Yogg's Noble Quest

Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by
  • Casual

Hello Hunters,

I'm afraid the rumors are true...the only way to Defend the Dwarven District at this point is to pray to Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate!  As such, we will lean on our mid-Quest rewards to control the board until we can make the necessary sacrifices to resurrect our lord and savior.

Dream Win Condition:

  • Complete the Quest and play Tavish, Master Marksman by Turn 10
  • Play Yogg on Turn 10 with an empty hand and get Hand of Fate
  • Use those 0-mana spells to spam our Hero Power to victory!

Dream within our Dream:

  • Combo Yogg with Devouring Swarm to get another copy of our master (especially useful for the worst wheel outcome, i.e. Curse of Flesh - can make favorable trades and then still kill off the biggest threat with Yogg)
  • We could also get more Yoggs via Nobleman if we draw it late.  Otherwise, Nobleman is great for finishing the quest or copying a value generator like Kazakus.
    • Note - there are 20  spells in the deck to feed Yogg, and that's without counting the spells potentially generated by Nobleman or Resizing Pouch.


General Gameplan:

Turn 1 - Defend the Dwarven District

Turn 2 - Progress the Quest via Wound Prey, Quick Shot, or Bola Shot...alternatively, play Wandmaker

Turn 3 - Complete the first step of the Quest using Aimed Shot or work towards quest completion via Venomous Scorpid, Entrapped Sorceress, or Nobleman

Turn 4 - More spells + Hero Power or Kazakus, Golem Shaper

Turn 5 - More spells + HP or Barak Kodobane, Taelan Fordring, 5-mana golem

Turn 6 - More spells + HP or Cornelius Roame



Unlike many Quest designs, we don't need to rush quest completion as our goal is simply to be done by Turn 10.  As a result, I'm always keeping:

And then against aggro I'll look for:

Whereas against control I'll prioritize:


Notes on Quest Support

We run 8 spells that will advance the quest - Wound Prey, Quick Shot, Bola Shot, Aimed Shot

Wandmaker, Venomous Scorpid, and Entrapped Sorceress can also find burn options.

Keep in mind that Nobleman can add a copy of all of the above and Devouring Swarm can bounce the minions back for more discover action.  Morever, there are only four 0-cost cards in Standard at the moment so there's a good chance you can get another Swarm from Resizing Pouch if necessary (otherwise you'd choose Serpentbloom to combo with Kolkar Pack Runner).


And I think that about covers the basics :)

Happy Hunting!


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