter. This is your answer to Aldor Attendant and Dwarven Sharpshooter.

[Hearthstone Card (Soul Sheer) Not Found]  - this is a bit slower than the Unstable Felbolt but shuffles the Soul Fragments.

Spirit Jailer - good body on board that is pretty sticky early on and can be used for EVIL Genius even after trading once or twice.

Mortal Coil - good to use for removal and develop hand advantage. If you already control the board don't hesitate to use it on your own minions for that extra draw or on your Expired Merchant

*Use your removal spells to develop a hand advantage. When they ran out of gas you can easily win with your combo.


No need to keep cards like,

Plague of Flames

Nether Breath

Grand Lackey Erkh

Dark Pharaoh Tekahn

Soulciologist Malicia

*Save them for later, when you can actually use them.


(2) Against slower decks, your goal is too establish your combo and control the tempo.

Lorekeeper Polkelt - with no early threats it is safe to hold on Polkelt for the earliest guaranteed setup.

Tour Guide - allows you to tap without affecting your curve. This is great to find the other pieces for your combo or more board clears if needed.

Spirit Jailer - good body on board that is pretty sticky early on and can be used for EVIL Genius even after trading once or twice.

Expired Merchant - Good keep if you already have Grand Lackey Erkh or Raise Dead.

Grand Lackey Erkh - Good to keep if you have Expired Merchant. You can start creating copies of Erkh while the slower decks are setting up.


Your game plan is against control decks is to force your opponent to waste their removal on your none combo pieces early and challenge to see if they have enough with Malicia(s) and Erkh(s). And, if they don't clear your board of 4/4 Lackeys usually an Alexstrasza gives an unexpected lethal.


If somehow they still survive the onslaught, make sure you reload well with your discovers from Ethereal Lackey and [Hearthstone Card (Draconian Lackey) Not Found] to close out the game. 


Hope you have fun!


I would love to know about your experience with the deck or even just what you think about the deck, so you are very welcome to leave a comment.

I am always looking for like-minded people to discuss off-meta builds and play test new decks. 

If you want to play test with the deck or against the deck, you can add me my Battletag is CatTrick#11759.

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