Achievement Hunting: Onyxia's Lair edition (fuck this one btw, I hate it)

Submitted 2 years, 4 months ago by

Alright, another miniset, another batch of achievements, and they keep getting worse for some reason. I've done all but one at this point and I've already theorycrafted all the stuff necessary for the two missing ones that'll be added later on. It wasn't fun and at this point I'M questioning whether they should just remove the experience reward altogether because at this point these things are making me depressed.

Right Side, Many Cards!

Probably an easy one if you have the DH Quest. If not, it's probably still not too difficult, Just put as many 0-cost cards into your deck as possible as well as anything else that can reduce cost. 100 cards at least isn't an insane amount so you can probably knock it out in 10-15 games, even if it's not gonna be with a functioning deck.

Here Comes The Boomkin

This one sounded completely unreasonable until I realized that it doesn't specify that the damage has to be dealt through Boomkins effect. In fact Boomkin attacking counts too. Therefore we take our Kodo Mount and whatever attack buffs we can fight and use those to ram the fella into any minion available. It'll take a while but at least it's not inhumane (that's further down).

Gotta Catch 'Em All

Now I appreciate the reference, but having to pull this off 151 times with a card that can basically not be replicated by any reasonable means outside the usual Brewmaster and Brann Bronzebeard shenanigans (and perhaps Devouring Swarm if it lines up) makes me reconsider my stance on the death penalty. Either way, this is one I would almost recommend ignoring if you don't have or enjoy playing Big Beast Hunter because there's pretty much no other working deck that would run this at the moment.

Thsnk You For Your Matronage (yes there's actually a typo in this one, make of that what you will)

Similar to the Boomkin one you can also do this with damage done from the minion itself, but here it'S not necessary. Just play Mozaki Mage except worse. In Wild you can use Ice Block to make sure you get there in time. I also recommend making ample use of freezing effects to actually keep a sizeable board on your opponent's side because sometimes they run out of health before you run out of spells to cast. Generally speaking everything that cheats mana is wanted in this deck. I didn't use Incanter's Flow because I didn't feel like re-crafting and I still did it well enough. Siphon Mana is a decent enough replacement.

The One Ring

Mad Summoner, best boy

Future So Bright, Gotta Wear Shades

Fuck this one and whoever came up with it. No, the description is not a mistake and no, there's no exploit. It actually expects you to get Mi'da out there, have it die and then resurrect the same Mi'da 6 additional times. How they expect you to do this without either dying or your opponent just straight up conceding I don't know. Oh and for added fun, if it gets silenced your chain is broken and you can start again. This is ludicrous. I got the first step completed by sheer luck because I ran into some gimpy Mage in Silver Wild who just kinda played with an autofilled deck and it took me to an empty deck with a board full of Mi'da's where I couldn't even remember which of them was the oldest...and I couldn't finish the rest because the Mage just simply didn't have the ressources to kill a 4/6 with Divine Shield 3 more times. One of us was going to die before that.

Maybe there's some secret synergy that I am missing but as far as I'm concerned this one is about as completeable as the Party Up! one from Wailing Caverns, just have to pray I guess. The most idiotic part is that you can't even really kill your own Mi'da to accelerate the process because aside from having Divine Shield it's also a fuckin 4-ATTACK minion, just to spit into your eye one more time.


Should be easy, Just stack all the SI:7 cards, card draw and bounces and eventually you're gonna get a 10-drop legendary. Probably easier in Wild considering there's only like 3(?) 10-drop legendaries in Standard.

Run Away, Little Girl

And at the top of the shit sandwich, this fucking abomination. The idea that you can rely on your opponent to play a singular 10/10 minion with no other minions of theirs is ludicrous. So we have to force it. And force it you can, but it is painful. First we need Silas Darkmoon and a Giant of your choice. It doesn't matter which one, Mountain, Clockwork, Arcane, Frost. Anything that can be reduced down to 3-mana is needed. We use Auctionhouse Gavel to reduce Silas specifically and then maybe even the new Bracing Cold to get the spell down. Lightning Bloom is also helpful. Finally we buff the Giant with Totemic Reflection (or preemptively in hand with Legionnaire) and igve it to the opponent to then blast it. This only works if their board contains one or less minions (because you can steal the one with Silas). Thankfully the Freeze engine gives Shaman a way to cycle through the deck, but clearing the board is a massive hassle. Your best option would be to use Snowfall Guardian + Doomsayer in order to roleplay as Freeze Mage.

