Miracle Mage, again

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
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On my quest to constantly try to make miracle mage works, I ended up making this... thing. Unlike the previous lists I made (which are over on Hearthpwn), this one has a lot of staying power, whether it be through Raid the Sky Temple giving constant spells every turn or through Dune Sculptor generating a ton of large minions to fill out the curve. The deck does fairly well against aggro decks due to the new mage secret package being absurdly good at taking care of them and against control, typically you can outvalue most of them with the fair exception of the people who decided that it's day 1 and it's time to shove 7 late game legendaries and Archivist Elysiana into their control warrior decks.



Always keep the quest, Stargazer Luna and [Hearthstone Card (Sorceror's Apprentice) Not Found].

Against aggro try to get Arcane Flakmage and any secret, preferably Ancient Mysteries.

Against control, I try to mulligan for Mana Cyclone but to be honest, I haven't faced enough control decks with this deck to really understand the mulligan well.



Unfortunately, all of the legendaries and epics are the core of the deck. That being said, Mana Cyclone and Stargazer Luna are some of the best mage cards in standard and so I'd highly recommend crafting them, even if you will not be using them in this deck.


Wrap Up

This style of the deck has always been a bit of a 'pocket pick' for me and due to that, I have probably too much experience with this type of deck. If you have any kind of questions, just post them down below and I'll try to answer them as soon as possible. Thanks for reading the guide!

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