New Neutral Minion - Mutanus the Devourer
Submitted 3 years, 7 months ago by
A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Mutanus the Devourer, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Mutanus the Devourer, has been revealed!
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I hate this SO HARD. Five stars. 😈
Flashy card, but the meta actually lacks of combo minions, so looks bad.
By The Holy Light!
Hey look, it's Tickatus 2.0...most likely to be similarly overrated.
Real talk, if you can spend 7-mana to maybe delete a relevant card from your opponent's hand then you're probably already winning. This only matters in Control vs Control matchups at which point we'd actually need a meta where Control decks are not only top tier but also so immensly greedy that pulling a random minion from their hand is a net positive most of the time and not just a huge waste of mana.
The only cards in current decks that you would want to pull with this in a control deck (aka Warrior, Priest, or Warlock) are Lady Liadrin, Rattlegore, Tickatus, [Hearthstone Card (Y'shaarj the Defiler) Not Found], Troublemaker, Illidari Inquisitor and Carnival Clown.
Most of thesee are usually played in decks with enough minions that you will never reliably pull them outside of specific situations. Only Clown, Liadrin and Rattlegore usually end up in situations where you get an obvious chance in which case most other available answers will usually do the trick anyways.
Unless there's some crazy way to duplicate the guy and just munch their entire hand I don't see this being anything beyond a meme.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Dirty Rat is a common sight in Wild. The effect and the taunt keyword is what makes it such a great card, not so much its stats. Mutanus's effect is largely the same considering that eating the card is kind of like having taunt, but it's not like you can play this right before you AoE the board and it cost 5 mana more. That's a lot. Can't wait to try this out in a Reno Shaman alongside a Rat, but I expect it will be to slow.
For Standard I have good hope this can make an impact. Due to it's mana cost only slower decks can run this, but with chances to snipe an opponent's old god, Il'gynoth, Tickatus, or some other key card, I expect all slower decks to strongly consider running this card.
Arena > Wild > Standard
Hmm mostly seems anti-OTK tech, which most people already play Shadow Hunter Vol'jin for. Still Mutanus the Devourer seems too expansive. The only world i will ever think it will see play is in a very control heavy meta... Which is never gonna happen.. (*As a Control Player, this hurts so much..) This seems like interesting tech to use after a warlock plays any 7 cost card (*ahem uncorrupted Strongman), just to destroy their Tickatus.
The other place where it might be nice is in some kind of disruption deck. A deck that might use it is disruption shaman with Shudderwock, just to empty their opponents hand of minions. Also it costs 7 mana, so in wild some memey deck can double the battlecry with Brann Bronzebeard. Hmm maybe some Renolock might slot it in? Meh probably not... But who knows maybe some more memey renolock list might slot it in... But even then it's 7 mana. Most games end before turn 5 in Wild. However if they last longer your probably in a rare control vs control or (slow) OTK vs Control matchup, so there it might be playable?
Not gonna lie, i kinda expected more from "the final boss" of the Wailing Caverns... I won't be surprised if it gets buffed to 6 mana in the future...
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Auto include in any deck. No brainer on the verge of broken
Its certainly a card, but yes, its likely going to be overplayed and overrated.
You can use this to snipe your opponent's win condition, but in doing so you're practically skipping your turn since the big body doesn't have taunt or rush. Also, as this card gains traction, all your opponent needs to be is to simply ensure that he has at least a few minions in hand to prevent this from sniping, and then condemning the mutanus player to not only skip a turn, but with a mediocre body to boot.
Maybe some shenanigans available in rogue, with scabbs, Potion of Illusion, Preparation, and Efficient Octo-bot. But if you can do that generally you're better off with something like new Alex instead.
We can play this in lots of decks on day 1, generate some Trolden clips, and then forget that it is a real thing outside the random times we encounter it on ladder. I like it a lot, I just don't see it getting realistic play.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
I'm a disappointed bean. I was expecting a support card for murlocs, not whatever this thing is. This hurts murloc decks! The pool of minions to randomly generate now has a 7-mana Kirby in it.
This will likely end up in the same position as Silas Darkmoon: while useful in fringe cases, it's not consistent enough to warrant play and will enjoy a shady career in memery with cards like Scargil, Shadowstep, or Shudderwock.
Better call Thrall!
Bad card. But I wanna eat someone's Tickatus so bad, I will probably play it.
Do we know if the "eaten" card is "destroyed" or "removed from game"? Could be relevant for Rez Priest.
I think this card is extremely good and will be fun to play/terrible to play against.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Fun and flavorful card.
Strong effect and people will hate it. However it is slow and unimpactful in an immediate sense. as others have said feels better in control V control match ups.
I am sure peoe are wishing Jaraxxus was still a minion right now.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
Not going to lie, I like the design of this one.
Its also mildly annoying and/or disruptive for your opponent, which is also a plus
... unless you are against it and see your combo piece getting wasted !
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
It's probably not balanced and it will infuriate people for sure, but I love both the concept and the fact that the developers still add some crazy stuff to the game.
5 stars.
I realy like this one. A nice disruption tool - and i guess the "eaten" minion will be destroyed right ?
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Very cool disruption mechanic, not to mention it'll require some skill to know when to play it and eat a crucial minion in the opponent's hand. I'd say it's similar to Shadow Hunter Vol'jin in that regard, but can only target opponent's minions. Ofc this card is complete trash against the prevalent no minion mage and spell token druid decks.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
A big version of Dirty Rat. I think the bigger mana cost limits this from seeing play, because it can't disrupt many faster combos. The one saving grace is that this is always a 2-for-1, where dirty rat does not generate card advantage. Definite maybe for lategame decks if mecha-thun lists become viable.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Cool card, but way too slow. 7 mana pile of stats of which you can't guarantee it is a big pile of stats is pretty bad.
A card that eats minions from the hand, not the board. That's a first. Probably costs too much to be really good, and you probably often not hit their key minion.
I really like the idea of this card. The meme's alone would be worth it, but it offers something that isn't seen often.... opponent hand destruction. Whether it wrenches out a killer minion like Lady Liadrin or just a watchpost, it is something that Hearthstone hasn't been using... and for good reason. With other TCGs, hand destruction is the bane of pretty much any and all players. When this grabs something good, regardless of the stats, it is sure to illicit a complaint or two. When it grabs a mediocre minion, in hopes it is something that will give it some health as well.
Combo disruption! This will be played in most decks at the start, then people will find out it's way to slow and then it will only get played in Control decks like Tickatus Warlock.
Really cool card.