Welcome, fellow achievement hunter.

Ever since the introduction of the rewards track, each expansion has always brought us a handful of achievements to complete in order to gain more rewards: while some of them are relatively easy to complete, some others may take some time or a proper set up. In case you're wondering what's the best way to gain all that sweet sweet XP locked behind Onyxia's Lair's achievements, do not fret, as we have the answer you're looking for!

In this guide we'll focus our attention on the Onyxia's Lair achievements and provide at least one way to complete each of them so that you'll be able to get closer to the end of your reward track.

Disclaimer: as always, all expansion achievements can be completed in Ranked Standard, Ranked Wild, Arena, Casual & Heroic Duels and Classic - Casual Standard, Casual Wild and Tavern Brawl will not count towards your hunt! Moreover, we'll always take Ranked Standard as the default game format for our strategies: if we happen to have some strategies or particular interactions belonging to other modes to highlight, we'll be sure to specify it.

Moreover, in case you're still missing some Alterac Valley achievements (here's the full list), worry not, as we have some guides (with decklists!) ready for you:

Table of Contents

    General Discussion

    This time around, the mini-set achievements are quite hard: none of them is relatively easy to achieve and even those that do not ask you to grind force you to rely on different types of RNG (draw, summon).

    On the other hand, there are no impossible achievements or nothing that requires your opponent's cooperation, which is definitely a something to keep in mind.

    Worth noting is that many of the following achievements require you to play 1-Cost spells, so Wandmaker is going to be very useful once more, before it will leave Standard in two months.

    How to Complete the "Right Side, Many Cards!" Demon Hunter Achievement

    Requirement: Draw 50/100 cards with Razorglaive Sentinel.

    Speed Rating: 2/5

    Note: due to localization hiccups, this achievement, together with Rogue's "!", is not currently available and will be introduced in patch 22.6 (Source) - therefore, any progress you may fulfill in the meantime won't count.

    Grindy achievement, with no real shortcut other than building your deck with 2 copies of Razorglaive Sentinel and 28 cards that are either cheap, generate cheap stuff or discount themselves/other cards along them way.

    For Right Side, Many Cards!, recommend you three different decks, based on your favorite game mode and on how large your collection is. First up, we have a budget list for Standard: most of the cards you see will rarely get stuck in your hand, allowing you big "miracle" turns and a quick achievement progression.

    However, if you happen to own Final Showdown, things may be easier for you: reduce the cost of your hand and deck with the mid-Questline discounts and Demonslayer Kurtrus and then empty your deck with a Sentinel or two.

    Wild, on the other hand, has a lot of 0-Cost cards available, and you'll need less setup for Razorglaive Sentinel turns: kind of like what people did a while ago in Rogue with Edwin, Defias Kingpin and Imps, but instead of stats you get progression points on your achievement.

    How to Complete the "Here Comes the Boomkin" Druid Achievement

    Requirement: Deal 200/400 Damage or Restore 200/400 Health with Boomkin.

    Speed Rating: 2/5

    Since both sides of Boomkin's Choose One effect count towards Here Comes the Boomkin, this achievement gives you some flexibility, as sometimes you may already be at full Health and therefore you would end up wasting some precious progression points. Worth noting is that the achievement's description doesn't state that the damage dealt must come from Boomkin's Choose One effect, so trading it (Animated Broomstick is cheap and does the trick) speeds up the process.

    In order to get Here Comes the Boomkin done, we'll make use of some Choose One-synergistic cards, as well as the usual bouncers and other generally good tools:

    • Wild format note: Untapped Potential's Ossirian Tear speeds up the process by a decent margin. Just make sure to not die to Pirate Warrior while you're floating mana.

    How to Complete the "Gotta Catch 'Em All" Hunter Achievement

    Requirement: Summon 70/151 Beasts with Pet Collector.

    Speed Rating: 1/5

    While we deeply appreciate the reference, this doesn't change the fact that Gotta Catch 'Em All is a very slow achievement, with no real way to speed things up remarkably.

