New Rogue Hero - Galakrond, the Nightmare
Submitted 5 years, 2 months ago by
A new Legendary Rogue Hero, Galakrond, the Nightmare, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Rogue Hero, Galakrond, the Nightmare, has been revealed!
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Unbelievably powerful. Turn 7, draw FOUR CARDS, and each costs ZERO????
Game over on turn 7? Leeroy, eviscerate, eviscerate, cold blood... you can imagine the possible combos.
Very good. But i wish this card got a different Hero Power and this Hero Power (Add a Lackey to your hand) belonged to Warlock's Galakrond. Dark Pharaoh Tekahn would appreciate it a lot more.
"True mastery takes dedication."
People miss an important thing about Galakrond: if you want to get as much value as possible from him, just can't just jam it on turn 7 most of the times.
Before that, you have to play 2 cards (or 3, I don't remember) with the Invoke mechanic, which are kinda awkward (see the 4 mana 2/2 with Rush, not really a Rogue card).
I'm not saying that Galakrond won't see play (I in fact think the opposite, even more that they're completely free for everyone), but if they decided to release such card it means that they have their own reasons.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
you need to invoke 4 times before it's that effect
the invoke cards in rogue are lackey generators though so you might want to play them anyway.. but still it's probably not gonna happen on turn 7 unless you are really lucky.
Rogue has Spirit of the Shark that means it can be invoked twice in a turn + Seal Fate and Praise Galakrond! are cheap enough and all invoke cards are giving more Lackeys to rogue thanks to Galakrond, the Nightmare's hero power. Lackeys are so powerful in rogue as you can imagine.
+ you can take more advantage with extra coins of Umbral Skulker.
Imagine a play like turn 1 Pharaoh Cat turn 2 Praise Galakrond! turn 3 Seal Fate turn 4 Umbral Skulker
you will end up 1 reborn minion + 2 lackeys + 3 coins + 3 drawn cards in hand, 1 removal for 3 health minion or dealt 3 damage to face and your Galakrond, the Nightmare already upgraded by 1 level. All you need is 2 more and you have + mana with coins in hand + lackeys for value. You can play that shitty invoke cards with lackeys + coins without hesitation like turn 5 Shield of Galakrond or Devoted Maniac + a lackey and turn 6 Shield of Galakrond + a lackey or Devoted Maniac + 2 lackeys. they also will add 2 more lackeys to your hand with a rush minion on board and some protection with a taunt minion and you will have something to play in hand and your Galakrond, the Nightmare ready to act at turn 7 with upgraded twice. It seemed a good play to me but well it is the best case scenario.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Btw, why I skipped it I don't know but You probably don't want to play it before you cleared all invoke cards etc.
+ Togwaggle's Scheme can create great value for this card.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
The strongest card of DoD so far in my opinion.
Definitely the strongest Galakrond card so far. Also makes Heistbaron Togwaggle way more consistent. Those two might provide a buildaround on their own: early game is lackeys and the usual tempo package while constantly invoking Galakrond, then go Togwaggle or Galakrond around turn 7 and draw some heavy minions like Colossus of the Moon, Living Monument, Big Bad Archmage (or rag in wild). The hero power and Umbral Skulker can also lead to a huge edwin. So all in all this looks really powerful!
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
This one feels incredibly strong in the context of what Rogue has right now.
Togwaggle's Scheme, Shadow Step (for Invoke minions), Shadow of Death (draw to proc, obviously the cost reduction is meaningless), Anka + Deathrattle stuff, Waxadred, Togwaggle....
It just seems like there are all the tools in the world for this to be strong enough in a class that's almost always one of the best.
And the Hero Power upgrade is definitely one of the best.
5 stars! cost zero is such a big deal, you can make insane combos if you draw the right cards
This one really scares me!!! OMG all the possible combos.... Edwin VanCleef says hello
Lackies and free cards. Count me in!
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
At this point I'M a bit skeptical....
I've played a bunch of Tempo Rogue and while Wondrous Wand off of Togwaggle is great it usually doesn't really win the game on the spot...and generating lackeys is also neat....but still not great. And to even get all of this you have to run the INvokers, which, so far, don't seem that powerful for Rogue.
Even if there were some combo shenanigans...Rogue hasn't been all that strong in that department lately anyways.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Insane effect, awesome hero power, what else to say. It is definitely seeing play in top tier decks and it looks like it may be meta defining but that is hard to tell at the moment.
6/5 stars:) If we would not get this for free, I would craft it day 1. Seems OP.
I do what I must, when I must. Know this well.
It's hard to see how this one isn't great, and perhaps the best one. We'll see.
All generalizations are false.
Best of the Galakronds so far. Zero mana cards? Fantastic. Draw? Useful. Unending stream of Lackeys? Oh boy yes. Welcome back to Tempo Rogue people; Burgle Rogue people (like myself) had our moment in the sun, but alas it is now over.
Looks bonkers, once again, let's hope Control Rogue works.
