New Neutral Minion - Sathrovarr
Submitted 5 years, 2 months ago by
A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Sathrovarr, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Sathrovarr, has been revealed!
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Interesting card, but its cost may be too high to make him a consistent card for Value purposes.
Still solid for some Combo.
Seems decent but really hard to get value from.
"True mastery takes dedication."
Has a lot of potential (0-mana Shirvallah, the Tiger + this on turn 9 is really strong).
This card will probably be too slow to be good. But I am very excited to try some weird greedy control decks with this.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I recall seeing a similar card in Hearthcards. I think it's a slow, but flexible, card: Copying a minion on the battlefield gives way for end-of-turn shenanigans, putting a copy of a minion into your hand enables multiple-turn aggro/defensive plays(potential triple King Krush, anyone?), shuffling a copy of a minion into your deck can be late game-changing (Shirvallah, the Tiger, or a hail-mary Zephrys the Great, maybe). Being a 9-drop also dampens the Evolve/Conjurer's Calling pool.
Well it's over
Could this be a hint at next year having a legion theme?
I think this card will be very strong with reborn and deathrattle minions. Especially in priests with their re-summons and Grave Horror and in Rogue with [Hearthstone Card (Anka) Not Found] and 1 cost minions . also any deck that runs two Khartut Defender should consider it
Interesting card . I am sure someone will find a way to exploit the 3 copies for some OTK / infinite value loop. Some cards are nice to have multiplies of like [Hearthstone Card (Zephrys) Not Found] or Rag, but he will be leaving?
BTW we are getting a free non golden copy of this card.
Except that the tigers in deck and hand will cost 25. So im not seeing u being able to discount the other 2
I haven't read any busted combos with this yet. But it seems like a card that is unique enough to see some niche competitive play at some point during its life cycle.
No they won't cost 25, that's not how Shirvallah, the Tiger works. The discount from playing spells applies to ALL copies of Shirvallah, including ones you generate or bounce (technically the game applies the discount when it enters your hand, hence why the Holy Wrath combo deals 25 damage not 0 damage).
So if you play a (0) mana Shirvallah and then play Sathrovarr on it you'll end up with 2 Shirvallahs in play, another in hand that costs (0), and another in your deck that when you draw it you can play for (0). In a Shirvallah OTK deck that could be a pretty powerful spike that keeps the Holy Wrath combo intact.
Even if very slow, I think it will be a nice add to many control oriented play style and decks. Wild Reno-lock's list, namely, could benefit from such card's effect and tribe tag, as it conveniently fits multiple purpose at once. You could play Faceless, Baleful and Zola AND have just get this guy to do the same, as a backup plan.
It is like the Swiss army knife of control decks!
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
This fella used Sathrovarr on my Kun. Guess "friendly" in card's text means nothing.
//fixed the image -Sinti
You should open a ticket on the official HS forums, link this screenshot to them. Probably just a bug. Add it to the current bug list...
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Been playing a bit of OTK Paladin now that Sathrovarr has been released and I have to say I'm impressed. I thought it would feel like a win-more card but it really isn't: it adds a huge spike/recovery turn that would otherwise cost you half of your combo damage to pull off before you empty your deck. Not only that, the sheer value of the card gives you some amount of lategame reach beyond the combo itself.
The fact that you can summon 14/21 points of rushing, lifestealing damage and still have Shirvallahs left over for your bankers to copy makes this guy a must in OTK paladin and might make it the deck to beat, at least until the full set releases.
Edit: Sathrovarr might also make a pretty good card for quest druid as long as [Hearthstone Card (Kun, the Forgotten King) Not Found] remains in standard. Not only is it great tempo and value to clone your Kun, the extra armor allows you to get out of reach of OTK paladin's burn, which can be pretty tricky if you're relying only on Hidden Oasis and Ferocious Howl.
Have great fun with this card in a OTK mage deck featuring Malygos, Alexstrasza, Archmage Antonidas etc. Works perfectly in combination with Galaxy spell.
You are right. It's disgusting in OTK Paladin. The "extra" Shirvallahs are zero mana cost as well if you have spent enough on spells already. I really hope this deck doesn't take off between now and Dec 10 because it's awful to play against
What did you cut for it?
