Reno's Quest

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
  • Fun

Let me just explain this plain and simple. The Goal with this deck is just to have fun!

There are a lot of ways to win the match, by just generating random spells, or the 'ol Khadgar, Mountain Giant & Conjurer's Calling Combo. (The Khadgar combo is more or less an emergancy button, never had to play it yet to close out the game.)

Edit: The nerfs don't really affect this deck, as were not running Luna's Pocket Galaxy. Conjurer's Calling is still strong, and it was just the emergancy button of the deck that got nerfed.

Just let me say this again. The Giants Combo is not this decks main wincondition. Our main wincondition is by playing control and out value-ing our opponents. And while doing that we get a lot of small bursty spells that will widdle down our opponents health slowly. (Or we got tons of [Hearthstone Card (Pyroblasts) Not Found]) No matter what RNG gives us, we have ways to use it into our advantage.


Mulligan Guide:

Against Aggro: Try to get Flame Ward and Arcane Flakmage or Ancient Mysteries to try to draw it. Or try to get Pyromaniac. Also Blast Wave is not bad to mulligan if you have the coin/go second. Aggro is something this deck has trouble with, until we get our big AOE spells such as Blizzard


Against Control: Try to Mulligan Card draw such as Arcane Intellect or Sandbinder. Control decks are a favorable matchup from my experience. Unfortunatly there aren't that many control decks in the meta as of yet.


Against OTK: Try to mulligan the Concede Button. Okay Try to mulligan some pressuring cards, but from most of my experience OTK generally kills us because of our lack of aggro/pressure. 


Against certain Quests:

Quest Hunter: Play around cards such as Unleash the Hounds. Also don't focus on the quest as much and ping a lot. Easy & rare Matchup!

Quest Shaman: This is a bad matchup, It generally is a Value vs Value matchup, but we get outbursted because of Weaponized Wasp or Lifedrinker. However if it's a more control-ish version of the deck, then we have way better chance of winning.

Quest Druid: This is about a 50/50. Draw lots of cards, and remove everything he plays. Save AOE for when it matters most! BUT be carefull, as Quest OTK Druid exists, and OTK destroys us.

Quest Paladin: AOE. AOE is your best friend. Save Polymorph for the eggs. Try to get Mass Dispel from Zephrys the Great. Unfavorable Matchup unless we get good Mulligan/card draw.

Quest Mage: Try to outvalue them. He/She with the best RNG wins. (Most fun matchup)

Quest Priest: Do not ping their face with your heropower. Don't let anything with hight health live, or get destroyed by the classic Divine Spirit + Inner Fire Combo.

Quest Warlock: This is another 50/50. Try to counterspell their Plot Twist, if you do they often concede in shame. Save Polymorph for Khartut Defender as its one of their main ways to heal. Also if you pull Research Project save it till you can make them overdraw, making them overdraw an essential card such as Arch-Villain Rafaam will often cause them to concede as well.

Quest Rogue: Prepare to get SMOrcd a lot with that 3/2 immune weapon, as the rogue often has nothing else to swing at. Bad Matchup.

Quest Warrior: Erm... Never seen anyone play this yet because Dr. Boom Exist.. so… Idunno? Played against a few by now. Try to mulligan zephrys and play him before he fills your deck with bombs. Also try to play around Sul'thraze.


Against Other Popular Decks:

Control Warrior: Outvalue them or try bursting them down before they get the chance to T9 Boom. (The only matchup where i suggest trying the Giants Combo + 0 mana Counterspell as fast as possible)

Zoolock: Just play control. Try mulligan [Hearthstone Card (Ancient Mysteries[Hearthstone Card (into [Hearthstone Card (Flameward) Not Found]. [Hearthstone Card (Blast Wave[/card[ is one of your best friend in the midgame.

Wall Priest: DONT…LET….ANYTHING….with decent/hight health….LIVE… or face the Divine Spirit Inner Fire Combo.

Giants, or Highlander Mage: Bad Match for us, as they abuse Luna's Pocket Galaxy + Conjurer's Calling. We can have trouble dealing with this. Try saving Zephrys the Great and Polymorph till we need them most. Smart plays win the game.

Highlander Hunter: This is a interesting opponent. You might expect them to crush us, but after playing around against Highlander Hunters (And playing it myself) i found out that they really dislike losing their draw & Secrets. Honestly if this gets even more popular on ladder, i suggest this chance: -1 Arcane Flakmage +1 Chief Inspector. Try to [Hearthstone Card (Counterspell[Hearthstone Card (their draw, Twinspell card or Hunter's Pack.


The most important cards in this deck are:

Dune Sculptor: This card is most of the time insane! I have won so many games because of this card.

Zephrys the Great: This deck is singleton/highlander because of this absolute insane card. I love pulling Mass Dispel from it against mech decks!

Reno the Relicologist: This card is a strong addition, but if you don't have it it can be replaced by [cardMagic dart Frog) Not Found] with a lot of succes.

Sandbinder: Honestly dunno why i didn't include this before. This draws a lot of our elementals such as Zephrys the Great and Mountain Giant


Ancient Mysteries and the other secrets are really important in the deck. i have gotten away with a lot of counterspelling cards such as Hidden Oasis against quest Druid, and Flame Ward is clutch against almost all aggro decks! (They truly never learn, do they)


Possible cards to include are:

In case you don't have Raid the Sky Temple… Well i mainly made this deck to combine the Reno & Quest Archetypes… But it can be replaced by any of the cards listed just below this line of text. (although i suggest either Kalecgos, Power of Creation or King Phaoris.)