Wanna know how I did it? I went to the bottom of Wild and conceded as much as I could to dump my MMR until I inevitably matched up into one of the AFK bots that only hero power. Apparently they're now programmed to no longer rope every time because I guess there are ocuntermeasuers now. Either way, it took a while, but I got a proper set-up eventually. If you also plan on doing this, I recommend staying low on minions and running a bunch of targetted damage spells so you have something to dump from hand on your totems so you don't just clog.

More Dots!

Also a frustrating one, but for different reasons. Basically, you really REALLY want Tamsin Roame for this or else you're going to take a while. Additionally you also want Tamsin's Phylactery because you can combo it with Dancing Swords to set up a big combo. Problem is that you can't reduce your hand because the Curses need to stay at 1-mana to proc Tamsin. This means you can't actually do the full combo in one turn and will have to sacrifice the double Phylactery most of the time. This isn't a problem though because of the teeny tiny interaction of being unfortunate enough to burn most of your shuffled curses by overdrawing your opponent. There's no way around this, you just have to pray the Curses are mostly on top.

Alternatively you can also use Coldlight Oracle to force draw but it's not nearly as convenient. You can also try and use Curse of Agony the way it's intended, an inevitable win condition that you can't actually accelerate by yourself, so instead you just play full Control + the 3-card Tamsin combo and just try to stay alive long enough for the Curses to do their work. This however means that you cannot get excess damage like you can with the Phylactery combo. Either way, this one's boring and long, no matter how you do it.

Hit It Like You Mean It

I actually re-crafted Fool's Bane for this. Never expected that card to ever be useful but here we are. 40 dust aren't worth 20 games worth of inane boredom (unless you have a Warrior deck of your choice that you'd like to run the card in)

Job Whelp Done

Pretty basic. Play Druid. Play the Whelp Spell. Play Onyxia. Eventually you're done. Also Kazakusan Ramp Druid is kinda broken right now and that deck runs Scale of Onyxia so if you actually want to ladder while grinding, that's your deck.

Legacy of the Kabal

Pretty much completes itself as long as you play one of the Kazakusan decks. Worth noting the Quel'delar and it's components count seperately.


That's it, that's all I got. I'd tell you to have fun, but you probably won't. Can we get less grind and more "what kind of bizarre combo can I throw together to complete this in one go?"? No? Alright then....



  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Alright, another miniset, another batch of achievements, and they keep getting worse for some reason. I've done all but one at this point and I've already theorycrafted all the stuff necessary for the two missing ones that'll be added later on. It wasn't fun and at this point I'M questioning whether they should just remove the experience reward altogether because at this point these things are making me depressed.

    Right Side, Many Cards!

    Probably an easy one if you have the DH Quest. If not, it's probably still not too difficult, Just put as many 0-cost cards into your deck as possible as well as anything else that can reduce cost. 100 cards at least isn't an insane amount so you can probably knock it out in 10-15 games, even if it's not gonna be with a functioning deck.

    Here Comes The Boomkin

    This one sounded completely unreasonable until I realized that it doesn't specify that the damage has to be dealt through Boomkins effect. In fact Boomkin attacking counts too. Therefore we take our Kodo Mount and whatever attack buffs we can fight and use those to ram the fella into any minion available. It'll take a while but at least it's not inhumane (that's further down).

    Gotta Catch 'Em All

    Now I appreciate the reference, but having to pull this off 151 times with a card that can basically not be replicated by any reasonable means outside the usual Brewmaster and Brann Bronzebeard shenanigans (and perhaps Devouring Swarm if it lines up) makes me reconsider my stance on the death penalty. Either way, this is one I would almost recommend ignoring if you don't have or enjoy playing Big Beast Hunter because there's pretty much no other working deck that would run this at the moment.

    Thsnk You For Your Matronage (yes there's actually a typo in this one, make of that what you will)

    Similar to the Boomkin one you can also do this with damage done from the minion itself, but here it'S not necessary. Just play Mozaki Mage except worse. In Wild you can use Ice Block to make sure you get there in time. I also recommend making ample use of freezing effects to actually keep a sizeable board on your opponent's side because sometimes they run out of health before you run out of spells to cast. Generally speaking everything that cheats mana is wanted in this deck. I didn't use Incanter's Flow because I didn't feel like re-crafting and I still did it well enough. Siphon Mana is a decent enough replacement.

