Hero Power Mage (UiS)

Last updated 3 years, 1 month ago by
  • Casual

11/14/2021: Made an update to this list because I felt like it's been doing pretty well today.  For a moment I kept coming across the hot new Aggro Druid list out there and I went 5-1 against those pesky Malfurions!

Mulligans: Wildfire is always good, and depending on what you think you might be facing, board clear options like Fire Sale or a Reckless ApprenticeFirst Flame can also help clear a minion or two.  I used to run Ignite, but I opted over time for 2x Runed Orb as the discovered spell often gave me more value than a shuffled and buffed Ignite.  It's honestly not the worst keep either seeing as Aggro Druid and QL Warrior are common opponents right now.

Questionable Choices:

  • All of them.  What mad man tries to play this when it's no where near top tier, right?!?!
  • Frostweave Dungeoneer is included despite not having any Frost spells because the deck's backbone is Wildfire to power up those Reckless minions as well as getting Mordresh Fire Eye online for later.  Hence why Starscryer is included as well.
  • Robes of Protection is meant to slow down QL Hunters or QL Mages.  The QL Mages could be dropping off with the upcoming nerf.  And I'm not sure how common the Hunters are.  You could likely replace this.  I considered the Deepwater Evoker just as another spell card draw and a small amount of life gain.
  • Astromancer Solarian can give you a secondary win condition but ultimately it often just messes up the Taelan draw or doesn't cast the spells you need.  But yeah... I think it's a fun card so I play it!
  • Cornelius Roame is of course a little slow and if you do manage to stick him for a few turns you may actually run the risk of over drawing depending on your hand and when you play him.  If you are getting enough draw you could swap him for something else.

Key Draw: Taelan Fordring can often draw us Mordresh, other times he'll draw Cornelius Roame who can help us draw more cards.  If both Mordresh and Roame are out of the deck, the next option are the Apprentices, which are also pretty key to the game plan and getting Mordresh active.

General gameplan:

Mulligan for cards that upgrade your Hero Power and/or cards that draw.  Occasionally hold some board clear options if you are playing against a suspected aggro deck.

After Jaina does some push ups and learns to deal more damage with [Hearthstone Card (Fire Blast) Not Found], use your hero power to either push face damage or control the board, use it as often as possible.  Because the curve is so heavy on the (1) and (2) mana cards, utilizing card draw when you can avoid spending other resources is also a good idea.  For example... if there is no pressure on board, and I have the option between playing a minion or playing Arcane Intellect, I'm most likely playing AI except for under specific circumstances (EX: I play the minion instead if the minion is Cornelius, because even if I have 2x AI to draw 4 cards for the same mana, playing Cornelius is also 4 cards and a body).


Anyway... the deck isn't super hard to navigate unless you are behind on board and trying to figure out the best trades, etc, to clear (or to clear as much as you can while still surviving).  The toughest choices usually tend to be when to play an Apprentice and when to hold it another turn.  Do you hold and hope you don't get punished?  Because if you don't play it for a turn the opponent may get comfortable and over extend into a board clear, leaving them nothing in hand to follow up with.  Or they may do something crazy you aren't expecting and the game gets out of hand.  I've faced the same situation a few times with Mordresh as well.


As always, if you try the deck out I hope you have some fun.


~ Thonson

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Card Changelog (Click to View)
Update #1

Card changes 3 years, 1 month ago (Deadmines)

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