Magic Dart Frog if you don't have Reno the Relicologist. Opponents don't focus it down often, so you can get away with a good amount of damage/pings.

Kalecgos: I don't know what to replace for this card. When i get it from Dune Sculptor it often becomes a game deciding card. I personally don't have this card yet, and i don't know what to really replace. But it would be a solid addition.

Stargazer Luna: Before i had this card in the "Cards i'm not suggesting" section, and i still stand by my opinion that Pyromaniac is better in most ways….. BUT Stargazer Luna does do something better then Pyromaniac, and that is making opponents use all of their removal. Oponnents rather use their removal on Luna then Pyro. (Currently still testing her even more, as i'm still unsure otherwise)

Golden Scarab: This is a good inclusion, as it can give you some cards. Still a card i'm testing currently.

King Phaoris Considering this deck has al lot of spell generation and some big spells, this might fit. I personally don't have this card. But it looks like King Phaoris has succes in decks with a bunch of spells. This card might help pressure OTK Decks that have already used most of their board clears, and it functions as a pretty good Conjurer's Calling target.

Power of Creation: Has Synergy with Khadgar, in case something happened with your Mountain Giant. (Or if you just didn't pull Conjurer's Calling Yet)

Cloud Prince: Previous version of the deck runned this instead of Siamat, so i recommend using this instead of Siamat (If you don't have Siamat yet)

Cards i'm not including/suggesting:

Hex Lord Malacrass: This might give a lot of value, and might be considered to some. But mind i remind you it will give you another copy of the quest. It's better to discover this card from Dune Sculptor

Tortollan Pilgrim: I tried this card, as it might have a juicy effect, and might be a good Conjurer's Calling option. But after a lot of experimenting it just doesn't fit in this deck as well, considering this deck doesn't have THAT many big spells.

Naga Sand Witch: Tried it out, and a Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron for 5 mana is really fun, but often or not you have cheaper spells in your hand and still will only increase there cost. Just like Tortollan Pilgrim, this card just doesn't fit in this perticular deck because of the lack of big spells.


Win/losses i have against certain decks as of making this guide Updating this Guide:

Paladin Decks: Mech Paladin: 5 Wins, 0 Losses. Quest Paladin: 2 Win, 4 Loss. OTK Shirvalla: 0 Wins, 6 Losses. Avarage WR: 41.2%

Hunter Decks: Mech Hunter: 4 Wins, 7 Losses. Beast Hunter: 5 Wins: 5 Losses. Quest Hunter: 4 Wins, 1 Loss. Avarage WR: 50%

Shaman Decks: Mech Overload Shaman: 3 Wins, 2 Losses. Quest Shaman: 4 Wins, 7 Losses. Avarage WR: 43.8%

Druid Decks: Token Druid: 4 Win, 1 Loss. Quest Druid: 4 Wins, 1 Loss. Avarage WR: 80%

Rogue Decks: Quest Rogue: 2 Wins, 8 Losses. Avarage WR: 20%

Warlock Decks: Quest Warlock: 6 Wins, 2 Loss. Zoo-lock: 2 Win, 4 Losses. Avarage WR: 57.1%

Mage Decks: Giants Mage: 3 Win. 4 Loss. Highlander/Reno Mage: 2 Wins, 4 Losses. Avarage WR: 38.5%

Warrior Decks: Control Warrior: 6 Wins, 2 Losses. Quest Warrior: 2 Win, 1 Loss. Avarage WR: 72.7%

Priest Decks: Quest Priest: 3 Wins, 6 Losses. Avarage WR: 33.3%

Total personal WR with this deck: 48.5% 


I hope you will try this deck out! It's a lot of fun, if you have any suggestions to improve the deck that i have not mentioned, please let me know! 


Deck Edit Section:

22-8-2019: -1 Acolyte of Pain +1 Sandbinder. Better draw option with a lot of Synergy.

22-8-2019: -1 Magic Dart Frog +1 Reno the Relicologist. Finally crafted it, i still recommend the frog if you don't have reno yet.

29-8-2019: -1 Cloud Prince +1 Siamat. Cloud Prince most often just was not good enoegh, And made the Sandbinder pull worse, by replacing it with Siamat it makes the Binder Pull better, and it is just way more flexible.

Also added a guide against popular decks.

i'm noticing that the deck is getting more expensive over time, as i'm including more legendaries, don't worry about it, if you don't have some legendaries, just look at the "Possible cards to include" section for replacements.





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  • JulzCrafter's Avatar
    Academy Sleuth 400 40 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Is there any possible replacement for the quest?

    • Brandon's Avatar
      Old God Fanatic 1350 2486 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

      That's a hard question, considering i kinda made this deck because of the quest.

      After some thinking, i came up with some good suggestions. Here they are:

      Sandbinder: This can pull Mountain Giant, Zephrys the Great, Cloud Prince And Mana Cyclone. (Altho i use this instead of Acolyte of Pain

      King Phaoris: Forgot to put this in the guide as one of the possible cards to include. Personally don't have it but it might have a good place in any deck with a lot of spells.

      Golden Scarab: This is also a decent card. Might be a good addition.

      I might update my guide in a bit, considering i have done a lot of experimenting with all kinds of cards.

      • JulzCrafter's Avatar
        Academy Sleuth 400 40 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
        Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

        Damn. I guess I'll just have to craft the quest

  • Shosupply's Avatar
    Soulgorger 740 220 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Deck is working really well against controlled and aggro so far.  3-0 so far....

    • Brandon's Avatar
      Old God Fanatic 1350 2486 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

      Glad to hear! Hope your having fun with the deck!


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