New Druid Minion - Thickhide Kodo
Submitted 3 years, 8 months ago by
A new Common Druid Minion, Thickhide Kodo, has been revealed!
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A new Common Druid Minion, Thickhide Kodo, has been revealed!
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This looks like a mountain.
very good stats but not much impact
Seems good enough. It's another recruit target for Oaken Summons while only having 1 less health than Ironwood Golem.
Great replacement in Guardian Druid!
Good with Plaguemaw
4 Mana 7/7
INCREDIBLE card, will 100% see play in Guardian druid, and probably some other druid decks. Seems really good!
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
nice! Could see this in guardian druid too, nice stats, nice deathrattle.
Could absolutely see play in Guardian Druid, replacing Teacher's Pet (if that's even played)
Might also be good in a slower Beast deck with Menagerie Warden.
Just in general efficient defense if needed.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
part of the taunt druid shell
Guardian Druid just celebrated a bit :D Also just a really neat contol card!
I love it. This is probably the most efficient taunt minion in it's mana range. 3/5 is average stats, but then it blocks an additional 5 damage after it dies. This makes it only slightly worse than Khartut Defender, and a whole lot better than Rotten Applebaum. I am sure this will see play somewhere.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Really like these type of cards
This is a massive sustainability tool, taunt and armor gain, plus it synergizes with other new cards.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Taz dingo that heals you for 5? the heal also cant be wasted since this is armor instead? very good card.
Yes, love it, more defensive options please.
this kind of card often find a place is some decks
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
It's good for guardian druid. Very flexible defensive tool.
Very good. Solid respectable stats and armor gain as a bonus. Not a chance of this being weak I feel.
Beast tag is huge. Could summon with Guardian. The best play probably would be to copy with Menagerie Warden, on curve!
Great Taunt Druid card.
At this point I have spent too much money on these games to quit.
Now pass me another pack, and lets see what I pull.
combo decks love taunt+armor cards
OK to be summoned via guardian animals.
Great example of a taunt you want to revive and/or copy.
good card
Kenny's little poet. 😇
Very nice defensive minion and it corrupts Dreaming Drake on curve which is nice.
Wow this is an excellent beast for druid to copy and pull from Guardian Animals. Should see lots of play
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Taunt druid is looking better and better
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Somewhat we already got the "same" card in the neutrals with the same cost but with better health, so it only depends if Beast Druid will be good
easily silenced
Rogue DH
Quite many seem to think this is good for Guardian Druid, but none of the usual suspects rotate. Would you really consider replacing one of the three with this? For me the card is solid, but not that good.
Yolo kodo!
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
hmm taunt druid is becoming real
Unless you really really want that 5 armor off it, this is just unplayable while Guardian Animals is in standard, since Teacher's Pet is arguably the better card.
It also has the distasteful 4 mana cost, which means no kazakus. Oh well, I guess Overgrowth would be too important compared to kazakus anyway.
Might be alright as the 29th and 30th card in a midrangey taunt druid.
ok not great
another decent option for the wall of druid taunts and synergies
Not bad, not bad at all.
Similar effect and even statline to mana cost ratio with Plated Beetle, but these cards serve different purposes. Beetle was a mana curve card for slower decks to help fight aggro, but as far as the Thickhide Kodo goes, it's a midgame board centric card, but the 3/5 statline has fallen out of favor, otherwise Sen'jin Shieldmasta would still see play.
I'm not saying Thickhide Kodo is hopeless, but it probably won't even replace Teacher's Pet unless the meta is insanely aggressive.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Will have its uses, okay card.
Solid defense and armor
Great anti aggro card and it is a beast that is huge for a lot of combo potential.
Good minion for Tempo Taunt Druid, probably their best way to Corrupt Dreaming Drake on curve. I like it a lot. Taunt Druid might end up being a bit too fair to see a lot of play, but I think this boy has a chance in everything but Guardians Druid (where it would obviously interfere with them summoning better Beasts from Guardian Animals).
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
A Sen'jin that gives you 5 Armor is pretty good. But maybe it's not even needed?
Stalling was always a Druid thing along with ramping, so taunt makes sense.
Now adding that DR, awesome card with fair stats and great controlling value.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Stalling was always a Druid thing along with ramping, so taunt makes sense.
Now adding that DR, awesome card with fair stats and great controlling value.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
I don’t think this is quite good enough for Guardian Druid, so without some new broken Beast synergy it probably won’t see play.
Edit 3/23: I looked more carefully at the new Druid cards. Given that it’s basically all Beast and Taunt synergies, yeah, this card will have plenty of support.
nice card for guardian druid
Good card to hit off of guardian animals.
I hope every one is prepared for wall druid.
