New Neutral Minion - Lorekeeper Polkelt
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Lorekeeper Polkelt, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Lorekeeper Polkelt, has been revealed!
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I love to see new mechanics like this.
Maybe that card can work as a tutor for your Big resources. Big demon warlock or Big warrior should love Lorekeeper Polkelt.
By The Holy Light!
Definitely good somewhere. Tutors toggwaggle and murozond to the top of your deck in togg priest, and probably helps other decks as well.
Almost certainly a combo-only card. I don't think that this makes a lot of sense anywhere else, unless you decide to use it as a tutor for a finisher in an aggro deck?
This post is discussing the wild format.
This is too weird to rate. But enjoy your meal Avalon!
5-cost deckbuilders RISE UP!
Summon all the Leeroy Jenkins you can!
This card is really weird or really cool. I find it hard to judge the powerlevel but I can't wait to see how various deckbuilders will approach this card. Quest warlock? Aggro decks that top out at 5 mana? Who knows!
This looks like a good combo card, helps getting to your Malygos sooner, and works well in quest Warlock. Also pretty good in big decks like Recruit warrior and perhabs big warlock. This card looks pretty good to me, and it counters/gets countered by most new DH cards like Glide. So good for combo's and bad for most other decks i guess. Very interesting card though, this feels like an legendary effect. (*ahem Infiltrator Lilian)
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
if it was lowest to highest then it's really bad but highest makes sense this cards makes it so you can have more early game than normal if you draw this card.. but it's hard to gurantee to draw this card.. maybe it's just not as deck wrapping and a deck can function without this card.
Very cool card, topdeck mastah, buuuut...
At this moment every change in deck (except drawing) reshuffles it. So this card can be countered by bomb warrior for example.
What's the most powerful card in Hearthstone?
A credit card.
I’m sure someone will make this a key combo piece, but that’s not me.
At least I know now what me first opened legendary will be.
Interesting. What will happen if 2 cards got the same cost? Which one will be on top?
I can definitely see it being experimented with. But high ranked worthy? Dunno. Usually we (myself included) whine - too much RNG. Now with this card, you can actually take a lot of the RNG away. But does it do any good? Do you want to draw your highest cost cards first?
I guess yes, if you are a Rogue with fully charged Galakrond or the wand from Toggwaggle. But other than that? Maybe for Quest warlock, once you complete your quest - that means every 2nd draw will be a high cost card that now cost 0, but I am not even sure. What about Zoo decks looking to go to late game - will you play this on t4?
There are so many situations, where this card can be considered, but will it make the cut?
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
way to gimmicky in my opinion.
Basically means that you HAVE to build your deck in such a way that this won't automatically lose you the game because you no longr have acccess to your cheap utility cards.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I have seen this effect on I don't know how many fan creations. I never liked those cards.
This effect is crazy powerful. Control decks now have their finishers right where they want them. Combo decks can fish for their combo super easy now. Aggro decks can get that perfect Leeroy Jenkins topdeck way more consistently. Highlander decks now know exactly when to expect Reno Jackson. Even if the highest cost card in your deck isn't what you want right now, just knowing exactly what is on top of your deck at all times is insanely helpful.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I'm at a loss of words, the cool thing is that you should know what and when you will be drawing in your deck and that is pretty cool.
A super interesting card that I never thought would make it out of custom hearthstone, but we live in a world of 10 classes now, anything is possible. I don't think this gets run in control decks unless the meta slows down enough since cheaper removals are usually needed to take back the board to stabilize efficiently. However, this card is pretty good in combo decks since you can manipulate your deck to fit the draws you need. Notably current iterations of Quest Warlock might like this card a lot since you could get 0-mana DQA or Maly much more consistently.
Reminds me of Hemet, Jungle Hunter. It's not strictly better as for instance in King Togwaggle decks you want your deck to be empty as quickly as possible, but most of the time Lorekeeper Polkelt is the superior card.
Arena > Wild > Standard
Sure, it would be easier for us to have them ordered from lowest to highest, but that would be TOO OP, so I welcome this new mechanic. I have no idea how I'll use it, but it looks worthy of fun experimentation.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
Where do you start with this minion ?
It's stats are pretty good, Chillwind Yeti's set the bar for 4 drop stats since classic- his battlecry is very unique and interesting.
playing this minion can guarantee you draw your powerful combo and control pieces in the late game to finish the match, but you can't play this minion on curve or your draws will be too expensive for the rest of the game and you'll lose.
So I believe even though control and combo decks will want to use him they won't use him until very late in the game when they can afford to play those pieces
Don’t really see this seeing play in anything but a combo deck, since that’s the deck that would benefit the most from being able to draw their expensive cards quickly
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Its not really reliable enough for combo. Only highlander will truly appreciate this card.
It has a small niche, and is one of the few cards that straightens up how draw rng works, but since its also subject to draw rng itself, its just not going to be consistent enough to see any play.
Pretty powerful effect and one that has been made multiple times by custom card designers, cool to see it made its way into the game. Tho in the end, i think that the card might be a bit overhyped, because shuffling a card into the deck screws with the entire process, so you might have only a limited window to utilize this, which if you just need to draw your highest cost card might be enough. I guess we'll see.
