Tired of Hearthstone

Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by

Good eve fellow Hearthstoners,

got back to the game after taking a short break as Rise of Shadows was really bland and I really quickly lost interest in the game, quite frankly had higher hopes for it as I've been pretty dissappointed with the expansions since Boomsday Project. But honestly Saviors of Uldum really trumped it all with the massive amount of stale and bland legendaries. I've literally never EVER had 0 legendaries that interested me. Yet now I honestly have no clue what to craft. What bums me out even more is that I even won the outofcards giveaway, got super lucky with my 53 packs and still haven't got anything to do as both Standard and Wild ladders are just honestly the same old shitfest as they have been since forever. Standard being stale and Wild being, well, terrorized by decks that I don't even dare to name as I would probably get a lot of meaningless hate for it.

Point is, I'm pretty much bored of the expansion on the first day of playing it and it's frustrating as I've loved this game to bits for such a long time. I'd appreciate any tips for some decks you guys have success with as nothing I came up seems to work. And please refrain from comments to play other card games. I've tried many and they were fun for a while, but not in a longrun.


  • Korialstrasz's Avatar
    Supporter 390 81 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Good eve fellow Hearthstoners,

    got back to the game after taking a short break as Rise of Shadows was really bland and I really quickly lost interest in the game, quite frankly had higher hopes for it as I've been pretty dissappointed with the expansions since Boomsday Project. But honestly Saviors of Uldum really trumped it all with the massive amount of stale and bland legendaries. I've literally never EVER had 0 legendaries that interested me. Yet now I honestly have no clue what to craft. What bums me out even more is that I even won the outofcards giveaway, got super lucky with my 53 packs and still haven't got anything to do as both Standard and Wild ladders are just honestly the same old shitfest as they have been since forever. Standard being stale and Wild being, well, terrorized by decks that I don't even dare to name as I would probably get a lot of meaningless hate for it.

    Point is, I'm pretty much bored of the expansion on the first day of playing it and it's frustrating as I've loved this game to bits for such a long time. I'd appreciate any tips for some decks you guys have success with as nothing I came up seems to work. And please refrain from comments to play other card games. I've tried many and they were fun for a while, but not in a longrun.


  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2792 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    I dont know what game are you playing, but it must not be the same one i am. New quest decks popping up everywhere. Highlander decks too. Sure, there are still some Bomb Warriors, but there are a lot of new decks too.

    If you say everything stayed the same, then i dont know what to tell you. Maybe you do need to take a break for a longer period of time and comeback when new Standard rotation happens or dunno.

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  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    I feel the same honestly...the whole "new" aspect kind of loses me once you start realising the vast power difference between the quests.

    Like, it's all fun and games playing Quest Warlock until you realize that even with a deck perfectly geared towards beating aggression you still just get run down because some classes just get to do unfair stuff so you basically are forced to also play a deck with unfair stuff or else you can't win.

    It's just tiring when expansion after expansion deckbuilding is irrelevant compared to just stacking the most powerful cards available

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • RavenSunHS's Avatar
    Refreshment Vendor 880 1487 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Gaming Fatigue is a personal factor, much more than an objective issue with the game itself.

    Btw, new decks don't pop up immediately, or obviously. They take a lot of refinement and effort.

    That is true at least in a dynamic meta.

    If the opposite was true, if decks emerged so obviously, it would mean we were in front of broken powercreep...

    So yeah. It's not an issue of RoS or SoU. It's just a personal issue that may occur with gaming.

  • griffior's Avatar
    925 331 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    One question: Do you net deck?

  • Marega's Avatar
    620 872 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Lots of people like Saviors of Uldum

  • LyraSilvertongue's Avatar
    360 383 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Honestly it sounds like you are burnt out on the game and you need a break. I saw this plenty of times during over 10 years of playing WoW and that game had much more content than Hearthstone. When you reach a point where you are burnt out most other ideas to fix it that do not include a temporary break just delays getting burnt out on the game yet again. Switch to a different game or just break from video games in general and come back at a later time. Sometimes time away is just what you need.

  • Korialstrasz's Avatar
    Supporter 390 81 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    I guess I just enjoy a different game than the rest of y'all. Unfortunate that I really enjoyed most of the metas that people seemed to absolutely hate to bits.

    Edit: Still surprised to see that there's no way to close your own threads, or is it just hidden from my sight?


  • Synesthesy's Avatar
    240 142 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Korialstrasz

    Wild ladders are just honestly the same old shitfest as they have been since forever. [...] Wild being, well, terrorized by decks that I don't even dare to name as I would probably get a lot of meaningless hate for it.


    I'm a wild only player and I can assure you that (if your goal isn't high legend) you can play literally any deck you want with some kind of success.
    Try to find something funny instead of looking for winrate. Winrates are bull**** if you aren't a pro player. Look for interesting builds, for unused archetype, for an original creation. Have you ever tried to build your own archetype? Just take a look at how many there are on the wild zone, there are so much card that you are free to do what you like.