    The One Ring

    Mad Summoner, best boy

    Future So Bright, Gotta Wear Shades

    Fuck this one and whoever came up with it. No, the description is not a mistake and no, there's no exploit. It actually expects you to get Mi'da out there, have it die and then resurrect the same Mi'da 6 additional times. How they expect you to do this without either dying or your opponent just straight up conceding I don't know. Oh and for added fun, if it gets silenced your chain is broken and you can start again. This is ludicrous. I got the first step completed by sheer luck because I ran into some gimpy Mage in Silver Wild who just kinda played with an autofilled deck and it took me to an empty deck with a board full of Mi'da's where I couldn't even remember which of them was the oldest...and I couldn't finish the rest because the Mage just simply didn't have the ressources to kill a 4/6 with Divine Shield 3 more times. One of us was going to die before that.

    Maybe there's some secret synergy that I am missing but as far as I'm concerned this one is about as completeable as the Party Up! one from Wailing Caverns, just have to pray I guess. The most idiotic part is that you can't even really kill your own Mi'da to accelerate the process because aside from having Divine Shield it's also a fuckin 4-ATTACK minion, just to spit into your eye one more time.


    Should be easy, Just stack all the SI:7 cards, card draw and bounces and eventually you're gonna get a 10-drop legendary. Probably easier in Wild considering there's only like 3(?) 10-drop legendaries in Standard.

    Run Away, Little Girl

    And at the top of the shit sandwich, this fucking abomination. The idea that you can rely on your opponent to play a singular 10/10 minion with no other minions of theirs is ludicrous. So we have to force it. And force it you can, but it is painful. First we need Silas Darkmoon and a Giant of your choice. It doesn't matter which one, Mountain, Clockwork, Arcane, Frost. Anything that can be reduced down to 3-mana is needed. We use Auctionhouse Gavel to reduce Silas specifically and then maybe even the new Bracing Cold to get the spell down. Lightning Bloom is also helpful. Finally we buff the Giant with Totemic Reflection (or preemptively in hand with Legionnaire) and igve it to the opponent to then blast it. This only works if their board contains one or less minions (because you can steal the one with Silas). Thankfully the Freeze engine gives Shaman a way to cycle through the deck, but clearing the board is a massive hassle. Your best option would be to use Snowfall Guardian + Doomsayer in order to roleplay as Freeze Mage.

    Wanna know how I did it? I went to the bottom of Wild and conceded as much as I could to dump my MMR until I inevitably matched up into one of the AFK bots that only hero power. Apparently they're now programmed to no longer rope every time because I guess there are ocuntermeasuers now. Either way, it took a while, but I got a proper set-up eventually. If you also plan on doing this, I recommend staying low on minions and running a bunch of targetted damage spells so you have something to dump from hand on your totems so you don't just clog.

    More Dots!

    Also a frustrating one, but for different reasons. Basically, you really REALLY want Tamsin Roame for this or else you're going to take a while. Additionally you also want Tamsin's Phylactery because you can combo it with Dancing Swords to set up a big combo. Problem is that you can't reduce your hand because the Curses need to stay at 1-mana to proc Tamsin. This means you can't actually do the full combo in one turn and will have to sacrifice the double Phylactery most of the time. This isn't a problem though because of the teeny tiny interaction of being unfortunate enough to burn most of your shuffled curses by overdrawing your opponent. There's no way around this, you just have to pray the Curses are mostly on top.

    Alternatively you can also use Coldlight Oracle to force draw but it's not nearly as convenient. You can also try and use Curse of Agony the way it's intended, an inevitable win condition that you can't actually accelerate by yourself, so instead you just play full Control + the 3-card Tamsin combo and just try to stay alive long enough for the Curses to do their work. This however means that you cannot get excess damage like you can with the Phylactery combo. Either way, this one's boring and long, no matter how you do it.

    Hit It Like You Mean It

    I actually re-crafted Fool's Bane for this. Never expected that card to ever be useful but here we are. 40 dust aren't worth 20 games worth of inane boredom (unless you have a Warrior deck of your choice that you'd like to run the card in)

    Job Whelp Done

    Pretty basic. Play Druid. Play the Whelp Spell. Play Onyxia. Eventually you're done. Also Kazakusan Ramp Druid is kinda broken right now and that deck runs Scale of Onyxia so if you actually want to ladder while grinding, that's your deck.

    Legacy of the Kabal

    Pretty much completes itself as long as you play one of the Kazakusan decks. Worth noting the Quel'delar and it's components count seperately.


    That's it, that's all I got. I'd tell you to have fun, but you probably won't. Can we get less grind and more "what kind of bizarre combo can I throw together to complete this in one go?"? No? Alright then....