That's just good. Strong deathrattle, good body for cost. Just a solid card.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
Looks like a decent card for the taunt druid archetype Blizzard is supporting this year.
I almost discounted this one, but the beast tag really rounds this out
lol Plaguemaw indeed, that's a silverlining!
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Solid cheap taunt with great improvement in survivability - will definitely be tried in taunt druid decks
Agreed !
Maybe okay if it can be tutored out, but 4 mana is expensive for such a minor effect
Solid antiaggro tool.
Beast tag, taunt, 5 hp and armor gain.
Great for a lot of archetypes.
By The Holy Light!
Very good beast
I'm not online it's just your imagination
Solid option for either Taunt as well as Beast Druid, might just be good enough for decks that plan to go late game too.
Arena > Wild > Standard
A versatile option for the druid.
Decent enough to see play. Works in some sort of Taunt and Beast Druid.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Perfect for Taunt dudu
I like this card, good stats, taunt and fine deathrattle. Good against aggro.
♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022
Better Sen'jin Shieldmasta.
A good defensive card, if there is too much aggro decks this will give us enough time to reach the late game
Murlocs <3
best card in standard
Good value, could see a lot of play if all new Taunt synergies happen to work out.
Seems great against aggro decks probably one copy in taunt druid.
Love the artwork on this one
More fuel for Guardian Animals. Very solid card that Druid decks could surely use.
A decent taunt if taunt deck actually works out
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Generally a solid card - could easily see play in a Taunt Druid deck that wants to survive an aggro meta.
not too good but no too bad
Decent stats with a deathrattle that makes you even harder to kill when the taunt has finally died. Aggro decks will hate this card.
Solid enough to see play. Can be used in a agro/aggressive meta and maybe in a Guardian Animals deck
A solid defensive option and a beast for a potential synergy as well, some beast synergy was added to the core set. Maybe a beast druid will return.
Good basic stat, but do you really need taunt and armor in druid?
Generically great card, and even fits in GA decks. Would be surprised if it doesn't see play.
Very powerful minion and effect for a wall druid
Solid even outside taunt druid
Anti-aggro tool, the beast tribe puts its over the top, playable in some decks
English is not my native language, so please excuse occasional mistakes
Part of taunt druid. Huge beast, combo with other new cards from expansion
Taunt minion, beast tag. Decent body + extra life via DR. Sounds like an ingredient for taunt or guardian druid!
Seems pretty good in the new Taunt Druid. You can get this out on turn 2 with the new card that reduces Taunt costs.
Strong body, good defensive tool against aggro decks
This will be an interesting card. I like the potential synergies I'm seeing with the Druid legendary that summons (tauntless) copies of taunt minions after they die. There seem to be some good taunts, this one included, that will make it worthwhile.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
I have wanted this minion for so long. That old school taunt package with the 8-mana dude and the 4-mana spell that gives armor... this is so juicy. It all fits! It all fits! I'm so happy. I'm so glad that armor is still part of Druid's identity, weird as it feels. It's fun to play with. And beasts! Ach. This is my favorite card of the set.
Better call Thrall!
Taunt with good stats and armor, really good card!
Pretty solid card.
I've been here a while; just hanging out in the background.
Just a solid dude.
good card
Yum beast taunt nd armor 4/5
just a fine card
Solid taunt, nice DR effect, and it's a beast which can be good for druid. I think we'll see this one showing up in several druid decks.
Solid body for Taunt Druid, if that ever becomes a thing. Even if it doesn't, it's still a nice card that could be considered for some survivability in slower decks.
Very very good card. Good stats, good deathrattle. Rottle applebaum is crying
Good for armor/heal in druid. Seems necessary for slow archetypes like celestial.
Taunt is the druid archetype, so this is very strong!
For The HORDE!
Some nice support for Plaguemaw the Rotting, but not sure if it's enough.
~ An expertly disguised dinosaur
Another card for that Wild Taunt Druid deck I occasionally try and build. Y'know, the kind that isn't streamlined at all but goes hard on a theme. This seems right up that alley.
Welcome to the site!
Good stats. Taunt is good. Protection via death with armor is good too.
Sen'jin Shieldmasta cries in a corner. Having beast synergy takes this up a notch, and the armor from the deathrattle isn't too bad, either. In wild, pairing this with Oaken Summons is a powerful combo.
Taunt + Heal.
Great anti aggro tool for druid that wants to go long.
On one hand, this is a good beast to curve into Menagerie Warden. On the other hand, this isn't a great beast to pull off of the powerful Guardian Animals as even Teacher's Pet has been cut from Guardian Druid. Therefore, I can only see this being played once Guardian Animals rotates out.
For glory, honor, and gold!