Bloody Octodraw

Last updated 5 years, 7 months ago by
  • Fun

This deck fills your empty deck with Corrupted Bloods before generously handing them over to your opponent.

The stars of this deck are:

Hakkar, the Soulflayer Card Image Octosari Card Image Anka, the Buried Card Image King Togwaggle Card Image Violet Illusionist Card Image Necrium Vial Card Image

Combined with Emperor Thaurissan, Backstab and Preparation, they allow for self fatiguing yourself for 16 and thus filling your deck with countless Corrupted Bloods.

The combo works as follows:

  1. with Hakkar, the Soulflayer and Octosari in Hand, play Anka, the Buried
  2. with Hakkar, the Soulflayer, Octosari, King Togwaggle, Violet Illusionist and Necrium Vial in hand, play Emperor Thaurissan
  3. draw until your deck is empty (Myra's Unstable Element helps)
  4. play Violet Illusionist (2 Mana)
  5. play Hakkar, the Soulflayer and kill it with Backstab (2+0 Mana)
  6. play Octosari and Preparation, play Necrium Vial on Octosari (2+0+0+0+2 Mana)
  7. play Counterfeit Coin and King Togwaggle (4-1+7 Mana)
  8. end your turn

There are a lot of deathrattle synergies in this deck, especially with Anka, the Buried and Spiritsinger Umbra. These are meant to be a constant threat to your opponent thus keeping you alive until you have the combo ready.

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