Standard Fatigue Mage

Last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by
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Okay this seems crazy but hear me out!

Game plan

You are a CONTROL deck, don't loose your game trying your hardest to play cool combos. It will happen eventually.

Frost Nova Card ImageDoomsayer Card Image

Your main goal is to survive! You need to freeze the board, kill minions, hope, do that kind of stuff.

Khadgar Card Image

Your first win condition is (sadly) not to win by milling of fatiguing your opponent, as standard lack the cards to make it work consistently. Your first goal would be, as a regular mage nowadays, to make a huge board thanks to the Khadgar + Conjurer's Calling interaction (or Khadgar + Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk). It is how you will win most aggro and midrange matchups.

HOWEVER, you might face a control or combo deck. Against those, your first game plan will probably not be enough, and you will rely on the second one.

Lorewalker Cho Card ImageResearch Project Card Image

Mill! Disrupting their combos thanks to Unseen Saboteur, making them mill cards by filling their hands with Lorewalker Cho and Research Project. Of course, you can also mix these cards together, and, for exemple, Lorewalker Cho, Research Project x2 and Unseen Saboteur if it has been reduced by Luna's Pocket Galaxy.

Archivist Elysiana is also a great tool to avoid fatigue, and is a mandatory card against Bomb Warrior.


Card replacement

Yeah, I know, this deck is expensive. Fortunately, you can manage to cut some cards and still make it work!

For exemple:

Alternative late game viable pool : Archmage Antonidas, Astromancer, Alexstrasza, Jepetto Joybuzz, Mojomaster Zihi, High Inquisitor Whitemane, Faceless Manipulator


Khadgar + Conjurer's Calling can be replaced by other late game cards from the pool above, but it is the strongest interaction of the class right now and I do not recommand changing it.

Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk + Daring Fire-Eater can be replaced by cards from the pool, and especially Archmage Antonidas/Alexstrasza, as they will give you another finisher.

Archivist Elysiana can be changed, but at this point your are not winning by fatigue anymore, so just remove all the milling thing.

Lorewalker Cho can NOT be replaced by any other card in the entire wild pool, not even a Baleful Banker who would combo really well with Archivist Elysiana, plus I have a golden version of this guy!



Have fun dude.

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