Highlander Mage

Last updated 5 years, 3 months ago by
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Highlander Mage

First off, let me say that this deck doesn't include Power of Creation, Stargazer Luna, or Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron because I don't have those cards. Even without those cards, this deck can still hold it's ground as they are mostly luxury/last resort cards.

Honestly, the deck is just a standard Highlander Mage deck with the same spells that most other decks contain. 

After the nerf of Luna's Pocket Galaxy and Conjurer's Calling, the deck is a tad bit weaker than before. Fortunately, both are still very playable in the right situations.

This deck has a lot of removal options, most notably from Reno the Relicologist, Blizzard, Flamestrike, etc. 

The main purpose of the cards in the deck are to keep building value throughout the game until you can overwhelm the opponent. 

Keep in mind that choosing to use Luna's Pocket Galaxy at any point can sacrifice a large amount of tempo, so be sure that you're ahead of your opponent before you do so. 

It's a pretty straight-forward deck; just keep casting the right spells in each situation to keep yourself afloat until your opponent drowns.

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