By far the best galakrond so far revealed! Rogue has been known for its miracle deck since the dawn of hearthstone. People always dismiss the reaperence of the deck, but the archtype usually only needs 1 more good card to work, which I believe to be this one.
Obvious Miracle Rogue is obvious. I don't play such decks, so I don't really care about this card. I expect to see it a LOT, though.
Malygos+Scheme+Galakrond+Coins+2xSinister Strike = 46 Damage
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Potentially dangerous, rogue loves cheap cards so 0 cost cards and lackeys are juicy!
Anything that will make something cost 0 mana is already good, Rogue will have probably some shenanigans with Malygos or something.
It's such a shame we can't just pay an "upgrade" cost in dust. So far the top golden craft for me from what's been revealed.
One of the best Galakrond for sure .. can possible win the game, but let's wait.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Certainly the best Galakrond of all the revealed, 4 cards costing 0!!? for real? the invoked mechanic is the one to see if worth
This is imo the most viable version of Galakrond. I'm looking forward trying out a Tempo Rogue deck with a Miracle approach :)
Very powerful and fun, so much potential combos with this bad boy. Also, a hero power that gives you a lackey? Yes, please!
This just seems like a crazy crazy card that will do a lot of crazy stuff. Making cards cost 0 really special and it will create some just outrageous moments.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
really strong, lackeys always do a lot of pressure, and the effect of drawing cards for 0 cost is incredible
They should consider adding a upgrade button to golden if they are adding all of these for free. For me I can't stand having a normal hero with a golden hero portrait haha.
The Forgotten Wilds - Druid
The best Galakrond so far. Excelent combo activator with a decent hero power!
Drawing cards is always good, a nice card!
Some users mentioned Tempo Rogue, but could it be that there will be some kind of Dragon finisher? Waxxadred seems decent as well, but 0 cost cards can be strong combined together. Surely there are lackeys, but perhaps a version with Dragon will also come to be. Seems pretty cool tbh
Crazy effect when fully upgraded, but you want expensive cards in you deck to really make use of it. Can't really see this as a win condition.
So far the invoke cards for rogue look pretty decent. Praise Galakrond! and Seal Fate are all playable cards. And getting a bunch of lackeys is pretty good tempo/value. I think this galakrond will work out well partly because the card itself is a very good card, but mostly because all of the invoke cards are very good, playable cards. I don't think you will be sacrificing too much to get full value from galakrond, and when you do get full value, it will likely win you the game. Getting 4 free cards plus 10 damage over 2 turns is usually enough to close out a game.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Edwin van Cleef thanks Galakrond for making him cheap (and not eating him).
Very nice card, but rogue has so many cheap cards... :'(
the draw card effect does not look good to me for rogue. rogue is generally good a generating tempo and running away with the game. invoke and galakrond weaken the typical rogue strength of tempo. the effect requires a top heavy deck which generally is not a rogue gameplan. maybe control rogue will be a thing, who knows?
This is pretty op..tempo rogue is going to get a HUGE buff benefiting from this..lets make a super big Van Cleef
The Battlecry is strong, and getting Lackey through Invoke is good, but I’m not sure that paying 2 for a lackey is good. EVIL Cable Rat was already borderline, and that puts an extra 1/1 beast on the board. I wonder if Rogue will get another card that benefits from Lackey synergy. That might make the difference.
I am however considering trying to make a deck that desperately tries to get a Tekhan, because 3 mana for a 4/4 with a powerful battlecry each turn is pretty sick.
It will be played, packs too much things not to.
The thing is, this card is mixed value and tempo, where tempo gain depends on your deck composition. If you play a lot of low cost cards, then you lose out a lot on its battlecry. Hero power (value) is not bad, but weaker than Warlock's, and significantly weaker than Warrior's Galakrond HP.
Edwin/Adventurer fuel or Combo activator, but there are plenty of them already, and those are just 3 single threats.
Very good card in theory with the main drawback being how fast it will get you to fatigue. I imagine this card will be put in a deck that will already have carddraw to find the invoke cards . This also doesn't seem to be really all that needed for rogue given that they have acces to far better carddraw with less restrictions since this Galakrond would be better used in a control/late game deck that usually doesn' t work for rogue .
3 stars , maybe 4
The best Galakrond, IMO. We do still need to see Shaman's Galakrond.
This Galakrond seems to be the most flexible compared to the others. The rogue invoke cards don't really push you in a single archetype like Galakrond, the Wretched. You can go for Tempo, Combo, Value or maybe even control. I wonder how this will affect the state of rogue.
More dragons? Yes please!
Definitely a really strong card, the only thing that could drag it down would be not enough good invoke cards. Would definitely suck to draw a few of the cheaper invokes with that battlecry though
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Very nice Battlecry. Also, might lead to some combo decks by generating all those lackeys?
Insane value card : fully invoked, it's like a 0 cost sprint, great for combos and everybody knows that rogue loves combos ( Lee roy, Malygos, even Meca'thun could work with some luck ).
The hero power is very good and add even more value to the card.
For me it's a five star with so much potential !!
Great value. 30+ Mana worth of stats, and the change to the hero power is a much better late came state than 1/2 daggers.