    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • hsocd's Avatar
    20 1 Posts Joined 02/17/2022
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    I used MarkMcKz's togwaggle deck to get curse of agony way more consistently: YT link

  • meisterz39's Avatar
    925 1200 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Are other folks seeing the DH and Rogue ones as totally missing? I see no new achievements for those in the game client when I open up FiAV achievements.

  • meisterz39's Avatar
    925 1200 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    I just tried out an Untapped Potential Druid in Wild to get Boomkin progress, and didn't get any progress at all despite dealing damage. Notably, that damage was dealt after I got the "Choose One cards do both" effect from my quest, so there may be a bug there.

    Edit: After another game (in which I dealt 8 damage with Boomkins) I saw a jump of 15. So now I'm thinking maybe the progress display is what's bugged, not the Untapped Potential synergy.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From meisterz39

    Are other folks seeing the DH and Rogue ones as totally missing? I see no new achievements for those in the game client when I open up FiAV achievements.

    Currently not in the game, will be added later, see latest post about known issues

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5561 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Usually I get myself working only on achievements that gives out 500xp and anything else I can get along the way, because the sheer dedication required to actually complete it all is beyond me.

    Some of these are just pure annoyances, like attacking with Frantic Hippogryph 80 times. Better off skipping these than wasting time I could have spent on better games. Which brings us to how these achievements are designed. The whole point of these, at least I thought, was to encourage us to play cards that would otherwise never see any play. Haleh is a good example of this. So theory goes that we'd try to make a deck that work with the card, but inevitably no one would bother doing it. Instead, we'd just pivot to the best deck around that can accomplish this task the fastest, not a deck that'll actually win games with.

    Increase engagement? Some achievements have only managed tempting me into opening google play just to drop a nasty review on this bs. And to think that at one point the xp gain from achievements were actually being totaled up as part of the total xp that can be reasonably gained in the old rewards track.

    How about removing the 4 month cap and let us complete these achievements naturally, or anytime we can be arsed? that'll solve most of the issues, not least for the fact that we couldn't budge one of pally's because of a bug that apparently took 2 months to fix.

  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare


    Should be easy, Just stack all the SI:7 cards, card draw and bounces and eventually you're gonna get a 10-drop legendary. Probably easier in Wild considering there's only like 3(?) 10-drop legendaries in Standard.

    Actually, there are ten 10 mana minions in standard out of which 6 are legendary (so 60% chance to do that) - 3 old gods, Deathwing, new Onyxia and Lokholar


  • Cece's Avatar
    195 31 Posts Joined 09/04/2021
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    I still have to start grind achievements but yeah, they are not fun like the past.

    I prefer hard one that involves luck and you never get it , instead of do shit x1000 times while ruining other player experience.

    I created a Mi'da deck and wtf the copies dont count so you have to revive 7 times the same, ended having midas in game and not killing enemys like bm becouse i need them to survive forever and kill my midas. 


  • Cece's Avatar
    195 31 Posts Joined 09/04/2021
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    After some trys i done Mi'da with this deck

    Weasel Tunneler Excavated Evil Augmented Elekk , are there to slow game, or antifatigue if opponent helps ( dont use elekk with mi'da )

    Tradable cards are there to find Mi'da Fragment when in the deck ( don't use Amulet of Undying for Mida , you want a single fragment  )

    Horn of Wrathion and Insight  are to rush draw for minions

    Baleful Banker is a backup plan for devolve/revolve/silence of mida , if all goes wrong amulet can find other copies if silenced

    Hysteria is very good for healing and making mida die

    Spirit Guide is very good , helps draw spells holy and shadow , and mida fragment is holy

    Other cards are there for no reason , i put Nozdormu just becouse i was winning alot of games and still have to farm 500 wins.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Alfi
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare


    Should be easy, Just stack all the SI:7 cards, card draw and bounces and eventually you're gonna get a 10-drop legendary. Probably easier in Wild considering there's only like 3(?) 10-drop legendaries in Standard.

    Actually, there are ten 10 mana minions in standard out of which 6 are legendary (so 60% chance to do that) - 3 old gods, Deathwing, new Onyxia and Lokholar

    I forgot Onyxia, but there's only 2 Old Gods. C'thun is not in the pool.

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • Riffraff's Avatar
    755 370 Posts Joined 04/30/2020
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks for creating this thread! I actually really enjoyed the Matronage one - had a blast killing people from 30 with an off-meta deck.

    I have not tried the Shaman one yet, but the hunter one is killing me. I am at 45 beasts so far, and I just switched to a Wild list so that I can run Brann and Zola. Hope it goes faster! 