    If you don't have that many ideas, try a build around card like a quest (old or new). If you want I can share some strange decklist :)

  • ArcticFox's Avatar
    Zombie 375 118 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Hello Korialstrasz,

    Thank you for sharing your feelings with this community. Sometimes, the community can be harsh so thank you for your openness. I am hearing that you have lost interest in hearthstone. To that end, it's okay. It is just a game. It's not a person and taking a break isn't breaking any moral or ethically considerations.

    That being said I heard you when you said, "I'd appreciate any tips for some decks you guys have success with as nothing I came up seems to work."

    I wanted to present to you a deck that I always play the first three days of any new expansions. It is a one card deck called Whizbang the Wonderful. If you have any real-life friends that play Hearthstone you only need one person to have the card and then you both can battle against each other with the same deck (randomly generates decks). I played against my dad and it was great. Also, I started at standard rank 20 and now I am at rank 18. That is where I get my fun from.


    Regarding which cards are currently seen as the best craft I would recommend one of these two lists from HSReplay.net:




    Best wishes to you (and I will refrain from recommending non-card based games.)

    The above comment assumes a Hearthstone Wild perspective.

  • Korialstrasz's Avatar
    Supporter 390 81 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From ArcticFox

    Hello Korialstrasz,

    Thank you for sharing your feelings with this community. Sometimes, the community can be harsh so thank you for your openness. I am hearing that you have lost interest in hearthstone. To that end, it's okay. It is just a game. It's not a person and taking a break isn't breaking any moral or ethically considerations.

    That being said I heard you when you said, "I'd appreciate any tips for some decks you guys have success with as nothing I came up seems to work."

    I wanted to present to you a deck that I always play the first three days of any new expansions. It is a one card deck called Whizbang the Wonderful. If you have any real-life friends that play Hearthstone you only need one person to have the card and then you both can battle against each other with the same deck (randomly generates decks). I played against my dad and it was great. Also, I started at standard rank 20 and now I am at rank 18. That is where I get my fun from.


    Regarding which cards are currently seen as the best craft I would recommend one of these two lists from HSReplay.net:




    Best wishes to you (and I will refrain from recommending non-card based games.)

    That's literally all I wanted to hear. You're a good lad and warmed my hearth, I've been fiddling around with our Master Whizbang and it's been fun for the time being. I will just give the game a tender break and see how the meta shapes up in a few weeks.

  • EndlessTides's Avatar
    Funnel Cakes 365 232 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From griffior

    One question: Do you net deck?

    What's that got to do with anything? 🤔

    Cocked, locked and ready to rock... 

  • RandomGuy's Avatar
    430 614 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Korialstrasz

    Good eve fellow Hearthstoners,

    got back to the game after taking a short break as Rise of Shadows was really bland and I really quickly lost interest in the game, quite frankly had higher hopes for it as I've been pretty dissappointed with the expansions since Boomsday Project. But honestly Saviors of Uldum really trumped it all with the massive amount of stale and bland legendaries. I've literally never EVER had 0 legendaries that interested me. Yet now I honestly have no clue what to craft. What bums me out even more is that I even won the outofcards giveaway, got super lucky with my 53 packs and still haven't got anything to do as both Standard and Wild ladders are just honestly the same old shitfest as they have been since forever. Standard being stale and Wild being, well, terrorized by decks that I don't even dare to name as I would probably get a lot of meaningless hate for it.

    Point is, I'm pretty much bored of the expansion on the first day of playing it and it's frustrating as I've loved this game to bits for such a long time. I'd appreciate any tips for some decks you guys have success with as nothing I came up seems to work. And please refrain from comments to play other card games. I've tried many and they were fun for a while, but not in a longrun.


    What do you expect from this thread? Seriously?

  • Dakarian's Avatar
    140 97 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From RandomGuy
    Quote From Korialstrasz

    Good eve fellow Hearthstoners,

    got back to the game after taking a short break as Rise of Shadows was really bland and I really quickly lost interest in the game, quite frankly had higher hopes for it as I've been pretty dissappointed with the expansions since Boomsday Project. But honestly Saviors of Uldum really trumped it all with the massive amount of stale and bland legendaries. I've literally never EVER had 0 legendaries that interested me. Yet now I honestly have no clue what to craft. What bums me out even more is that I even won the outofcards giveaway, got super lucky with my 53 packs and still haven't got anything to do as both Standard and Wild ladders are just honestly the same old shitfest as they have been since forever. Standard being stale and Wild being, well, terrorized by decks that I don't even dare to name as I would probably get a lot of meaningless hate for it.

    Point is, I'm pretty much bored of the expansion on the first day of playing it and it's frustrating as I've loved this game to bits for such a long time. I'd appreciate any tips for some decks you guys have success with as nothing I came up seems to work. And please refrain from comments to play other card games. I've tried many and they were fun for a while, but not in a longrun.


