Whats your guess for the other QUESTS in SOU?
I'm thinking priest could be play X deathrattles again with double rattle passive as reward thought they may want to change it up from the old quest.
Priest: might be something like : HEAL X damage. reward: Hero power heal 3 and random enemy takes 2 damage.
Rogue might be assassinate X minions. reward: passive: kill a minion get a coin and a random spell (from any class)
Mage, Cast 3 spells in one turn 3 times. reward: passive: all spells you draw gain twinspell
Hunter: Play X spells reward put a random hunter spell in your hand at the end of every turn.
Paladin: Play X minions with 1 attack. Passive: All minions played gain attack equal to their health
Warrior: Play X rush minions: Passive All your minions have +1 attack and reborn.
Just guesses.
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I'm thinking priest could be play X deathrattles again with double rattle passive as reward thought they may want to change it up from the old quest.
Priest: might be something like : HEAL X damage. reward: Hero power heal 3 and random enemy takes 2 damage.
Rogue might be assassinate X minions. reward: passive: kill a minion get a coin and a random spell (from any class)
Mage, Cast 3 spells in one turn 3 times. reward: passive: all spells you draw gain twinspell
Hunter: Play X spells reward put a random hunter spell in your hand at the end of every turn.
Paladin: Play X minions with 1 attack. Passive: All minions played gain attack equal to their health
Warrior: Play X rush minions: Passive All your minions have +1 attack and reborn.
Just guesses.
well i i ha some quick guesses but it is hard to say
paladin may involve divine shields
warrior may involve armor or weapons
hunter may involve secrets or spells in general.
mage may involve doing damage with spells
rogue might involve shuffling cards into decks or poisonous
priest may involve silencing minions
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EDIT: I doubt Hunter's quest will be focused on spells, as it can be recast with Zul'Jin and spells in hunter can be quickly unbalanced at the moment because of him.
"I'm not scared, you're scared!" - A random talking Chicken
I've been wondering about it myself and it is to be considered that the quests use the respective League of EVIL/Explorers members as tthematic inspiration.
I feel like Priest could be something like "Heal yourself for X" to receive a passive hero power that forces the opponent to play with an open hand (since madame lazul is all about seeing the future and predictions and her minion version has to do with the opponent's hand as well)
For rogue I assume it could be something like "play x cards from another class" to gain a hero power like the advanture's "yoink" since rogue historically is the only class that doesn't feel broken with insane value generation due to its lack in AOE and healing
Rogue is gonna get a bad quest. After caverns below they can’t give rogue a halfway decent one sadly.
wish they would bring stealth back to rogue in some way.
Would like a play X combo cards hero power becomes give a minion stealth but I doubt that would be grea
Gets to legend then plays memes.
Rogue > all
Caverns were decent for a short time with the pirate deck.. but for sure I hope they make something decent, perhaps play X amount of stealth minions = your minions have + 1/1 and stealth
Let me light the way.
Rogue quest is irrelevant since the community will just complain about whatever new rogue deck comes out and just get it nerfed into the ground like many previous rogue decks.
it is quite BS how rogue has gotten the shaft for years.
honestly it’s another reason why we need a rotating set of core cards so that one class doesn’t always have an advantage
Gets to legend then plays memes.
Rogue > all
Hunter - Most likely something to do with mechs since they have a lot of those synergies going on at the moment.
Rogue - Could have something related to the lackeys, they get the most utilization out of them (IMO) and if I'm remembering correctly were getting more lackeys with each expansion.
Paladin - Since Paladin was so prevalent in 2018 it might get a slightly weaker/more difficult quest so other classes canstill shine.
Mage - Umm, maybe something with summoning minions from spells? That kind of seems to fit their jive right now.
Priest - Based on looking at current standard cards, a quest idea I can see right away would be "Summon X minions trhat didn't start in your deck." (Big Priest buff lol)
Warrior - Fuckin' bombs or armor or something I don't know with Warrior anymore.
As for any of the rewards, I just can't think of any.
Twitch for those of you who care.
It's funny because this is exactly what people said about The Caverns Below before Un'Goro was launched. I remember one person even said that if Crystal Core was a collectable card, it still wouldn't see play. Of course, this is obviously horribly wrong.
After Dr. Boom, Mysterious Challenger, The Caverns Below, Prince Keleseth, Possessed Lackey, Genn and Baku, you learn that you can't trust anyone's opinions of cards pre-release. Not even your own. Cards look "interesting" or "fun to try out", but we never know if they're actually good or bad until release.
Priest Quest: " play 7 cards from your opponents deck, reward: 'hero power name', Passive hero power; Your healing effects damages instead"
Warrior Quest "kill 15 minions in your turns, Reward: 'hero power name', Hero Power: Deal 1 damage to a minion and give it 2 attack"
Rogue Quest "Trigger 8 deathrattles of your cards, Reward: 'hero power name', Hero Power: Trigger a friendly deathrattle"
Paladin Quest: " Lose 10 Divine shields on your minions Reward: 'hero power name' Hero Power: Give a friendly minion Divine Shield"
Mage Quest: " Play 10 different spells, Reward: 'hero power name', Passive Hero Power: Spell Damage +3"
Hunter Quest: " Play Summon 10 beasts, Reward: 'hero Power name' Passive Hero Power: Your beasts have rush or Summon a Beast that died this game. (even have a name; Rescue pet)"
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Why unbalanced ? It doesn't even provide benefits and just waste of a secret room. completing 2nd Uldum quest would be only reactivate your used hero power. Getting same hero power twice doesn't provide any benefits.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I think the priest one will involve a resurrect. Like 2 mana resurrect a minion that died this game or turn.
