Budget Shadow Priest (Badlands Budget Theorycraft)

Last updated 1 year, 1 month ago by
  • Theorycraft
  • Tinyfin

An aggressive Shadow Priest that packs a low curve to get in under the opponent while using efficient 1-Cost cards to discount Thirsty Drifter for a huge tempo swing early (curve out three 1-Costs to play it on turn 3, or save it to copy with Celestial Projectionist).

Three favorite cards:

3. Ogre-Gang Rider: The deck only runs one copy, but I legitimately think this card is bonkers - whichever triggers, you're pointing three damage exactly where you want it to go (and there's almost certainly going to be a time he gets you lethal).

2. Miracle Salesman: A 1-Cost 2/2 that gives me a spell to Trade for a new card? Sign me up.

1. Thirsty Drifter: Most of the deck is built around the idea of discounting the Drifter as quickly as possible so we can get one (or more) in play early and start threatening the opponent's life total.

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