Rocking Pirates
- Highlander Warrior
- Wild
- Ranked
- Casual
- Fun
- Theorycraft
Hey there. It's Esparanta, time to rock the board with rolling Pirates by raiding the party! Take a selfie while at it, this is going to be fun!
Before moving on, disclaimer: E.T.C., Band Manager, which acts as extra deck for those who didn't know, contains these cards below. They may be referenced throughout the guide, so pay attention...
- Dead Man's Hand
- Any 2 cards of your choice: I picked Brawl and Spammy Arcanist for better board control. Sky Raider+Amalgam of the Deep are another good alternatives, in case you need to complete questline faster.
Normally, as Pirate Warrior, your aim is to finish the game before turn 6 by playing very aggressively. However, in this deck, I took a different approach by playing as Control Warrior. Let's see how you can do it by analyzing important aspects of this deck:
- Alongside Dead Man's Hand, Rock Master Voone and Photographer Fizzle will grant you extra value. If played at right time, you can backup another quest reward called Cap'n Rokara and more of...
- Naga: Zola the Gorgon
- Elemental: Zephrys the Great
- All: Amalgam of the Deep
- Mech: Hookfist-3000
- If you pick 2nd copy of Dead Man's Hand from E.T.C., Band Manager, you may have infinite resources forever while holding another Dead Man's Hand. Being able to play extra copies of Cap'n Rokara is what this deck tries to aim but it's not an obligation.
- Alongside old draw cards such as Famished Fool, I added Instrument Tech and Roaring Applause for extra cycle.
Thank you for reading the guide. Hope you will enjoy playing the deck. Have fun in Wild format and let me know if you have any questions.
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2Update #2
Card changes 1 year, 7 months ago (Festival of Legends)
Update #1
Card changes 1 year, 8 months ago (Festival of Legends Pre-Purchase)
- 00
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- 07+
- 1 Raid the Docks x 1
- 1 Risky Skipper x 1
- 1 Shield Slam x 1
- 1 Sky Raider x 1
- 2 Battle Rage x 1
- 2 Dead Man's Hand x 1
- 2 Forged in Flame x 1
- 2 Forge of Souls x 1
- 2 Harbor Scamp x 1
- 2 Man the Cannons x 1
- 2 Roaring Applause x 1
- 2 Warpath x 1
- 3 Ancharrr x 1
- 3 Cargo Guard x 1
- 3 Coerce x 1
- 3 Defias Cannoneer x 1
- 3 Hookfist-3000 x 1
- 3 Lord Barov x 1
- 3 Ramming Speed x 1
- 3 Rock Master Voone x 1
- 4 Blacksmithing Hammer x 1
- 4 Light of the Phoenix x 1
- 4 Outrider's Axe x 1
- 5 Brawl x 1
- 5 Stonemaul Anchorman x 1
- 7 Dr. Boom, Mad Genius x 1
- 2 Amalgam of the Deep x 1
- 2 Instrument Tech x 1
- 2 Questing Explorer x 1
- 2 Zephrys the Great x 1
- 3 Brann Bronzebeard x 1
- 3 Photographer Fizzle x 1
- 3 Prince Renathal x 1
- 3 Pufferfist x 1
- 3 Zola the Gorgon x 1
- 4 E.T.C., Band Manager x 1
- 5 Emperor Thaurissan x 1
- 5 Famished Fool x 1
- 5 Spammy Arcanist x 1
- 6 Reno Jackson x 1
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