Quest Lothraxion Paladin
- Midrange Paladin
- Wild
- Casual
This is my take on building the Paladin quest deck.
The deck has a low curve and is focused on gaining board and the initiative early on. On the mid to late game, it will rely on the hero power to provide the constant pressure. The win condition is constant board pressure.
For this build, I didn't go all-in on the quest, so it may not have as much 1 drops as other builds. The quest will be more of a supporting role. Best mulligan card is First Day of School, aside from that, early board presence is the goal. The deck has no reliable comeback mechanism, so maintaining board is important.
In mid-game, the deck relies on cycle to maintain gas. The goal at this point is to get the quest online in order to sustain the pressure. In addition to the quest, the deck runs Kazakus, Golem Shaper and Hammer of the Naaru. These will help sustain the pressure and the value deficit from running a low curve deck.
Reaching the late game is generally avoided. The deck doesn't run enough value to compete. So get in as much chip damage early-on, so the game can be closed out at this point.
Quest Support Cards
These cards that with fuel the quest. These comprise half the deck. I'm currently not sure if this is enough critical mass, but I would start with this and adjust with play experience.
- Conviction (Rank 1)
- First Day of School
- Galloping Savior
- Knight of Anointment
- Oh My Yogg!
- Righteous Protector
- Tour Guide
Lothraxion the Redeemed - The only silver hand support of this deck. Divine Shield will really make those 3/3s annoying.
Secret Package
This is the standard secret package that existed in Barrens. I feel this can fit in the quest deck since secrets themselves are 1 cost, so you don't feel to bad about drawing and playing them outside of sword. They also improve cycle in the deck with Sword of the Fallen and Northwatch Commander.
When I initially was thinking of a deck that can best fit the quest, my first instinct was to go all in on the 1 drops. However, I realized that deck would run out of value really really quickly. As much as I like the hero power, I don't it can carry the deck alone. I pivoted to a little more mid-range-y deck that adds more cycle and value.
Cycle Cards
As paladin has no draw, this is the next best thing. As a low curve deck, cycle is vital for the deck to retain some gas in the mid to late game.
- Alliance Bannerman - Jewel of the set for Paladin IMO. It does so much.
- Northwatch Commander - Part of the secret package which gives cycle along with a solid body.
- Hand of A'dal - Not as good as it once was, but it's still a solid cycle card.
- Knight of Anointment - Quest fuel + cycle.
- Cornelius Roame - Draw 2 with a Yeti attached. A soft taunt that cannot be ignored by non-face decks. My only concern is it might be too slow for this deck.
Value Cards
These are the cards that provide the least synergy with the deck, but they provide really good value so I decided to add them. That said, these will prolly be the first cuts for better synergy cards or tech cards.
- Hammer of the Naaru - 9 damage on a 6/6 body. We have played enough of barrens to know how good this card is.
- Entrapped Sorceress - Frankly, I'm not sure if this is better than Venomous Scorpid, they provide the same card generation with the difference is between the condition and the body. Ultimately, I went with this card since this provides more face pressure early game as the deck won't survive a value war.
- Kazakus, Golem Shaper - No 4 drop feels great with this deck, so the value generation of Kazakus seems a good fit.
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1Update #3
Card changes 3 years, 5 months ago (United in Stormwind)
Update #2
Card changes 3 years, 5 months ago (United in Stormwind)
Update #1
Card changes 3 years, 5 months ago (United in Stormwind)
- 00
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- 07+
- 1 Blessed Goods x 2
- 1 Conviction (Rank 1) x 2
- 1 First Day of School x 2
- 1 Galloping Savior x 2
- 1 Knight of Anointment x 2
- 1 Oh My Yogg! x 2
- 1 Righteous Protector x 2
- 1 Rise to the Occasion x 1
- 2 Hand of A'dal x 2
- 2 Sword of the Fallen x 2
- 3 Alliance Bannerman x 2
- 3 Northwatch Commander x 2
- 5 Lothraxion the Redeemed x 1
- 1 Tour Guide x 2
- 2 Wandmaker x 2
- 4 Kazakus, Golem Shaper x 1
- 6 Cornelius Roame x 1
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