Quest Hunter (HSReplay)

Last updated 3 years, 2 months ago by
  • Casual
Deck Source
This deck was sourced from HSReplay.

Now here is one deck that has been seeing some love in the recent weeks, and it doesn't feel nearly as stale as the rest of them. Never dusted off your Professor Slate? Time to spread some poison (but it's not that essential, I wouldn't recommend crafting just for the sake of playing this)! 

Double Explosive Trap might be considered an overkill, especially if you are seeing a lot of Mages or fellow Questline Hunters. But it can be handy against these other, more board based decks. 

We have seen people experimenting with a number of cards in this deck, so it's not necessarily its final form (which might keep shifting depending on what's most popular). Devouring Swarm has an interesting application here, yet we shouldn't entirely count out Lock and Load for its random refill potential. Some players prefer to include Resizing Pouch for the overall versatility, and there have even been sightings of a single slot reserved for Imported Tarantula (which is a bit of an odd one, admittedly). 

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