    Big Vanndar Stormpike Hunter seems a good place for Pet Collector to find a home and give you some progression points.

    We are aware that this deck is rather expensive, so for this reason we want to give our readers on a budget a more affordable (and definitely more achievement-oriented) list.

    How to Complete the "Thank You For Your Matronage" Mage Achievement

    Requirement: Deal 100/200 damage with Haleh, Matron Protectorate.

    Speed Rating: 1/5

    Probably the most frustrating achievement of the entire mini-set, as it requires a lot of mana just to drop Haleh, Matron Protectorate and you're not gonna have many crystals left for your spells. We're not quitters though, and we still want those damn achievement points.

    The most efficient way to complete Thank you for your Matronage can be seen as a worse Mozaki, Master Duelist Mage (and it fact it is), with very few minions and lots of spells and mana-cheat. Siphon Mana, in particular is huge, as it provides a 1 mana discount to your entire hand, which means you'll be able to dump more spells.

    • Just like with Boomkin's achievement, trading Haleh gives you progression points.
    • Although it has an unavoidable component of RNG, Druid has the Solar Eclipse-Cenarion Ward combo, Germination, lots of cheap spells and lots of ramp/mana generation, so you may want to test your luck. For completion's sake, there are 35 8-Cost minions in Standard, which means you have a 2,8% chance to get Haleh, Matron Protectorate off Ward.
    • Wild format note: although it means more setup, Molten Reflection doubles the progression's speed rate.
    • Duels format note: [Hearthstone Card (Ancient Reflection) Not Found] is a game-winning play that will give toy tons of progression points.

    How to Complete the "The One Ring" Paladin Achievement

    Requirement: Give +1/+1 with Ring of Courage 25/75 times.

    Speed Rating: 3/5

    Although it's not particularly difficult to complete, there's a slow and a grindy way to get The One Ring done. The first one consists in including two copies of Ring of Courage in your Libram Paladin and jam some ladder: combining Ring with Blademaster Samuro is going to feel nutty.

    The grindy way involves many achievements' absolute MVP: Mad Summoner. For the price of completely giving up your chances to win, this unit will grant 8 progression points for every time you'll cast Ring of Courage, meaning that you'll have to play the spells just 10 times for the grind to be over.

    • To be completely honest, this is probably one of the easiest achievements of the entire mini-set: if your collection is short or you're low on dust, consider including Ring of Courage in every single Paladin deck you play, and you'll get you XP in less than you think.

    How to Complete the "Future So Bright, Gotta Wear Shades" Priest Achievement

    Requirement: Summon a 4-/7-generation Mi'da, Pure Light.

    Speed Rating: 4/5

    The key to this achievement is keeping in mind that not only you need to draw Fragment of Mi'da 4/7 times, but it also has to be a Fragment coming from the same Mi'da, Pure Light. Therefore, shuffling multiple Fragments at the same time will only be detrimental for you own gameplan. Shuffle one, and one only.

    • Wild format note: Shadow Visions may be a good inclusion in this deck, but not for picking Fragment of Mi'da - this spell would duplicate your Fragments, making your job more difficult than it already is.

    How to Complete the "!" Rogue Achievement

    Requirement: Summon a 10-Cost/a Legendary 10-Cost minion with SI:7 Smuggler.

    Speed Rating: 5/5

    Note: due to localization hiccups, this achievement, together with Demon Hunter's "Right Side, Many Cards!", is not currently available and will be introduced in patch 22.6 (Source) - therefore, any progress you may fulfill in the meantime won't count.

    Quick maths time: there are currently 9 10-Cost minions in Standard that you can summon with the effect of SI:7 Smuggler, 5 of which are Legendary. Therefore, you have slightly more than 50% chance to get this achievement done on the very first try!

    • Find the Imposter is not necessary for this achievement, but it sure does help staying alive: if you own it, consider including it.
    • Wild formate note: in this format there are far more 10-drops, and the chances of summoning a Legendary are far worse - stick to Standard for this one.