Put him in over Subdue if you are running that. No reason to subdue someone when you can just split their soul apart.
Try Viper's list!
I'm not running Emperor T which I see some people playing, and only one Flash of Light. It's probably easier to just post my own little homegrown list because there's a lot of ways you can tweak the deck. I'm by no means claiming that this is an optimised decklist by the way; I've only really started playing OTK pally now that Sathrovarr has made it OP.
Hey, could you show your paladin deck list with sathrovarr?
It should be in the post right above yours. Is it not showing on your end
Don't cut Emperor yet, because of Kun and Hidden Oasis. Dealing 50 in one turn is often your only chance vs. Druid.
still too slow, hard to use miracle decks these days
I havent find his place yet. But i saw him in a holy wrath deck, and that worked pretty well.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
a good free legendary. apreciate it
Very difficult to activate combos, but if it happens it will surely be destructive.
I once fought against a Reno-Nzoth-Floop-Sath-Druid.
..guess how that turned out for me.
ArtStation | Twitter
We've already seen a lot of ways this card can get great plays in the pre-DoD meta so I don't expect that's going to change as more is revealed. Seems like Blizz is getting fairly proficient in printing good neutral Legendaries that they then give away for free (hey there Archmage Vargoth).
Meme potential. That's pretty much it.
There are a few places where it can see use, as we've seen, but it's way too greedy for the vast majority of decks. One of those Legendaries that will pop up now and again to really screw you over and you'll be "wait wtf?"
Seems too high of a mana cost to really gain value from. If you can play this, it's likely that you're already winning.
Start date: 5/16/14 Current gold: 16,410 Current dust: 17,200 Play wins: 10,786 Legendary from crafting: 26
Cash spent: $125.00 Lifetime gold: 177,110 Dust reserves: 62,985 Arena Wins: 907 Legendary from packs: 127
Soooo, I forgot Shyvala was a thing, imagine my surprise as 3 mighty tigers came into play and in one turn fully healed my opponent, cleared my board and possible slapped my arse. Still surprisingly funny and good use for a card I dismissed for being too expensive.
I saw again the card when a shaman player evolved it mongull into a giant octopus and immediately into this. I do love bad evolve outcomes, they keep the game fresh and fun.
I think it´s too slow? I could have given it a try already, as we got the card, but I´m not very interested in it. Might find it´s home in some combo or value deck though.
I've always wanted a card that has the effects of Molten Reflection, Zola and Baleful Banker.
So far we've already seen this put to good use in Holy Wrath Paladin, and with Fate Weaver, I can see this getting a spot in some fun combo decks.
Obvious combo type of card that already sees play in Paladin, Druid etc. It's fun but is it truly competitive during the next expansion and rotation? I doubt it though, but it's a free Legendary, and like Marin the Fox, it's fine for that.
The cost is a bit high, but the effect worth it! I was testing this in my pocket luna galaxy deck and it's INSANELY GOOD sometimes, really good card, and a free one, thanks blizzard :)
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
It is more funny when you use it in a shitty deck believe me.
It has its own use in pally and druid, I see, but don't underestiamte the guy's meme potential. He really offers great fun value ! like mutliple Archbishop Benedictus !
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I really like this in Shirvallah paladin, it allows you to close the game even before you draw your entire deck. In wild, I love memeing with it in a Reno Shudderwock deck :D
If it weren't for Khun, IDK if this would be that exciting. For the few days when it was glitched and could target enemy stuff it was really interesting, but 9 mana 5/5s with super conditional battlecries don't make me excited.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Well, it'S absolutely annoying to face in Holy Wrath paladin, but I fail to see how it would be useful in any other kind of deck.
High value minions don't stick to the board unless you already won. This isn't LoR.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
The potential of this card is crazy. But you dont want too many expensive minions and your target minion must stick. Unless it’s Shir’vallah, of course..
Very hard to implement the battlecry but if you do it can win you a control matchup IMO. An interesting option which is good to have.
Too slow. Maybe a 7-mana is better.