I think that they are really heavily trying to follow the blueprint for each classes identity Warlock draw Shaman battlecry etc. So i think you should expect more class conforming quests and legendaries for that matter.
And whatever they end up being, they’ll probably be watching out for the power level on them a lot more.
Something a bit interesting to note, whatever the Warrior one ends up being, it probably won’t be run with Boom (since the quests so far have been less game winning stuff like the old ones and more extra value over time). Boom’s hero power is probably gonna be better than whatever it ends up being
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Mages could be "Cast a random Mage Secret"
Paladin could be "Give minions in your hand +1/+1"
Rogue I'm thinking either "Trigger a Deathrattle" or "Passive: Your combo cards no longer need activating"
Priest maybe "Heal all friendly characters for 2 health"
Warrior has to be some kind of "Deal 1 damage to a minion and give it +2 attack"
We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.
Priest one looks too boring to me. I like the quest but the reward doesn't seem fitting as it's already on so many cards. I think the priest quest will be "play 5 of your opponent's cards. Reward: (passive) cards that didn't start in your deck cost 3 less"
I really would like the Hunter reward to be a hero power Lock and Load, but I recognize it would probably be a bad idea.
I really would like the Mage reward to be Unstable Portal hero power, but I recognize it would probably be a bad idea
I really would like the Rogue reward to be a Hallucination hero power, but I recognize it would probably be a bad idea
I really would like that no quest was related to murlocs, and that is probably not a bad idea, but Blizzard might do it regardless
I really would like that the warrior quest wasn't related to rush, but I recognize it would probably be a good idea.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
No clue, but I think the Paladin one is going to involve Murlocs and Hunter is going to be akin to Dinomancy (Brann's Dinosaur really stuck out to me)
My guess for Warrior is "The Super Weapon: Play 4 weapons. Reward: 'Fire away.' 2 mana deal 5 damage randomly split among all enemies."
Ugh i really hope they don't push Murlocs in Paladin again.
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I think you might be onto something with Mage & Rogue.
Probably the mage would be "add random SPELL" rather than minion, but it definitely seems like they trying to get mage back into spell mode.
And I could certainly see the rogue quest being something like "Play 5 cards from another class" and getting the Hallucination power.
As others have said i think the priest power will be Resurrection-related in some way.
My guess on Paladin would be Secrets-related: like "play 6 secrets" and the reward being "Add random secret to your hand/put it into play"
I would love/hate if Warrior was bomb-related: "Shuffle 5 bombs into your opponent's deck" gets you a weaker version of Mr. Chu's power from the Heist (either shuffle only 1 mini-bomb, or shuffle 2 but they only do 1-2 dmg)
No idea on Hunter - could be spell related since they leaned into that pretty hard, but Mech-realted also not impossible.
It seems like the quests are related to legendaries from RoS so:
Priest : Play x amount of cards that didn't start in your deck; Reward: Add a card from your opponent's class to your hand (relates to Madame Lazul, support for Princess Talanji)
Rogue: Play x amount of Lackeys; Reward: Shuffle a minion into your deck (Single target removal, support for Tak Nozwhisker)
Warrior: Shuffle x amount of bombs into your opponent's deck; Reward: absolutely no idea (Warrior already has 4 other hero powers from the Dr. Boom hero card, so surprise us Blizzard)
The "good guys" are harder to predict since we haven't seen the cards for each hero
Paladin: Play x amount of 1-cost cards; Reward: At the end of your turn, add a Murloc to your hand (Paladin has been getting a 1-drop archetype with Prince Liam, Secrets, Crystology, and they're reintroducing Sir Finley - an original 1-drop)
Mage: Play x amount of spells; Reward: For the rest of the game, have x Spell Damage (Mage is becoming more spell-focused, they buffed Unexpected Results so maybe more Spell Damage support?)
Hunter: no clue; Reward: For the rest of the game, your mechs have Magenetize or After you cast a spell, add another spell to your hand (Hunter has been getting Mech and Spell support, but for some reason I feel like they're going for a Beast package with Brann)
I haven't read through all the other predictions, so apologies if I repeated some ideas already.
Well it's over
As much as I would love rogue to get a Hallucination hero power, I really don't think the game needs another infinite value hero power to be added when the community has spent the entire time since Frozen Throne complaining about them. True, rogue is fragile and has near infinite value already, but still... I'd rather see something related to poisonous or stealth to mix things up a bit.
From what we've seen so far it looks like a common pattern is: Quest: do something you do anyway. Reward: change your hero power to enhance this. Assuming the trend continues I'll go for:
Quest: Destroy X minions. Reward: give a minion poisonous.
If this were the case it could be interesting to see some counter play from the opponent choosing NOT to play minions. I also intentionally allow targeting enemy minions, because again it could open up some interesting plays if you really want to kill off your own minion, thereby playing with the deathrattle side of the class too.
Mage quest: get a board with +12(10? 8? 14?) spell damage Reward: New Hero Power: give a minion +2 spell power
Hunter quest: Do not trade with minions or weapons for 6 turns
Reward: New hero power (2 mana): Summon Huffer
I do what I must, when I must. Know this well.