Six Formats Hearthstone Could Easily Have
If you all browse the sub-reddit on a regular basis I'm sure you've seen numerous posts where people are asking, begging, pleading for new game modes/formats. Funny thing is, they just shout them at the devs without any explanation as to what they really want and never get down to the nitty gritty of what they're actually asking for. Since we just had WoW classic launch and some card nerfs I think it would be a good time to elaborate on some ideas that I think could potentially be implemented into the game without much change to how the game itself functions.
The way these formats are structured is that the higher on the list the format is, the more deck restrictions that exist. The further down, more deck freedom.
The Formats are:
Brawl Block
-The most strict format, it is designed for the players who are at the absolute top of HS.
-Uses Standard cards
-Ranks 50-1 do not exist.
-You must play 25 matches before getting your placement number, then you proceed to climbing like you would the regular ladder.
--Pretty much placement matches to see where you are in relation to the other players you face.
--The number will change while you are offline.
---You beat opponents A and B but lost to opponent C. Opponent C beats opponents A and B while you were offline and climbs higher than you.
---Prevents people from just sitting at a rank.
-This format exists so Team 5 can selectively remove cards from the format in case of them being over powered. See Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, Conjurer's Calling, and Luna's Pocket Galaxy.
--Team 5 can also selectively ban cards that just simply see too much play.
--Team 5 can also ban cards that cause an OTK, or an overpowered combo that can't be played against.
-As to whether or not this format grants eligibility for Blizzard events/tournaments should be considered. I would like for this to be the replacement for the current Standard Tournament format we have now.
-Should be left unchanged and left the way players are familiar with.
-If the Grandmaster format is implemented, the Standard format will most likely never be used for tournaments.
-Play with sets during a Standard year.
-Classic and Basic sets will be legal at all tables.
-Playing at the Kraken Table means that you are playing cards that were Standard legal in the Year of the Kraken.
--So on and so forth with every other year.
--"Launch year" will be used for the table that has Naxx, GVG, BRM, TGT, and LOE
-Undecided if this should rotate monthly or have all Tables present all year long.
-Table doesn't exist until the standard year has ended.
-Obviously shouldn't have a tournament presence.
-Legend Ranks within those Tables.
-Undecided if Wild cards should be used for this format.
-Restarts at the Standard rotation every year.
-At the end of every month, the top %10 of cards included into decks (not win percentage based) are banned.
-Beginning of the year and when expansions release are very unbalanced but should level out within 1-2 months after.
-New cards are only added when the mode resets at the start of the standard year.
-Possible for fun tournament setting for Blizzard to host similar to The Wild Open.
-Has Legend Rank.
Brawl Block:
-If you've played the Brawl you know what I'm talking about, if you haven't go look it up really quick.
-Rotates monthly.
-Has Legend Rank.
-Tournaments unlikely, due to monthly rotation.
-Yep, It's Wild.
These formats wouldn't require too much work for Blizzard to do and I think it would be healthy not only for the players being able to play their old cards, but for Team 5 to sell old packs sounds like a win-win.
If you have anything else to add don't hesitate.
Edit 10NOV: Bonus 7th format made by this guy.
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If you all browse the sub-reddit on a regular basis I'm sure you've seen numerous posts where people are asking, begging, pleading for new game modes/formats. Funny thing is, they just shout them at the devs without any explanation as to what they really want and never get down to the nitty gritty of what they're actually asking for. Since we just had WoW classic launch and some card nerfs I think it would be a good time to elaborate on some ideas that I think could potentially be implemented into the game without much change to how the game itself functions.
The way these formats are structured is that the higher on the list the format is, the more deck restrictions that exist. The further down, more deck freedom.
The Formats are:
Brawl Block
-The most strict format, it is designed for the players who are at the absolute top of HS.
-Uses Standard cards
-Ranks 50-1 do not exist.
-You must play 25 matches before getting your placement number, then you proceed to climbing like you would the regular ladder.
