New Neutral Minion - Mor'shan Watch Post
Submitted 3 years, 9 months ago by
A new Rare Neutral Minion, Mor'shan Watch Post, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Neutral Minion, Mor'shan Watch Post, has been revealed!
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They just remove this with a spell, and if you have both watch posts then they probably have mana for big AOE
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Better than the other watch tower.
token generator, probably good for token strategies with the other watch post
Watch posts, taunts, minion buffing, silence sigils...
Let's get weird.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
This could actually be annoying to classes like Rogue that likes to play many low cost minions. But it's mostly useless against mage/warlock.
Better than the other watchtowert. But not that much better
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
kind of a soft taunt.
I don't know if I can see where they are trying to go with these posts.
Interesting design but not sure if it will be played. Too slow
If you could have both Watchtowers as once, way better. Neither is great on its own.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Wonder what Alliance Barracks version will be.
Its not entirely impossible that this becomes one of the most hated card in this expansion. Play this on 3 and your opponent is forced to throw everything they have into it or play no minions to deny you value. With 5 health, its likely to survive a good deal of spell removals, and with 3 attack its likely to kill anything trading into it around turns 3-5.
One of the best watch post cards, if not the best. I mean there's only 2 of them at time of writing :)
Arena says yes, constructed is unsure.
I still like the flavor.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Better than the other Watch Tower, but still not good.
Good card
Not good against mages or priest but definitely could do some damage against aggro decks
Mor'shan Watch Post is definitely the better of the two Watch Posts. Getting a bunch of 2/2s is just generally better than getting one or two small buffs, and your opponent is way more likely to be playing some minions over spells.
This is probably not a good idea, but one deck that might like this is Silence Priest. Turn 3 play Mor'shan Watch Post. Your opponent plays one or two minions on turn 4, giving you some extra value. Turn 4 play Focused Will and now your Watch Post is a 3/8 that can trade along with those extra 2/2s. You don't get more 2/2s, but the first pass already got you some decent tempo.
This is a very, very, very good card to play on 3. How many cards can remove it at that mana cost? Shadow Word: Pain is gone, so just Devolving Missiles and . . . just that? Coin into Coerce, maybe?
When you play a Control deck, you're always weighing whether it's worthwhile to take face damage from the ickle tokens or use your board clear, whether you spend resources to save health or spend health to save resources. Just playing this card on curve sets an unprepared (and as discussed, they will almost always be unprepared (thanks Illidan)) opponent back two turns. One turn to kill Mor'shan Watch Post, and then one turn to kill the tokens that were generated in the process.
Honestly, looking at this card fries my brain. It'll be a core card to a whole host of archetypes, like Tar Creeper but better.
Better call Thrall!
The better of the two watch towers for sure. In a world where Lackeys were still around, this would be backbreaking. As is, we'll have to see if the meta is sufficiently dependent on playing minions.
easy remove
This actually might be decent. Restricting your opponent of playing minions can sometimes be strong and the bonus you get is decent. Even though it can't attack, they will have to kill it if the ability is problematic for them.
A good card, will force the opponent to get rid of it first.
The better of the two towers. Could see a little play for token generation and to set up a later Kargal Battlescar
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
I guess it depends on the opponent, but it seems to me that if you don't get this out right away, it's going to have zero impact because it's so easily removed later in the game.
An early one could be problematic if you don't have the right spells. Does that make it a great card? No, I think that just makes it an inconsistent card.
It has a chance to be good enough. The 2/2s help early game, and forcing your opponent to trade into 3/5 is pretty annoying
Very nice statlines to force your opponent remove it
This is a good anti-aggro tool, but that's just about it I guess. It might not even be that good in that role since it only summons 1 2/2 Grunt, whatever that is.
Significantly better Watch Tower. Demands an answer from aggressive decks, and a 3/5 that early might not be as trivial to remove as they'd like. Has potential to see actual play.
Conceptually and thematically, the watch posts are very cool. I also don't think it's much of a problem that they can't attack, because their effects make them priority kill targets for most decks. I also wouldn't be surprised to see a card that lets them "shoot", kind of like Blackhowl Gunspire. This one seems like the weaker of the two so far.
if you cannot give them taunt they are useless
The other Watch Tower gets better with this, summoning minions. They curve into each other as well.
At first I thought it's a meeh card, but if you think longer about this one...
I'm not online it's just your imagination
Slightly better than the epic one, but I´m not really interested in this type of cards, I´ll not use them in my decks.
♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022
bah ... I don't see it in a competitive deck
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Better than the other tower
If they release a card that let's the Watch Posts attack, then they are good
Is it better? A watch post deck will be at the beginning of the expansion. Will die after? :) You still need minion that attack
Finally some buildings in the game.Great for tokens could see this in warlock also for some token sacrifice.In warrior as in the epic video looks great.Will see if it's slow or just meh.
New idea
Rogue DH
I would love to see that at a constructed cooperative brawl.
Meh ... not sure about this. Kinda reminds of an MTG Card.
Even with the Watchpost Support from the New Legendary i think this will not see much play.
Edit: I kinda misread the card - so im changing my evaluation of this one from Not good to Decent and could work.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
I have my doubts about this tower cards
I might be in the minority on this, but I like the other watch tower more
Definitely not amazing.
Cant attack (
This seems almost dangerously strong.
I mean, imagine dropping this as Druid on turn 1 (Lightning Bloom) against a Zoo deck. They're just completely and utterly fucked.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
This is a much better watchtower than a other one. It's got better stats than Skybarge and the 5 health makes it slightly challenging for your opponent to remove straight away. Might see play, but not holding my hopes up.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Watch post synergy could potentially spawn a new archetype
Very annoying card to play against if you're a minion-based tempo deck. I can see this putting in work against some early game strategies like Hunter. Its stats also prevent it from being removed easily by spells. Clearly the better Watch Post.
good card
Kenny's little poet. 😇
I really loe the flavour of the watch towers but they just seem bad honestly
not sure I like any of these watch towers
It should read, "Has 1 attack during your turn" not "can't attack". Too restrictive.
Compared to the other one, this is slightly better, still, not convinced at all.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
It has some soft taunt capabilty and might impair minion-heavy decks a bit, but overall this seems too conditional and weak
English is not my native language, so please excuse occasional mistakes
cheaper Ogremancer for minions,i like it
I like the fact they print new "buildings" with more than 0 attack. If it drop turn 3 it can be powerfull but played later it will just take a spell on it. That said, force opponent using a 5 damage spell on a 3 drop may be good, its hard to say. But if there is more watch post synergy this could see play, not sure the legendary alone will do it.
Another thing is, in priest this can be silenced to just be a minion with a big body that can be healed and trigger healing effects.
Murlocs <3
Strange card, very situational, might play in egg-type strategy
Pretty good control card. Helps a LOT against aggro, because you can trade the tokens into the minions your opponent plays. Also Mor'shan Watch Post has some REALLY good stats, which makes it very sticky. Aggro/midrange decks probably can't clear it immediatly when you play in on turn 3. Also remember that Defender of Argus is in the core set, so you can turn 3 Mor'shan Watch Post into turn 4 Defender of Argus. That can be quite annoying for aggro/midrange decks to get rid off.
I'm glad to see so many anti-FACE tools, hopefully i can finally have some more fun in HS instead of "survive hyper aggro, the stress filled 'adventure'."
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Would this be good in a control deck?
I like this because of how annoying it is for your opponent. You are basically forcing them to trade before playing any minions, effectively giving this taunt. If your opponent doesn't have any minions on the board then they might be able to kill it with a spell, but if not then this is a major inconvenience for them. I don't think this will be played much competitively, but it looks like fun.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
This will probably be pretty good or pretty bad depending on the meta. 3/5 is decent for 3 mana so seems okay.
Seems that only demonhunter with sigils is prepared for the towers
Those cards will make my opponents (and me) thinking a lot before playing a card, like a chess game! But where are the Bishops? Lol
For The HORDE!
Would have made a great totem
Let's see how watch posts behave, because they don't have immediate impact and are just reactive, you depend on your opponent, so if he manage to play around the posts you are dead
If the opponent is aggro it can be difficult to remove this and you can drop it in control and protect it, I think this is pretty solid.
It is much better than the other one, but I still don't know when you would play a card like this. In a lot of match ups this will almost be a dead card. In others this could be strong but its a 3 mana do nothing the turn its played against those decks and those decks will usually be hurling everything at your face from turn 1.
watch post cards have great stats for their cost. even though they cant attack, their effect will make your opponent want to destroy them, so they gonna have to fight with those great stats. therefore, I expect this archetype to work.
this is the better watch post card imo btw
I think if it doesn't say "with rush" or something, that means they are plain 2/2s. If you get this down turn 3, that may not matter all that much. Unless your opponent has Lightning Storm handy or something.
I feel like Mor'shan Watch Post can be used against minion based tempo decks the way Ogremancer can be used against spell based tempo decks, as a tech to make them bleed. Not amazing, but nor terrible.
