New Druid/Shaman Spell - Lightning Bloom
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Common Druid/Shaman Spell, Lightning Bloom, has been revealed!
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A new Common Druid/Shaman Spell, Lightning Bloom, has been revealed!
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Unless it's for a combo it's neutral in terms of mana.
are there overload synergies in standard?
now you can play tunnel trogg into 4 mana 7/7 on the same turn(you play 2 of this) in wild..
ben brode junior is done for..
Oh it's also even.. RIP WILD.
Turn 1 5/3 and 7/7? Seems fair.
By The Holy Light!
Innervate is back, and shamans have it too.
Shamans will now have access to a whole world of combos that don't exist yet, and at least one of them is guaranteed to involve mecha'thun. Maybe good, maybe not, but I'm looking forward to trying it out.
And yet another 0-cost spell for druids. I guess.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Now this looks pathetic in comparison to what this cards makes possible XD.
7/3 and a 7/7 cause you are overloading for 6.
This card is NUTS in wild. This card is also amazing in standard! This lets druid Innervate or Coin into Lightning Bloom into Overgrowth to ramp a lot. This also basicly "Removes" the downside for druid. For shaman this might be usefull for OTK? Probably good for Malygos Shaman, as you will be able to use malygos without lowering costs, and just cast a bunch of 1 mana spells thanks to mana generated by Lightning Bloom.
Generally 0 mana cards find a way to break the game, but i'm sure this might be THE most broken 0 cost card we have seen so far. (and we thought 0 mana Twin Slice was broken.)
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
I don't really think it's THAT broken, but it will be used in every OTK Druid or Shaman deck for the rest of eternity, yeah.
Looks super strong on paper because its just pre-nerf innervate with some overload and since its 0 mana once again spellburst effects!
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Very interesting trade off. You get extra mana this turn, but at the cost of having that much less mana next turn. This looks worthy of experimentation to me.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
I can see it in some shaman decks, because they can get benefits from/get away with the overload mechanic. But in a druid - it kinda feels lacking (especially in standard). I remember that floop's gloop legendary spell never saw much attention by the druids and I guess this one won't either. The dead next turn makes it so much different than innervate in my opinion.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
I've seen this card several times on HearthCards as a Shaman card, so it's cool to actually see it in the game now, and as a dual-class card.
I don't think it's too strong, but it has some potential.
Well, obviously there's combo potential here. Druid getting old Innervate back (even with the Overload downside) is nothing to laugh at. Theere are a lot of game ending combos in this game that can potentially be pulled off by just having some free extra mana.
If Shaman has some sort of Overload payoff this can be huge. Hell, even if they don't it's still worth to run this just to cheat out some swing cards (like the buffed The Lurker Below, imagine dropping that thing on 4 against some Demon hunter and wiping their board completely)
In Druid it obviously helps big Druid in the early game (a lot of the time you lose by having to pass one turn because you didn't draw big guys on curve and this is a better option than Innervate). Hell maybe Quest Druid can make a return with this (how does the Quest work with overloaded mana crystals? Do they count as unspent?)
Honestly this has a great amount of applications. Mana cheating has only gotten stronger as the game evolved.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
but it's balancced because they have to pass turn 2 :^)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Turn 1 Vicious Fledgling flashbacks. I hope the Overload will be a decent downside this time... but it might be an upside for Aggro Shaman, oh man, this card is actualy kinda scary.
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At some point this will be nerfed to 1 mana, or to only refresh mana crystals. Why isn't it just refresh mana crystals though? Its effectively a turn 1 5 drop that immediately ends the game in some cases. Oh, and the paltry fact that they have to skip development on turn 2 is quite moot considering both shaman and druids always had poor turn 2s anyway.
Beyond this there's always ramp for combo potential, like in totem shaman, where its always just 1 mana crystal away from doing truly ridiculous turns.
I want to like this, but this is almost inevitably going to cause problems in standard at some point.
Absolutely great for Wild Big Shaman. You can get that 8-mana Big minion Walking Fountain out early or 4-mana Corrupt Elementalist or 5-mana Galakrond.
First thing comes to mind are OTK builds for both classes.
Maybe a burn spell shaman can become a thing. This card will offer a lot of burst.
This card has its uses in combo decks, or to get some extra tempo with Overload synergies. But I am not sure if it will be worth it overall. I had little hope for Biology Project, and somehow I feel this card will go down a similar road. Overall the net value is 0, but you had to spend a card on it which makes it poor card advantage.
*edit* The more I think about this card, the more powerful I think it is. 4/5 stars.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Mana cheating is always strong. This card will make new combos possible and mostly replace innervate in those decks. Shaman with overload synergy will do well with this too. Definitely will be strong. Still the overload keeps it in check enough that despite strong burst, outside of game winning combos, this card will be punishing enough to keep it balanced.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
This card is strong. Ridiculously strong. Like you might not see it until the Shaman slams Malygos then uses 2 of these to cheat out a bunch of burn spells that kill you strong. Malygos OTK is officially back in Standard.
Bonkers nut balls. Honestly, the power level in these first bi-class cards is a little through the roof. Lots of nerfs are going to be coming again with this expansion.
Combo piece for swing turns or to get off your Overgrowth early. Also, Spellburst minions and Kael'thas Sunstrider LOVES 0-mana spells!
Giving shaman innervate is insane. I don’t think standard can abuse that, but wild has even shaman which was already tier 1. That archetype already has a few new tools, but this card is definitely the card to ner
Beautiful in its simplicity.
Pre-nerf Innervate was great, so Lightning Bloom will be great. The overload probably isn't that important in Druid since you can ramp ahead of this and mitigate the overload, and in Shaman the overload may even be advantageous - turn 3 Cumulo-Maximus is a crazy tempo play.