--Pretty much placement matches to see where you are in relation to the other players you face.
--The number will change while you are offline.
---You beat opponents A and B but lost to opponent C. Opponent C beats opponents A and B while you were offline and climbs higher than you.
---Prevents people from just sitting at a rank.
-This format exists so Team 5 can selectively remove cards from the format in case of them being over powered. See Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, Conjurer's Calling, and Luna's Pocket Galaxy.
--Team 5 can also selectively ban cards that just simply see too much play.
--Team 5 can also ban cards that cause an OTK, or an overpowered combo that can't be played against.
-As to whether or not this format grants eligibility for Blizzard events/tournaments should be considered. I would like for this to be the replacement for the current Standard Tournament format we have now.
-Should be left unchanged and left the way players are familiar with.
-If the Grandmaster format is implemented, the Standard format will most likely never be used for tournaments.
-Play with sets during a Standard year.
-Classic and Basic sets will be legal at all tables.
-Playing at the Kraken Table means that you are playing cards that were Standard legal in the Year of the Kraken.
--So on and so forth with every other year.
--"Launch year" will be used for the table that has Naxx, GVG, BRM, TGT, and LOE
-Undecided if this should rotate monthly or have all Tables present all year long.
-Table doesn't exist until the standard year has ended.
-Obviously shouldn't have a tournament presence.
-Legend Ranks within those Tables.
-Undecided if Wild cards should be used for this format.
-Restarts at the Standard rotation every year.
-At the end of every month, the top %10 of cards included into decks (not win percentage based) are banned.
-Beginning of the year and when expansions release are very unbalanced but should level out within 1-2 months after.
-New cards are only added when the mode resets at the start of the standard year.
-Possible for fun tournament setting for Blizzard to host similar to The Wild Open.
-Has Legend Rank.
Brawl Block:
-If you've played the Brawl you know what I'm talking about, if you haven't go look it up really quick.
-Rotates monthly.
-Has Legend Rank.
-Tournaments unlikely, due to monthly rotation.
-Yep, It's Wild.
These formats wouldn't require too much work for Blizzard to do and I think it would be healthy not only for the players being able to play their old cards, but for Team 5 to sell old packs sounds like a win-win.
If you have anything else to add don't hesitate.
Edit 10NOV: Bonus 7th format made by this guy.
Twitch for those of you who care.
I'd just be happy with a co-op mode of some kind. A lot of people hate the coop brawls, but I love them.
I'm surprised they haven't incorporated it into a "Boomlabs" type mode where you and a buddy could do a bunch of challenges together.
Twitch for those of you who care.
I would also add some form of extra wild format (I'm generally bad with names :P) where it is the same thing as wild, but with all prenerfed cards post beta. In order for it to not be abused by the same 5 decks with abandon just remove ranked from the equation in such a format. Still annoyed Grim Patron Warrior can't be a thing in wild when the deck would be MUCH weaker due to Voidcaller/Skull into early Voidlords, Gul'Dan and instant taunt walls, the new 3 damage mage secret, druid's plague, etc being very adequate deterrents to the deck in 2019.
You'd think. As fun as this game is it's severely lacking in things to do with friends. They have a few quests and spectator mode but that's about it.
For example, I tried to get my girlfriend into the game, but she just kinda thought it was okay at best. If there was coop mode, I know she'd be into it. Hell, I'd pay for each adventure.
Yeah, if there was a co-op type mode I know my friend and I would play that a bunch. Either a two headed giant kind of thing, or how the co-op brawls are
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Somekind of Co-Op Mode would be very cool! and not just only for the Brawl - like a Co-Op Ladder or something
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
The Pyramid idea is fantastic, forcing people to play underused cards will find so many unknown combos.
I could give some of the under performing quests a chance to shine in a format!
Don't Read This Sentence.
You Rebel. I like you.