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Just a smal update on the Shaman achievement.

    Due to the popularity of Kazakusan there are a bunch of decks that only play Kazakusan (or relatively few other minions). All you have to do is assemble the combo of [Hearthstone Card (Don't Stand in the Fire) Not Found] + T[Hearthstone Card (otemic Reflection) Not Found] and it should be simple. Kazakusan Warrior is probably the best target for this because they run like 4 other minions max and can't do much else the turn they play Kazakusan.

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    Just a smal update on the Shaman achievement.

    Due to the popularity of Kazakusan there are a bunch of decks that only play Kazakusan (or relatively few other minions). All you have to do is assemble the combo of [Hearthstone Card (Don't Stand in the Fire) Not Found] + T[Hearthstone Card (otemic Reflection) Not Found] and it should be simple. Kazakusan Warrior is probably the best target for this because they run like 4 other minions max and can't do much else the turn they play Kazakusan.

    I did it really quickly using the spells from Kobold Taskmaster. Being able to cheaply give an enemy minion 2 or 4 health means you don't have to rely on the opponent doing anything specific. If you use spells from both Taskmasters you can even buff a lowly 2 mana minion to 10 health.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From AngryShuckie
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    Just a smal update on the Shaman achievement.

    Due to the popularity of Kazakusan there are a bunch of decks that only play Kazakusan (or relatively few other minions). All you have to do is assemble the combo of [Hearthstone Card (Don't Stand in the Fire) Not Found] + T[Hearthstone Card (otemic Reflection) Not Found] and it should be simple. Kazakusan Warrior is probably the best target for this because they run like 4 other minions max and can't do much else the turn they play Kazakusan.

    I did it really quickly using the spells from Kobold Taskmaster. Being able to cheaply give an enemy minion 2 or 4 health means you don't have to rely on the opponent doing anything specific. If you use spells from both Taskmasters you can even buff a lowly 2 mana minion to 10 health.

    Oh my god I can't believe I somehow missed this guy. I was looking for buff spells in Shaman and didn't even think to check neutrals.

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • BasilAnguis's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 835 424 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    The new raptor mount spell also gives 2 health for 2 mana, cheaper than totemic reflections.

    I'll boop you 

  • AivEr's Avatar
    155 21 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Gotta Catch 'Em All is the worst by far
    btw in warlock achievement you can add
    Augmented Elekk is really helpful

  • Cece's Avatar
    195 31 Posts Joined 09/04/2021
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    I done the Thsnk You For Your Matronage 

    i used the guide of the site  so

    but i added Luna's Pocket Galaxy x2 Faceless Manipulator instead of Incanter's Flow , as guide say Molten Reflection is good

    If you hit Vanndar Stormpike , you have 5+2+2 for triple Haleh, Matron Protectorate

  • Avalon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    I don't want to divert people somewhere else (I actually love these threads), but I think it's worth pointing out that the site recently published a guide about how to complete each of the mini-set's achievements.

    I usually look at these threads when writing the guides, so I invite you to keep discussing better and better ways to complete the achievements, so that I can update my writings with even more accurate and useful information!

    Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.

    • You can follow me on Twitter - I am always active and you can tag me to highlight your (or someone else's) 12 wins Duels run or really anything Hearthstone-related!
    • Hearthstone Battletag: beppe946#2807 (EU)
  • Inhiszton's Avatar
    120 6 Posts Joined 12/27/2021
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    I did the Mi'da achievement utilizing a bit of psychology :D

    I let myself beaten down to Silver 10 in Wild, then waited for a fully inactive player (probably huntig their daily quest), then used a bunch of draws and cards with I can destroy the Mi'da directly:

    - Forbidden Words

    - Brittlebone Destroyer

    - Natalie Seline

    - Doomsayer

    - and Against All Odds + Magtheridon.

    In the end, it was pretty easy (only problem was un-clogg my hand until I drew Mi'da), however, I am pretty sure there is a bug: if you do the first step of the achievement (4th Mi'da), it won't count the progress toward the 7th, so you cannot get both steps in one game.

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Cece


    I created a Mi'da deck and wtf the copies dont count so you have to revive 7 times the same, ended having midas in game and not killing enemys like bm becouse i need them to survive forever and kill my midas. 


    Hey, in case someone didn´t hear about that, you can actually do the Mi´da achievement in Practice mode. I´ve done both two stages in one game against heroic AI. Absolutely worth trying before they find out and fix it.

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

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