Midrange Mech Attorney

Last updated 1 year, 10 months ago by
  • Casual
  • Fun
  • Theorycraft

Update 4/29:  Minor adjustment due to a faster meta

-1 Audio Amplifier
+ 1 K9-0tron

Could replace both copies of Amplifier, but I like to maximize my chances in every match-up vs. leaning even more into my favored match-ups.  That's the same reason I'm still running E.T.C. which should probably just be replaced with Collateral Damage if you want to improve your win rate in games where you snowball early (i.e., typical win condition).

FWIW, I tried Security Automaton for a bit but it felt like bait.  You're often magnetizing mechs, which don't trigger the effect, so it has more value late when deathrattles are activated and I'd rather the 1 extra damage early + ability to search for an answer via Dredge.

Current E.T.C. Band Mates:

Hello Hunters,

With the return of Magnetic (Charge-lite), mechs aren't just for Mages anymore!  We like to go face too and, with Bunch of Bananas + Doggie Biscuit, we can ensure that our small mechs stay alive to fuse with bigger threats.

If our initial threats are removed, we re-build the board in the mid-game via Mothership and then play Defense Attorney Nathanos to re-trigger its deathrattle.  You'll also often discover extra copies of Zilliax or Dragonbane from Amalgam of the Deep and Gorillabot A-3 because of the smaller minion pool after rotation.

And then, if needed, in the late game we can pull off some fun combos thanks to the 11 mana granted by Audio Amplifier.  Dragonbane + Ini Stormcoil + Hero Power is my favorite, but Mothership + Zilliax/Wargear can clear most threats while remaining on board.


Honestly, it's pretty straightforward / match-up independent:

You'll hard mulligan for those two and, if you have one, then you're looking for Bunch of Bananas and Doggie Biscuit.


Turn 1

  • Play Mistake if you have a buff for T2, otherwise Click-Clocker

Turn 2 (bullets ordered from highest to lowest priority)

Turn 3

Turn 4

Turn 5

  • Magnetize Wargear onto a mech if possible
  • Play Ini Stormcoil if you have a buffed mech that's survived until now
  • Play Zilliax if you need a clear or if you're the aggressor and need to maintain board pressure / magnetize targets

Turn 6

  • Play Mothership to clear threats and maintain pressure / magnetize targets
  • Play Dragonbane + Hero Power

Other Tips

Don't hesitate to play cards such as Astalor, Amalgam, Gorillaot, or Conjured Arrow on curve/as needed even if their conditions have not been met yet.  Maintaining board control / pressure is more important than value against most opponents.

When discovering mechs, keep in mind Naval Mine as that little extra damage can be a win condition when combo'd with Defense Attorney NathanosMetrognome can also help with card draw when combo'd with a banana.

If you're playing against Frost DK, sometimes the line is to not magnetize mechs in the mid-game so that you can play Smothering Starfish after they cast Frostwyrm's Fury and then magnetize the silenced mechs for lethal.

Potential Substitutions

There's plenty of room to customize the cards in E.T.C.'s band to your pocket meta - weapon removal, disruption (e.g., Dirty Rat, Theotar, the Mad Duke), more value (e.g., Hydralodon), or an alternate win condition (e.g., Sire Denathrius).

If you don't think Audio Amplifier is worth it, K9-0tron, Security Automaton, or the aforementioned Naval Mine are potential alternatives.  If you run K9, then Ambassador Faelin could be an E.T.C. target as an alternate win condition.

If you don't have Defense Attorney or Ini for extra value, some of the new legendaries like Pozzik, Audio Engineer or Photographer Fizzle would be decent replacements.

Happy Hunting!

- RD

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Card Changelog (Click to View)
Update #1

Card changes 1 year, 10 months ago (April 2023 Balance)

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