Souls Just Wanna Have Fun

Last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by
  • Fun

I have about an 82% win rate currently and climbed from Bronze 10 to Gold 7 in a couple of hours. Use Double Jump any time you need to try to remove a card from the opponent's hand. Face is the place, primarily. This deck pushes a lot of face damage with the hero, allowing the minions to focus on clearing when needed, and helping put pressure on the board. Always good to be holding a Magehunter, save for later game taunt/effect if possible. Vulpera Scoundrels are the "float cards". (Can take out to give the deck your own spin/flavor.) Might consider switching in a Youthful Brewmaster for 2x Star Student Stelina shenanigans. (or Soulciologist Malicia) Please let me know thoughts and changes you would make! I want to push this deck to the next level.

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  • Banto's Avatar
    60 1 Posts Joined 06/20/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I have taken this deck to Diamond rank and the changes i made were:

    I removed Mo'arg Artificer, Star Student Stelina, and Lorekeeper Polkelt. Well, i don't have Lorekeeper Polkelt and can't gauge his power-level. But, i am assuming he isn't helpful because he will only top deck board-clears. The deck was too slow for me.

    I added Battlefiendx2 and Demon Companionx2. These cards help me pushed board early with some tempo and then setup for a destructive midgame. 

    Curve Combos:

    Turn 1 Battlefiend; Turn 2 Hero Power/Spirit Jailer

    Turn 1 Spirit Jailer; Turn 2 Demon Companion Hero Power

    Turn 1 Minion; Turn 2 removal. 

    The current deck has two 1 mana minions. Which means you can only hero power or play Spirit Jailer on turn 1 and removal for Turn 2. You lose to aggro and tempo by turn 3. With my current alterations you are putting more pressure on opponents, fighting for early board effectively, and steam rolling control decks. 

    Vulpera Scoundrel shines in this deck. It adds enough value to where the opponent cannot play around you. Demon Hunter's cards are so high poweredm but they all can't fit into a deck. There were so many matches especially against Paladin/Priest/Warrior where i discovered Inner Demon and hit face for 9 two turns in a row. 

    This is the better deck i have come across. All the others draw way too much and eliminate the benefits of soul shards. You have a great understanding of the mechanic. You also know that Glide and Skull of Gul'dan are really all you need; and can be easily tutored. 

  • elbkind's Avatar
    655 47 Posts Joined 03/15/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    How is the deck performing now? Did you push any further on the ladder?

  • turkeybasterchampion's Avatar
    Island 45 1 Posts Joined 08/07/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I wonder what this would look like in Wild....


    Solid deck for Standard though. Only problem I've had so far is the new Warrior deck.

  • TristanSylus's Avatar
    45 1 Posts Joined 08/07/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Dude....this deck is actually pretty damn strong. I like the idea of making the only Outcast cards be the hand disruption ones. Solid idea and a lot of fun to play. I'd suggest taking out the Scorpid, Demon Companion and Scoundrel. Maybe play the Murloc for trade damage? Look at a couple of early game minions to slide in the slot for the other two. 


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