I thounght that it is very weak card but it's surpisingly good. Solid for varios build
Interesting card. I’m expecting someone to find something cool to do with it comboed with Augmented Elekk or Khadgar.
Feel that this card has lots of potential, mainly for combo reliant decks. Currently seeing play in Holy Wrath Paladin, but I think it could work in Malygos decks as well.
Pretty op for some niche wombocombo deck..Will probably not match up to the more effective tempo/miracle decks..
Very powerful effect with high value, but not only is it a 9 mana card, but you will need a worthy minion to target. Not an easy card to properly use but a nice one to try out.
More dragons? Yes please!
very good card, but limited to combo
but still closes games
Yeah this has definitely been a good card, probably gonna see play for awhile longer too. Just a strong card altogether
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Very good value, average stats, high cost. Overall I would say that this card is pretty balanced. It will be used in the late game with high key minions that could mean a victory.
Card is super sweet.
I just wanted to vote it 5 out of 5 because i like the design a lot.
It has 2 applcations, one is doing some kind of broken combos, the other is to generate a great amount of value.
about te second application, the card will see play in late-midgame/control decks if value wars will be all over the place, otherwise i think that is too greedy to play just to get a vantage on a very small percentage of matchups.
As we have already seen so far Sathrovarr excels when used on cards which can cheat mana such as Kun the Forgotten King and Shirvallah, the Tiger.
I feel that there will always be a meta where Sathrovarr can shine, it is all dependent on these cards being printed however.
Card is already out and it didn't have a huge impact. Maybe more useful in wild to some disgusting combos. Definitively not my type of card.
Already had the "pleasure" to deal with this guy, can became dangerous in a lot of situations. Very flexible.
Doesnt seem very good unless you have a 0 mana minion like shirvallah and kun
right now only good for kun and shirvallah. i think it's too slow everywhere else.
Cool effect, but with 9 mana cost it's hard to make a combo with it. For sure is strong in deck where you can cheat with our mana ( cof cof Kun the Forgotten King cof cof wild)
A ton of value, on a 5/5 body, however, it is 9-mana, making it very hard to play. Still, a cool card to mess around with before the expansion comes out.
This has been bananas with Shirvallah, the Tiger , great card.
Well I am having a lot of fun with it, after an N'zoth turn resurrecting all my taunts/heals/deathrattles, often N;zoth lives and I use this card to get me 2 extra "for some extra insurance" lol. I am using it in a value oriented mage deck with lots of 6+ minions. Also great to copy your rag's for instant extra 8 damage.
Having played this in Druid, this is a super fun card with a very interesting effect. Looking forward to seeing more of it in the coming months.
Will this be playable now that the wild card is gone?
Can be playable in some decks, but very difficult to pull out a combo.
I haven't yet found a combo I'm excited about for this card, perhaps Shudder somehow
Works with the tiger but for the most part, I haven't seen this guy at all I think he might be better with new cards in the Expac but at the moment he's really only good for combos
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
He's great for combos, but also for value. Playing it on any big minion can be a big deal and we have yet to see how it'll work with the DoD stuff. My guess is it will see play possibly all the way until it rotates.
This card show that a single card can shift the meta a lot. Before the release of Sathrovarr, Shirvalla Paladin wasn't strong enough in the meta, but the inclusion of this card made the deck competetive again.
With today's patch, Sathrovarr is suddenly unavailable for decks. Anyone else have this problem? I wonder if it's intended, or a bug.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Super high value but I dont really see it getting played much besides with Shirvallah
We’ve already seen this card see play since it was released early. A true “win-more” card. Ends up being greedy overkill in most situations. Probably still won’t see much play.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Combo enabler mainly with good versatility. We got for free so can't complain.
Excellent card for control and combo decks. I think it'll be in a lot of decks. Bonkers in wild. And it's free!
Looking strong on paper, but struggles in real life application. Mana cost is too restrictive to creative usage.
Fun and interactive game.
Because this is best played on powerful deathrattle or battlecry cards, I'd rather it just added 2 copies to hand instead of the 3 to 3 different places.
it showed its effectiveness in combo decks, but hard to see it anywhere else