Galakrond's rouge is broken for me. Invoke ealry game and you can easly win game thanks the rng....i hope to be very wrong
This version of Galakrond has a lot of potential to create a massive board swing late in the game with multiple 0-Cost cards.
Rogue is a class that loves to cheat mana, and Galakrond accomplishes this to a stunning degree.
The main hurdles I see with this card are consistency and the forced Invoke build-around.
I can imagine this being very good in a deck with a high-curve with midrange and Invoke cards to fill in the early and mid-game.
The tempo Rogue dream.
Rogue having their Invoke activators giving them Lackeys is already very powerful, top that off with this cards battlecry and you will have some huge tempo swings available. Compare it to Wondrous Wand and you can see how this card will see play.
The worst Galakrond we have seen so far. It would only fit in some agro deck that most likely lost if they need to play this card.
We have to still see Shaman's Galakrond, but for now i think this is the strongest.
Not only the fully evolved battlecry is insane, but for now rogue got the best invoke cards. Everytime you invoke you get a lackey too, and they are good in rogue, so even the invoke is a good effect.
I'm pretty sure that Galakrond rogue will be a thing.
Never give rogue too much (0) cost cards! This is gonna be insane...
After a bit of consideration feel like his hero power is kinda deal breaker you no longer have a dagger and have to spend 2 mana for a lackey and playing suboptimal cards just to get a Togwaggle treasure? Only upside I can think of is Kronx Dragonhoof even that seems waay better in control decks not tempo. With 0 board clears dont think control rogue will be a thing. Feel like Galakrond, the Nightmare might share same fate as the Bazaar Burglary
I don't even know =) Can't imagine what could we do with this Galakrond and what archetype will be able to play it. So need to see this in practice to evaluate.
Maybe the strongest Galakrond we have seen this far (missing shaman still).
Lackeys have been proven to be very useful already and this gives Rogue infinite lackeys. There aren't that many high cost cards that Rogue runs but it would still be nice to have a 0 mana togwaggle, or to highroll a hooktusk. And it has the same thing from the other hero cards which gives it so much value for it's cost.
Everything this card does is busted. This will definitely push rogue a ton!
discounted sprint with a 5/2 weapon and starts generating lackeys. i dont know what else rogue could ask for.
Drawn cards, especially the expensive ones can have such a big impact on a game, I think it's a 4 star card cause it depends much on drawn cards
I think this is the best Galakrond and its free!!
This is my favorite galakrond. Insane value and also the hero power is awesome. The combo potential is also pretty, for me it's a scarry card
Free costs cards, but yeah, this should be called tempo king.
uhh, yeah, this card looks really strong, its like that fantastic treasure on steroids, plus it gives rouge some nice value late game.
I can only dream of the combo chains possible with this.
Should make for some wacky shuffle combos, or just an insane tempo fiesta - I'm looking forward to it!
I dont think he is the best of the 5 but i like him the most(purely because of the hero power)
This card might fit into current tempo rogue decks. The hero power is a nice lackey generator for Heistbaron Togwaggle or Spirit of the Shark. The battlecry is a nice tempo play to close out games.
way too op. gonna try this card day one
If you draw a card that costs 7 or more, its a free 5 armor and hero power improvement, even without any invoking. I think the rogue gallakrond will be the most consistent gallakrond deck in the first days.
Wonderous Wand is a good card when received from Toggwaggle. This is a good option to replace that (or why not run both since Galakrond gives lackey support)
This card is wonderful since it adds the lackey as combo activators and adds draw to rouge I'm going to enjoy using this alot
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Yea it mostly won't happen on turn 7, but honestly on any turn this effect is insanely strong.
Galakrond, the Nightmare
Solid card. The hero power providing Lackeys is actually super impactful whenever you Invoke and the ability to draw lots of cards has obvious synergy with Waxadred or really any combo you are looking to dig for since they will be set to 0-cost.
Galakrond rating: 1st best
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
This heropower is good enough, to shape decks around it, and allow some weaker combo cards (like Whirlkick Master) to see play.
I would't say it's that good, but it kinda is. Both a tempo swing and semi-infinite value from the Discovering Lackeys.
It will be interesting to see it in action, can't wait.
Rogue is the class that "abuses" lackeys, and even though this card is slow, the value it generates continuously might just make up for it.
I love this galakrond! Looks super fun and extremely powerful.
I cant wait to combine this, with some kind of combo deck. So many possibilities with this card I think and definitely my favourite gala
This Galakrond will allow some crazy combos in Standard and Wild. You may even play it in a Spectral Cutlass Deck with academic espionage and draw cards.
That zero cost cards looks terrifying. I can see right in front me - deck depleted with Myra's Unstable Element, then filled with Leeroy Jenkins by Togwaggle's Scheme and then this as a final nail in the coffin. I will hate this card from deep of my heart, I know this for sure.
Fun and interactive game.
One of the 4 cards I missed during reveal season
Correcting my omissions
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Great into a combo deck with lots of card generators.
The Pleasure is Mine !!!