Legacy format:a subset of wild with an added set "ancient memories", with some card rotated here that won't be playable in wild. Those card are old card nerfed and then never used again reverted to an original status, like warsong commander. Some cards can exist both in this status and in their actual status, like Raza the Chained, but in this case you can only play the older one.
Friendly format: another subset of wild, but with some card banned, based on both winrate, presence and feels. Neutral cards can be restricted from some class, for example no Baku in paladin or rogue but yes Baku in druid. This is the place where to play meme deck vs meme deck.
Both this formats shouldn't have a ladder, only casual and friendly match.
Many of those idea are pretty good and will also probably be entertaining, but considering how Blizzard managed HS since now I'll be happy to just see one of them added properly (the Brawl Block seems the most "fresh" in term of gameplay) or at last a reworked Ladder system that could replace the actual boring grind.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
Brawl Block and Pyramid seem the most likely to actually ever see the light of day. It's been 5 years since any new game mode has been introduced and it seems Team 5 are too preoccupied with making any.
I wish they'd take a year or two off of making the current single player content so we could have some variety.
Twitch for those of you who care.
The thing about formats like these are that queue times for a lot of them are going to be really long since not many (comparatively) will be playing.
You're better off organizing something online with friends and agreeing to play by those rules.
The queue times could be an issue, that's for sure, but I'd say at peak times it would be unnoticeable how long someone is waiting to play.
If I had actual friends that played this game regularly, I'd be setting up friendly tournaments.
Twitch for those of you who care.
I could see it working if it was a monthly or weekly rotating additional format (basically, Tavern Brawl, but around longer). That way, the player base isn't split between 17 different formats.
I think we also run into the issue of balance, which is why maybe a shorter rotational period is better too. If it's gone in a week, no one cares too much that the balance is shit.
You forgot one thing. Currently we have Standard Casual, Standard Ranked, Wild Casual, Wild Ranked, Tawern Brawl. So the player base divides into these 5 parts. If you dillute the game with 10 new formats, in bad times (evening, school time etc.) the wait time to find a match in the particular mode can extend to very lengthy ones.
I have an idea:
Casual Mode - Netdecks are banned. Gold is not rewarded. Quests cannot be completed. This is purely just for fun mode.
worst community ever
I've wanted a Two-Headed Giant mode for ages, but I recognize it is incredibly difficult these days.
Cooperative would be a nice way to test it though.
Give us a boss like Ramaz from MTG 2014 and you could see how players bring their decks together or how badly exploited the mode would be.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
Twitch for those of you who care.
I'd be in favor of this, it definitely allows players to play themed decks just for shits and giggles. "What if I made a deck with only orcs in the art?" kind of stuff.
Twitch for those of you who care.
The thing with this is that net decks are fluid. You ban a bunch of cards and net decks move down the list. When do you draw the line and stop banning any form of deck shared on the internet?
Also, fun meme decks have just as much potential to become 'meme netdecks' if they gain enough fun traction. In that sense such a format would become a double edged sword because then you'd start pruning out inconsistent, yet popular memes, straight out of the format because they potentially get net decked.
How about 20 shared cards as a deck in tier 1 or tier 2 according to VS? Or how about Blizzard publish their own tier list?
Why do you hate fun so much? Specifically, why are you so against ME having fun? You've done that consistently on Hearthpwn and now you're doing it here.
worst community ever
I'm all for fun. I can screenshot the 18 decks I'm currently using in HS if you'd like for proof of that, but you can't have a format that bans net decks even in a highly optimistic world. Even fun decks get net decked. The thing is people generally feel less bad playing against them because they aren't typically consistent so they feel less oppressive, but they still are actual net decks. Tesspionage Rogue is a great example of this. It started off as a fun semi-meme deck and look at how many people started playing it. So ironically a format that bans net decking would actually discourage players from sharing fun decks because if said decks caught on too well they would become what I said in my last post ("meme netdecks") and automatically get banned out of their own format for being copy pasta'ed. That would be counterintuitive to a 'non-netdeck format'
Also #funissubjective