Again, seems really good with Kael'thas, but aside from that I don't see where this would get play, druid never wants to have overload and shaman does not have a current standard archetype that would use this.
There's something wrong with this whole dual class stuff. This card is extremely powerful clearly but it benefits mainly Shaman. I'm sure that Druids aren't exactly excited to have overload on their cards. Ramping and gaining extra mana is something that Druids already do. The benefit feels kinda one sided. Druid gains nothing from this card. It's the same problem with Wand Thief. It's great for Rogue but Mage doesn't really gain anything from it. It doesn't provide an unique benefit and the combo aspect is a downside to Mages. This doesn't feel right in the slightest.
"True mastery takes dedication."
The only real problem with this card is Big Shaman, which is already annoying enough in Wild.
Aside from that, I can't see it being exceedingly threatening, it's more like a sidegrade in Even Shaman and Combo Druid.
I guess we're gonna see more Plague of Murlocs...
Mana cheating is always good ...
With coin you can cast Overgrowth immediately ... who cares if you have to skip turn 2? I most of cases Druids turn 2 is just hero power ...
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Absolutely a very strong card.
This card is just strong, the overload cost is negligible for the mana cheat you'll be able to perform with this.
Cards like Kael'Thas and Exotic Mount Seller can use this to set up combos and cheat out big boards, and Malygos will have the extra mana to deliver a board clear when he lands or deliver lethal
Imprisoned Satyr -> hits Malygos -> Swipe -> this card -> another Swipe -> 2x Moonfire = 30 damage OTK
You just can't ingore how much potential stuff you can do with this.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
This card will break the game at some point.
(0) mana cards are dangerous ...
... Now abusable is two different classes !
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Good grief, this with Spell Druid is gonna be nuts. Mountseller pop-offs are gonna even easier and nuttier to pull of.
I like that this enables double Shudderwock Battlecry in wild with Quest HP.
As an avid HS fan card maker, this is part of the numerous concepts I thought about but discarded because it would be too OP, only to see Blizz later adding it to the game. Same thing for Frazzled Freshman.
Great to combo with the Shaman return a spell to your hand guy. Lots of mana early on, but that overload is gonna hurt.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
This feels like a nerf candidate in the future, I'm gonna hoard copies of these.
Even Shaman will love this in Wild, and it's yet another spell that could enable some crazy Kael'thas Sunstrider combos.
My Shaman deck pines for this card. Can it enter my collection any time sooner, please? Jokes aside, I think this is a great card. The Overload is worth having 2 additional mana when you really need it (or 4, for that matter).
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
Actually turn 1 7/3 and 7/7 ( Trogg gets +2 power for each Lightning Bloom and also +2 for the 7/
I dont like this card :)
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Broken Card imo. Blizzard nerfed Innervate for a reason...
Super strong and the overload effect can be sometimes not significant (thank to the huge tempo play that this card enable) or maybe used in a shaman deck to activate some other effects!
Well.. well.. we got the ground work of some combo here and now.. let's wait and see what more scholomance have in store
Well that’s gonna be part of some broken combo in the future, I just know it. Beyond the combo uses though, probably won’t see all too much play
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
I'm guessing the playability of this card (especially in Druid) is dependant on how aggressive the meta is, mostly because I expect it to be used mostly on OTK combo decks, where the Overload will be less impactful.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
WAY too strong. This card will almost always be used for some OTK Maly deck.
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Innervate is back baby!
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
This is going to have really strong effects
Best card of the set WITHOUT QUESTION.....its just that insane man...
Like a pre nerf innervate with overload making abit more balanced
All hail the banshee queen.
Well this might end up being the most broken broken broken card in the set. Some really awful combos are now viable.
I love this card so much. I've always been a huge fan of spell-focused shaman decks and this card helps enable that so much. I'm not sure how viable this card will be, but it seems decent in spell druid to help make them faster. It'll be interesting to see what this card enables.
Cardboard wizard and dog haver.
I'm betting this is going to allow for some disgusting turns.
Obviously broken.
They nerfed Innervate for a reason. Now that there are so many other strong cards that revolve around combos, this card will be game-breaking.
They're going to have to nerf it, but I don't really see how they can nerf it at this point...
So much power!
Is there anything to add that hasn't been said already? This is an auto-include for any combo deck, and well worth considering for other decks as well. I'd run it over Innervate in a heartbeat.
What'll be interesting is seeing what Shaman can accomplish with this. We know how Druid feels about it, but it's a new space for Shaman.
Welcome to the site!
Guaranteed to be broken, especially with Guardian Animals. The streamers already proved it.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Could be overload (10) and still see play in some OTK deck. Hell, could be "lose the game" when your turns ends" and still be playable. Not that I'm against it, but this is exactly the kind of card that makes the non interactive games Blizz wants to avoid so much. Or anyone thinks we are only casting Druid of the Claw on turn 3 with this?
This common card will surely see play in both classes. This card looks good in golden also.
It enables some degenerate Kael combos on druid
Wild is about to get really wild(er) with the addition of this card. I am looking forward to playing some really good Shudderwock combo games using this to push out some of the big cards early or an easy double battlecry hero power into Shudderwock on turn 9. Although there are also minions to make your next hero power cost 0. This is just another way to pull that off and it's more flexible.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Absolutely a scary card. It's more of a Druid card than a Shaman card in my eyes as Druid has more spell synergies, but I still see some Tempo Shaman strategies running this. Pre-nerf Innervate was a staple in virtually every Druid deck of its time. I imagine that the overload might make this not work out in some decks, but those decks are few in number at most. Overall, the tempo and combos Lightning Bloom enables will make it a staple in most decks of both classes.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Innervate is back, even if it has a trade-off. This is an auto-include in Shaman and Druid decks, I believe.