Krush Now & Later

Last updated 2 years, 7 months ago by
  • Casual

Hello Hunters,

I've been having fun in Casual with this Twinbow Terrorcoil combo deck and wanted to share.  I'm uploading the greedy version I play with but will note some of the weaker cards and possible replacements at the end.

General Gameplan

Combo Terrorcoil with any of the following:


Vicious Slitherspear is our best and only real opener.  Following up with Doggie Biscuit on T2 is ideal.

  • In less greedy versions I fit in another 1-drop (see below).

Against Aggro:  Doomsayer is the main target, though I'll keep Barbed Nets as well if there's a 2-health minion I'm worried about (e.g., Battlefiend)

Against Control & Combo:  Typically still want to hard mulligan for Slitherspear, but I'm not against keeping a 3-drop when i have the coin (e.g., Harpoon Gun or Conch's Call)

Other Gameplay Tips

Biggest consideration is what combo(s) you're going for based on the opponent and what you've drawn.  For example, should you use Revive Pet to get additional discounts from Stormpike Battle Ram or save if it for bringing back Krush?

Demon Hunter is our worst match-up (I know, not good for this meta) so I mulligan hard for Beaststalker Tavish as secrets and Misha feel like our best chance at survival.

Otherwise, be mindful of Mutanus the Devourer turns and you should be good to go!

Urchin Spines

  • Keeps you alive long enough to pull off your combos or can clear taunts for Krush
  • Often used with Barbed Nets, sometimes Quick Shot, and the rare full board clear with Ysera Awakens

Doggie Biscuit

  • Other than buffs and giving minions like Naralex rush, this combos well with Harpoon Gun to draw what you Dredge

Beaststalker Tavish

  • Improved Emergency Maneuvers is my favorite choice if I'm not desperate to stay alive
  • Keep in mind that you can summon 1 beast and still only have 3 in your rezz pool for guaranteed Krush revives
  • Huffer provides an alternate target for buffs and copying with Faceless Manipulator for lethal

Potential Replacements

Archdruid Naralex, Faceless Manipulator, and Urchin Spines are the cards I've replaced in a few variations.

I always add 2x a 1-drop for a more consistent opener

I've tried Taelan Fordring and Mountain Bear to survive against Demon Hunters, but it's too early to tell if that's enough to stall.

I want to include Barak Kodobane to thin the deck faster but haven't tried it yet.

Have considered School Teacher and Marked Shot to try to get more copies of Revive Pet.


Happy Hunting!

- RD

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