If anything, against minion decks, he's like a 3/5 Taunt with an upside.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Wow, I appreciate everyone's optimism in the comments, but this card is pure garbage that will never see play. 4 stars for creativity.
It seems an ok card, but heavily opponent dependent.
At this point I have spent too much money on these games to quit.
Now pass me another pack, and lets see what I pull.
Way better than the other watch post but idk how strong it'll be
4 Mana 7/7
Played on 3, this is really annoying engine to deal with. Really good tech against aggro, let alone tower synergy.
Should be a 3 mana 4-6 and it would be good
This is definitely the better watchpost and it will synergizes well with Rally. It is a solid 3 drop that creates 2 drops, so you don't even need many other minions to have a decent rally.
Synergy counterpart Ep.
Seems pretty good on paper, but feels polarizing? Either they trade/remove it (ok card, no big deal) or they're in trouble. Hard to say how often the latter will happen, but keep an eye out for this one.
I like the theme of the watch tower and this is better of the 2. Not sure on it's overall value though.
Best value I think is dropping this on curve and will auto generate tokens to contest the board.
Neat !
hm, could be fun
Yay! I have been looking forward to at building type of minion and I'm glad they went this way with WC3 Watch Towers making a comeback. Decent and flavorful card.
I cannot imagine this being bad. Your opponent will have to deal with it unless they are a combo deck.
It's not bad per se, but on the weak side for constructed. Again, an emerging neutral Watchpost archetype should be enabled by other cards revealed by the end of the season, so I'd say we wait on this one
A bunch of vanila 5/5 minions is not enough to be good at t7 (at best), they need taunt/rush to be viable.
By The Holy Light!
Plays a bit like Ogremancer but I don't think it's nearly as good since there's not that much decks it counters.
It's like that stupid watch tower from Witchwood... IT saw minimal play but nothing crazy. This is something that will only be seen with the memes and that saddens me.
I guess this could be a handy anti aggro tool. Although it takes up a board spot, it can at least match most zoo type minions to clear them out. Something like token druid could outvalue it, but it would at least give you a chance to even things up.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
The watch posts will be interested to see used. I think they will be varied, and only really shine in a few archetypes. I don't see them being top tier, but probably pretty fun.
Don't know that 2/2s make up for the tempo loss of playing this when it can't attack.
Posting in this post about a post card.
Good vs most aggro.
better than the other watchpost, and can shut down aggro decks that are heavily minion based - might not be good enough to make it into normal decks though
Probably the best of 3 Watch Posts. Sometimes, this one might even be the right pick in an Arena draft.
Arena > Wild > Standard
Best Watch Post, in my opinion. Seems like it could be a tech card in certain metas and certain decks like how Ogremancer came in as a way to counter Weapon Rogue. It probably isn't going to be very strong, but there's always a chance.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
A 2/2 doesn't seem that great
Nice watch tower, against agro decks. Good card.
Really strong card, I love the idea behind these Watch Posts
Turns out the Watch Posts are better than I expected, assuming a slower meta.
can be decent in early game
Could see play if the meta is minion-heavy but otherwise I don't think it's impactful enough.
I think watchtowers will see some experimentation in the first week(s?) of the expansion, but will have a hard time staying relevant.
It's a taunt without taunt that sets up a late game strategy, not bad
A decent watchtower that summons minions.
Seems alright... but outside of a dedicated Watch Post deck I don't think this makes the cut.
Welcome to the site!
Lets you keep up with an aggro deck. Nice
good anti aggro
I prefer this one to the other watch post. Are there a lot of ways to remove them? Of course. But that's one less removal you have to worry about, and if they don't have their removal handy then they will either be forced to make awkward decisions, or give you some nice value.
I think that classes will ultimately have more synergistic tools available to them than running these somewhat situational watch posts. There is some potential for Priest and Paladin to bring this back with Rally!, but I also think those classes have better three drops to bring back like Nazmani Bloodweaver and Goody Two-Shields.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Bumping this up to a 5-star card as according to the Grinning Goat this is the best card in Arena. This will decide games if dropped on turn 3 and is also useful later on as a win-more card. It has an effect that can't be ignored but is hard to get rid of due to its overstattedness. They even go as far as saying that it needs to be removed from the draft pool and I wouldn't be surprised if that happened.
I guess I could have made this analysis myself, but I was too thrown off by its constructed potential. Sure, out of the three watch posts this one looks strongest for constructed, but overall this whole watch post package looks like meme material.
Arena > Wild > Standard