New Warlock Spell - The Demon Seed
Submitted 3 years, 8 months ago by
A new Legendary Warlock Spell, The Demon Seed, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Warlock Spell, The Demon Seed, has been revealed!
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Super interesting card. It LUCKELY does heal you after each Questline, which is great but it still requires a lot of self damage. But with cards like Spice Bread Baker (the 4 mana 3/2 in the reveal stream) it might not be too bad. Also it works GREAT with some kind of Neeru Fireblade. Why? Because the end reward makes all damage you take on your turn, and deals it to your opponent instead. Well what burn/self damage can you use? FATIGUE. Fatigue is damage you take on your turn, and works really well with the Neeru Fireblade package, not only that but i'm pretty sure Fatigue damage can also finish the questline should you run out of selfdamage stuff. Not only that but remember Darkglare is still a card that is in standard!
Speaking about Darkglare, i'm not sure this quest sees play in Darkglare warlock because they kill you with giants on turn 4/5. But i wouldnt be surprised to see some versions with the quest show up.
All in all a really interesting questline that looks fun to experiment with at the very least!
*Note about the Fatigue stuff, i heard Regis killbin talk about it on the card review video, so don't get mad at me if that interaction doesn't work that way lol.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Better than the Mage questline imo. I believe this works with Fatigue damage and they are continuing to push that archetype. If that's the case, this becomes crazy good. Probably don't run Jaraxxus anymore, favoring tapping to deal 2+Fatigue every turn. Excited to see what new cards are revealed to make a Delete-lock deck!
Its either trash or completely overpowered. Negating fatigue damage is incredible. Supporting the least powerful archetype in warlock, not so much.
Because in what world does warlock actually does 21 damage to itself in standard, and not die is beyond me. The quest mercifully heals you back for a bit, but to do so much damage to yourself in the process, it would only work against control decks or decks that have no burn because chances are good you'll just end up putting yourself in range of death while completing this. Not to mention that outside of fatigue damage you've have wasted all your self damage cards at the end so what is the reward really going to do actually?
For this card to be consistently good, warlock would need lots of cards that deal damage to itself for both quest completion and to take advantage of the rewards, AND manage healing so they don't die as well. Outside of Neeru warlock I can't see it, and neeru already wins you the late game anyway.
This quest lives and dies on if it procs on Fatigue damage, because I can't think of a deck that runs enough self-damage cards to fulfill the quest AND make use of the reward. Even then, super vulnerable to Aggro. 3/5 because I'm on the fence.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
The way T5 talked about this Questline in the reveal video makes me believe that there is good support for this card. Of the top of my head, some sort of minion that damages you on the battlecry but heals you on the deathrattle.
Because if there isn't, my god is this bad. Even Neeru-lock would have to include a self damage package reducing the options of the deck while having to survive on essentially 15 HP AND spend an extra 5 mana just to prevent fatigue damage.
PS: Btw, if Blightborn Tamsin does prevent fatigue, then that's yet another way for control warlock to counter other control decks while being somehow even weaker to aggro.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
That's going to be strong and easy to pull off too. I am sure this will see play.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
You're going to complete this quest, get the big reward so you hurt your opponent instead of yourself, you're going to slap down Stealer of Souls and then draw cards and play them until you OTK your opponent.
Stealer of Souls will most likely have to be nerfed when this set hits, Warlock has too much self sustain and too much damaging effects for this to not go off
Spice Bread Baker is a direct support to this archetype, you can easily selfheal for 7-9hp on a 3/2 body.
And Blood Shard Bristleback will be nuts, getting back your hp and dealing with some minion.
By The Holy Light!
Alright, I'll wait with the dusting of Neeru and all the delete-lock cards until I've tried this out. Pretty sure it won't be very strong, but it might be fun enough to play. I've got a kink for whacky warlock stuff. Still waiting for Deck of Chaos to shine.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Well this could turn out to be either very strong or complete Garbage. I mean negating Fatigue Damage is awesome but the way you have to go to get there is pretty dangerous :)
Depending on what other cards this expansion will bring this could like i said at the beginning very strong or Garbage :)
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I see an "all archetype" WL on the horizon. This questline with Tamsin, Soulfragments and on top the Neeru package. May be greedy, but hey so much synergies: you play a Backfire and *bam* self-damage for the quest, draw cards to proc the new Weapon (edit: Runed Mithril Rod) - hey there was a Soulfragment to heal back up and draw another card and additionally the deck is thinned for Neeru. Five positve effects for your game plan in a three mana card!
edit: Small counter synergy with Neeru and the Fragments, though.
Alright, so not only is dealing a total of 21 damage REALLY hard with the current set of cards (if you aren't running any self damage cards this will take you 11 life taps) but Warlock already has issues staying alive.
