What decks have you been experimenting with?
In the midst of the current Shaman-dominated meta, what other decks have you been experimenting with and which ones do you think could shine after nerfs?
Since opening Zephrys the Great, I've been having fun with making Highlander versions of Galakrond decks, specifically Highlander Warlock and Highlander Priest.
With the few games I played, Highlander Warlock seems to win against Pirate Warrior, but is absolutely decimated by Deathrattle Rogue. I also played one game with a hybrid of Quest/Highlander/Galakrond Priest and it was fun.
Admittedly, I'm one of the players who uses Galakrond Shaman to ladder, but I've been using an Overload version of it that looks like it might survive the nerf.
Post-nerf Edit: The nerfs surprisingly stifled Galakrond Shaman a bit, though it's still strong. I've been running into Deathrattle Rogue more often though.
I haven't expierimented with any of my Thief decks yet so I might give Control Thief Priest a try, but it might be too slow in this meta
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In the midst of the current Shaman-dominated meta, what other decks have you been experimenting with and which ones do you think could shine after nerfs?
Since opening Zephrys the Great, I've been having fun with making Highlander versions of Galakrond decks, specifically Highlander Warlock and Highlander Priest.
With the few games I played, Highlander Warlock seems to win against Pirate Warrior, but is absolutely decimated by Deathrattle Rogue. I also played one game with a hybrid of Quest/Highlander/Galakrond Priest and it was fun.
Admittedly, I'm one of the players who uses Galakrond Shaman to ladder, but I've been using an Overload version of it that looks like it might survive the nerf.
Post-nerf Edit: The nerfs surprisingly stifled Galakrond Shaman a bit, though it's still strong. I've been running into Deathrattle Rogue more often though.
I haven't expierimented with any of my Thief decks yet so I might give Control Thief Priest a try, but it might be too slow in this meta
Well it's over
Talking from Wild here.
-> Currently playing with Embiggen Pirate Druid and having a blast with it (when you actually draw embiggen).
Galakrond Control Warlock has been surprisingly not bad.
I'm trying to make Overload Shaman work since I already had Vessina and have gotten 2 Cumulo-Maximus from packs. It really lacks strong synergistic early minions (Surging Tempest isn't BAD, it's just basically the only option and not all that difficult to clear without a stronger curve). However, I'm also playing basically the same deck in Wild but swapped in Tunnel Trogg and Totem Golem and having *considerably* better results.
I'm also trying to make Cyclone Mage 2.0 work since I got Chenvaala and, while not at all bad, it's super inconsistent. There have been games where I've totally steamrolled getting multiple 5/5s off Chenvaala + the 6/6 dragons from Learn Draconic to win handily. And then others where i get absolutely bodied when my draws haven't come in correctly. Feels a lot like Standard Pirate Warrior - if your mulligan and first say 3-4 turns highroll correctly, you ware unstoppable, BUT if that doesn't happen you have virtually no mid/late game staying power.
I've been playing a tonne of Highlander Dragon Mage. Luna's Pocket Galaxy isn't half bad when you've multiple ways to cast it for 0 mana.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
Murloc embiggen druid is my last atrocity. Men, that shaman deck is so unfun for the rest of all new decks
I've been experimenting a lot with Dragon Shaman since I opened Nithogg. I think I'm 9-10 at rank 5, but with some refinement it could be pretty good. Lightning Breath is insane, but I was surprised by how bad Squallhunter seems to be.
Gosh dang it, cards bad.
Care to share that decklist? That sounds so ridiculously meme-y I've got to try it out haha.
Pure Paladin. It's actually surprising good, but not tier 1. If you can re-load on turn 7 with the new card that gives you 5 random cards, it can be fun. Plus, you can tech in a lot of healing which is great against aggro decks.
However you are in big trouble vs. Shaman and their insane turn 7 or 8 moves. Also Rogue is hard if they get the deathrattle nonsense going.
But it's a fun deck to try and can catch some people off guard.
Dragon/murloc Shaman with Skyfin,
I can even win against op Galakrond Shaman decks but have some other bad match-ups.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
The main deck I've been playing with is Embiggen Dragon Druid.
I have been playing only with Galakrond Rogue since Descent of Dragons' release and I'm still having a lot of fun!!! :)
I'm playing with my Control Rush Galakrond Warrior that aim to control the board while charging the proto-dragon. After fully invoked, finish your opponent by slam face and hit hard with all those buffed minion.
Well so far i've messed around with lots of lists.
The Last few days i tried different Priest builds with Galakrond - decent and fun but not that good for laddering :)
The Warbringer Rogue is doing ok and Highlander Mage is kinda fun.
Right now i'm trying different hunters - lets see how this goes :)
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Dragon Paladin, one with Norzdormu and another one without it and with smaller dragons.
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
Highlander Hunter with Emeriss. Getting some 14/14 taunts that are hard to remove or a 16/16 king crush, always feels good
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Started the new expansion with my golden Whizbang the Wonderful, but very poor results with a lot of the decks, and frequent beat downs by Shamans pushed me back to my old trusty Control Shaman deck. Figured the meta would shift heavy aggro to counter, so decided to farm the counters. Teched in plenty of different cards to disrupt my opponents' decks. Have a fairly decent win rate, though I occasionally have to change my tech options to account for the decks I'm running across. Galakrond Shaman still beats me more often than not, but it's a lot closer than it was before. Pulled out some good upsets on occasion.
Embiggen is such a fun card. It works well with eggs too.
GenX APM Specialist.
To OP. Hanlock with dragons just runs over pirate warrior similarly to the highlander version BUT ive been winning consistently vs the apothecary rogue. How? Quite simple I use spellbreaker and one kobol sticky finger. They just cry themselves to sleep when u hit them with silence AND stealing their weapon. They dont have sap so ur big minions stay on board AND go face. They rely on their lifesteal buffed minions to stay alive. No removals so we just go face with what we got and they dont comeback. Face Toxic Hunter is an auto loss sadly
Here's a list of the decks I've been experimenting with..
Hope you like them :)
It's Reno warlock, not highlander warlock :(
Reno Jackson
My faves!
You can beat me but I will still yeet your skeet
Tempo Galakrond Rogue also has a fighting chance against Apothecary Rogue since they have to rely on getting Necrium Apothecary fast enough. Additionally, if you push for a more aggressive strategy with wide boards and taunts, Tempo Rogue can outpace Face Hunter.
Well it's over