    How to Complete the "Run Away, Little Girl" Shaman Achievement

    Requirement: Deal 8/10 damage to a single minion with Don't Stand in the Fire!.

    Speed Rating: 4/5

    Shaman doesn't have remarkable buff spells, so for this achievement you'll have to rely on your opponent's thirst of victory. In case you need to isolate the target to kill with Don't Stand in the Fire!, you'll need a decent amount of removal: for this reason, Command the Elements Overload Shaman is a very good deck choice.

    I personally completed this achievement with this strategy while playing against a Ramp Druid, forcing my opponent to play a Deathwing the Destroyer from Resizing Pouch and then answering it with Don't Stand in the Fire!. Ramp Druid also runs Abominable Lieutenant, another great target for you to exploit.

    How to Complete the "More Dots!" Warlock Achievement

    Requirement: Cause your opponents to take 84/180 damage from Fatigue with Curse of Agony.

    Speed Rating: 2/5

    Another grindy achievement. However, differently from Thank you for your Matronage or Gotta Catch 'Em All, you have a couple ways to speed things up. Firstly, Tamsin Roame: getting additional free copies of Curse of Agony is a big deal, as it will increase the density of Agony spells in your opponent's deck. Secondly, Wandmaker has a chance to give you another Curse.

    While playing the game, here's the plan: draw Tamsin and both Curses of Agony; when you have 5 mana available, play Tamsin and cast all 4 copies of the 1-Cost spell. From now, you'll have to hope that your opponent will be unlucky enough to draw as many Bleeds Agonies as possible. For this reason, Prize Vendor and Southsea Scoundrel are good tools.

    The list you see below has as many Discover cards as possible for you to get additional copies of Curse of Agony.

    How to Complete the "Hit It Like You Mean It" Warrior Achievement

    Requirement: Hit 20/40 Minions Very Hard

    Speed Rating: 2/5

    Wild comes in help, as Hearthstone's eternal format has a few tools that allow you to speed up Hit It Like You Mean It. To be precise, we're talking about Fool's Bane, which allows you to kill up to 4 minions with the same Hit It Very Hard. For the rest, the deck's filled with card draw and removal, allowing you to survive and draw the cards you need.

    How to Complete the "Job Whelp Done" Neutral Achievement

    Requirement: Attack with Onyxian Whelps 100/200 times.

    Speed Rating: 2/5

    While this achievement can be completed with any class, given that there are Neutral minions that generate Onyxian Whelps, but some heroes are better than others, and will help you getting your job done in less time. But before that, here are all the cards that summon Onyxian Whelps:

    With this said, we think Priest is the superior class for you to complete the achievement: if you build your deck so that it contains only Dragon minions, you'll always make sure to trigger Horn of Wrathion's entire effect, summoning two Onyxian Whelps; moreover, the class has access to many other useful tools:

    • Remember that Job Whelp Done asks you not to just summon, but to attack with your Onyxian Whelps too.
    • There are currently 9 10-mana minions in Standard, so you have decent chances to Discover Raid Boss Onyxia with Resizing Pouch.

    How to Complete the "Legacy of the Kabal" Neutral Achievement

    Requirement: Play 8/16 unique Treasures from Kazakusan.

    Speed Rating: 3/5

    Every time you play Kazakusan, it will give you 5 Treasures from a pool of 32 (31 plus Quel'Delar), meaning that completing Legacy of the Kabal will only take some time and, for those who want to make sure to get that XP as fast as possible, some paperwork too.

    In the end, it's just a matter of time before you'll complete this achievement, so have fun and have a taste of this unprecedented Standard-Duels crossover.

    Other Resources

    Our clever community members set up a forum thread to share your achievement progression journey, and we have added an #achievements channel on our Discord server if you want to talk with others in real-time. If you need an assist, you can also respond to this guide and we'll do our best to help you out; the comments are also a great way to share your own decks that you've used to complete the achievements above.

    Good luck tackling any of these achievements for your experience boost or just for the sake of satisfying completion!