This is literally just another Tickatus. It completely fucks over control decks but is utterly pointless against anything with an actual win condition (and is therefore arguably worse than Tickatus because at least that guy can cripple your opponent)
Is it so hard to design a Warlock card that isn't just a janky control killer?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Probably really bad, but looks fun to experiment with. If I open it, I will try it with the Neeru package. Imaging damaging you opponent with your own fatigue! Won't work at all but still!
Self-harm/burn-your-own-deck warlock is already playable, though it relies on some serious luck to survive. I like how this increases the risk and reward of that archetype.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
I'm biased... but with all the self hurt that Warlock has, this will be all too easy to completed. Especially if you have that damned weapon to help reduce the cost of Blightborn Tamsin, it is really going to suck. It makes all the more sense now why Stealer of Souls was banned in Wild
I don't think this will work. There are simply too many hoops to jump through and too many risks to take. Such a large portion of your deck will have to be built around making this work and surviving it just doesn't feel plausible.
That being said I am still likely going to craft this because questlines are awesome, I already have the Neeru package, and I have wanted suicide warlock to be viable ever since I opened my second Pit Lord years ago.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Love it, love that it's harder to complete than others but the payoff is extreme. Also the payoff is not just "win", it is flavor with the ability the class has.
Private nightmare said it best, this is a control killer. In wild I imagine this takes the slot of a soulfire in a Darkglare deck.
Your face is already dead
While I love the design, this is incredibly difficult to pull off. As others have already mentioned, Warlock already has trouble staying alive, so unless the meta slows down significantly or this questline sees major support, I don't see this being viable since it will only win against reactive control decks. I'd love to play this, though.
I have Neeru Fireblade in my collection, but I have hardly played him. The gameplay just didn't seem all that interesting to me. Now, if we add this new card into the mix the deck suddenly looks a lot more appealing. That is, of course, under the assumption that you can get to Blightborn Tamsin quite consistently.
Arena > Wild > Standard
There's this obnoxious wild deck. Could become even worse.
Your deck might need to be half self-damage / half healing in order to pull this off and survive. If you have any leftover self-damage, well then.
So you need to take 21 damage in total for Blightborn Tamsin. I understand we have the life tap HP, but that's still a lot of self damaging cards you need to add to your deck. Also, why are the rewards for completing the quest lines 1 and 2 the same? For Sorcerer's Gambit, the rewards are different
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
I think this has a chance to work out. The cards you will run to assist in completing the quest don't interfere with the possible win condition of the deck and even push it along once you have the final reward out. I think some version of a standard Darkglare deck will emerge to enable this.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Won’t see any serious play except for memes. Warlock already doesn’t need help in control matchups and it only makes your aggro ones even wors
This ain't no place for a hero
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
I think this quest just naturally goes into a lot of Warlock decks. You do self damage anyways so why not get some healing and reward with it?
4 stars
I want to believe that Neeru Fireblade can be viable - this may be the support it needed all along
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Seems good, but control warlock already has plenty of win conditions in the forms of Neeru Fireblade, Lord Jaraxxus and Tickatus + Y'Shaarj, the Defiler that this one seems unneeded.
So fun design and warlock flavor.
Unlicensed aphotecary is happy to see this.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
As I saw it, thanks to Regis, this is amazing in standard.
I'm a wild player.
This won't work with the amount of burst existing there.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Great reward but hard to complete
Rogue DH
This feels very good. The fact that you can just draw your entire deck and kill your opponant with your own fatigue is a scary thought.
A lot of people are going to try this and kill themselves. Good players will make this work. I'll be in the former category.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
Warlock dies before the Quest is even completed. The new Quests are just not good IMO.
watched some stream. Not sure if it's strong, for sure it's fun
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
This is the card with the most hype for me right now, I got got a golden Neeru Fireblade but with this you want to get into fatigue, damaging the opponent, it's almost suicidal but is very interesting to play it
By far the most interesting quest, since it totally changes the dynamic of the game. Looking forward to trying it out!
Nerf candidate? Seems incredibly strong so far, but as more decks get refined it may turn out to be too fragile and need to adapt to completing the Questline a bit more carefully.
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It needs to be changed for Wild sake. Just went almost uncontested to D5 and the only games lost were games where my starting hand was really bad. Other than that, the amount of draw, mana cheat with Darkglare and Giant/Broom turns are making the deck unstopabble.
If I would to recommend a nerf to this I would say change the damaga required for each step from 6/7/8 to 8/7/6. Early life steal makes it much easier to play without paying attention to the enemy and since you are doing 1st and 2nd step in a turn or two, instead of hurting yourself for 13, you effectively hurt yourself for 7 which is nothing on turn 2-3. Quest is always completed before turn 4-6 and usually one turn is enough to finish off the opponent. By changing the early requirements, the quest would be punished by aggro a bit more and even slower decks would have a chance to at least develop something on the board to threat the rest of warlock's life.