Supreme Archaeology certainly seems to be getting a LOT of support since it was introduced. I guess Blizzard took a hint from Discolock and they support new archetypes a lot faster now.
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I love this. A brand new effect, and a pretty good one, situationally of course. Run this in ANY big minions deck for late-game power.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
The more I think about this card, the more powerful it is.
Take the deck in my signature. Lorekeeper GRANTS me the next order:
And I might consider adjusting the deck a bit in order to optimize that even more.
Basically this is another deckbuilding enhancer, which I like a lot.
Instacraft found.
The effect can be strong, although it requires you to be smart and also build your deck in a certain way. Played at a bad time can ruin your deck. It will guarantee you to draw your expensive cards now when you want them, which is good. At the same token, it will turn off access to your cheap utility cards.
It's a very unique card for sure, and one to be experimented with. It'll either be a complete flop, or absolutely insane. Not that much in-between room.
This looks like a better designed Prince Keleseth to me. While Lorekeeper Polkelt requires more deck alterations to take advantage of the battlecry than Doctor 2, draw consistency is very powerful. Here are a couple of use cases off the top of my head:
-Quest Warlock can more consistently discount Malygos or Alexstrasza.
-Totem Shaman already runs a low curve that caps at 5. With the new addition of Totem Goliath, playing Lorekeeper Polkelt on 4 will always draw you Totem Goliath the following turn if you don't run Bloodlust. Then you can draw cards to support Totem Goliath in the following turns, whether its Splitting Axe or Vessina.
For glory, honor, and gold!
I really like these deck ordering/manipulation cards. Now if we can add a little more specificity to some future joust cards (reveal a minion in each deck then do something), then we might get better ways to achieve control or combo archetypes.
There's definitely some decks that wants this effect, and its very cool, but there may also be enough disruption that ordering your cards just ends up overly broadcasting your hand and hurting you in the long run.
Don't know about standard, but this will be bonkers in wild, simply by the Giant sinergy. As Regis said in the reveal video, Giant's costs only get reduced when drawn, so if you're at 10 health and you have a Molten Giant in your deck, it will cost 20 until you draw it. That means it will put on top Arcane Giant and Mana Giant for Quest Mage, Flesh Giant for Evenlock, Molten Giant for Thekal Aggro Paladin and Evenlock, Snowfury Giant for Aggro Overload Shaman and so on. This might be the new Naga Sea Witch, i hope not.
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Seems gimmicky, it's hard to tell really. Combo will probably appreciate this, maybe control and possibly some aggro with high-cost finishers. Overall a really interesting card, interested to see what happens with it.
Is this worth a shoe?
Bon appetit!
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Interesting card - not sure right now what the best way is to use his ability. Defenitely has potential!
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Gotta build around this one to make the best of him, but any slow deck should take benefit from the lorekeeper.
I agree with Regis' assessment:
Not a must craft card for me but it's on the next tier.
This card is straight-up broken in demon hunter. You can fetch Skull of Gul'dan and then pretty much guaranteed to have that 9 mana discount. Enjoy getting bursted by 2 mana Glaivebound Adept and Soulshard Lapidary.
I eat your fast food spare changes when you sleep.
A new Hemet, Jungle Hunter. You must build your deck around it, but can be strong enough. Niche card
Golden craft for my Mecha'thun deck. :D
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Neutrals just feel so good this expansion
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
I'm really gonna love using this card for combos
Love the effect, can maybe cause some crazy plays like Holy Wrath Paladin.
looks like a meh card that you play if you are already winning... maybe on otk/combo decks
All hail the banshee queen.
Better than [Hearthstone Card (Hemet, Jungle Hunter) Not Found]. Good addition.
A very interesting effect.
Stats are right for the cost, and it's a great topdeck. Won't break the meta, but I like this one a lot.
Everyone is losing their mind over this, but I think we are going to have to see it in action before we know for sure.
I initially thought this was going to be super strong (and I'm excited to try out some ideas with it), but, after learning about the "shuffling after the ordering ruins the ordering" part of the card, I less confident in its strenght.
I'm think this will be a really strong card in Even Warlock (which I'm totally going to be trying out), and I'm excited to see what ideas the community comes up with to push the limits of this card.
I'm most excited with the fact that Team 5 is pushing new and never-before-seen ideas into Hearthstone.
I love how they put a sorting algorithm in his flavor text. Maybe is the source code of hearthstone itself lol
I can see this getting a lot of play. A very powerful effect, especially in a deck like quest warlock.
Interesting card
I can see ppl getting confused when they combine Polkelt with other shuffle mechanics like soul fragments and don't understand why their deck isn't ordered by mana cost anymore xD
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
I can't wait to see what sort of shenanigans this card gets up to. In standard, and definitely in wild.
Interesting design. I think this is most likely a Quest Warlock tool to try and guarantee you get the most value from your new hero power.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Tech card that will make Mecha'thun decks much easier. Draw Mecha'thun because of it, then Hemet, Jungle Hunter and clear the rest of your deck out. I hate it with a passion already.
Super strong card for control or highlander decks, will surely fit in at least some of them.
Holy Wrath Paladin, away! This card screams combo at the top of its lungs.
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