    What do you expect from this thread? Seriously?

    He expected what ArcticFox delivered actually.  He just wanted some ideas to mess with.

    I've acctually been there.  During Un'Goro nothing seemed interesting to me. I tend to not be a 'break taker'. Once I stop playing a game, I tend to get out of the habit completely until I just don't come back. Even if I return, I soon leave even if I can 'catch up'.  So I was pretty sure if I left I would be done with hearthstone.  

    Then I saw a thread talking about wild and realized I had never touched wild, and it seemed silly to talk about not finding interesting things to do and ignoring a good 3rd of the game.  So I tried it and loved it.  Later on, Frozen Throne came along that made me want to play Standard again so I moved back, but now I know if I get bored of it I can go back to wild, or focus more on single player or arena before turning to other things.

    And sometimes that's what people need: a change of pace, a new way of looking a the same game.  


    As to the OP, I can't really offer more than what Artic did except my own experience. And for myself I found that I enjoy the game most when I look at Ranked differently from most. to me, Ranked is 20-15 with anything past that being 'legend'.  Thus I make a bit of effort to get to 'top rank' then relax afterwards.  As far as decks, I usually avoid decks that are 'solved'.  Conjure mage is already good so why in the hades do I need to waste time playing it when I can just watch a streamer do the same?  

    I prefer 'partially solved' ones.  Decks that have a backbone but aren't fleshed out yet (at least in a way that I know of it).  I fell in love with Muckmorpher Shaman recently as it seems a powerful concept but had big questions of how to survive aggro and how to avoid getting dead hands.  I'm pretty sure someone has 'fixed' it since then but I'm not interested in digging deep to find out and rather try to tinker on it on my own.  Before then Rumble made me LOVE heal paladin.  In fact I'm still interested in revisiting the Spirits there and see if I can make some of those things work (except Shark, which has already been proven to work). 

    So that's where most of my time goes, finding decks that are half broken and trying to fix them. Occasionally I'll see a deck that's just FUN and play it regardless.  I'm pretty sure if I get the druid quest when I open my packs I'm  netdecking that deck with no shame. 


    I don't really focus on how often I see XYZ decks from my opponents.  I hang around rank 20-15 so I see a good bit of variety and a lot of top tier decks handled very VERY badly.  in the end I see them the same way I see AI opponents.  If I play Mario, I expect to see Bowser, so I'm mostly replaying to find new ways to beat him.  Same here: Bomb warrior showing 50 times in a row is just 50 times I get to try and master different strategies: see if Muck beats it, see if Tess Rogue does it, see if I can get a Reno deck to work on it.  My joy isn't in what they do, but what I do to them.



    Why trade with minions when you can face for...billions? 


  • griffior's Avatar
    925 331 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From EndlessTides
    Quote From griffior

    One question: Do you net deck?

    What's that got to do with anything? 🤔

    I ask because I enjoy creating a deck from scratch. I notice some people only say they "enjoy" the game when they're able to play the most meta deck at the time. You said you were bored of the expansion on the first day of playing it, so I thought I'd try to get some more info from you as to why that is.


  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    bye bye.

    Edit: Lol, even I have downvoted myself.

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

  • MrTren's Avatar
    205 47 Posts Joined 06/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    These expansions are not enough anymore, we need more content, balance, features, anything.
    I was also bored at release day and still am.

    Quests are unplayable garbage, people still playing their beloved T1 netdeck with zero new cards included.

  • Xarkkal's Avatar
    Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Dakarian
    I don't really focus on how often I see XYZ decks from my opponents.  I hang around rank 20-15 so I see a good bit of variety and a lot of top tier decks handled very VERY badly.  in the end I see them the same way I see AI opponents.  If I play Mario, I expect to see Bowser, so I'm mostly replaying to find new ways to beat him.  Same here: Bomb warrior showing 50 times in a row is just 50 times I get to try and master different strategies: see if Muck beats it, see if Tess Rogue does it, see if I can get a Reno deck to work on it.  My joy isn't in what they do, but what I do to them.

     Thanks for this! This is exactly how I need to try and see the game. 




  • Xarkkal's Avatar
    Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I think rotating a single expansion every time a new one releases would do a lot to help the meta feel new with each expansion. There should only be 4 sets active in standard at a time. 

    If this were the case, Witchwood would have rotated when SoU dropped. Leaving BDP, RR, RoS and SoU.

    Come next xpac, Boomsday would see the door, putting an end to this boring mech meta and allowing some other cards time to shine.

    This would allow each xpac the same amount of time in standard as well. WW came out in April 2018, by the time it rotates, we will have been playing those cards for 2 years. Yet at the same time RR will rotate after only 1 year and 4 months. 

  • LyraSilvertongue's Avatar
    360 383 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From MrTren

    These expansions are not enough anymore, we need more content, balance, features, anything.
    I was also bored at release day and still am.

    Quests are unplayable garbage, people still playing their beloved T1 netdeck with zero new cards included.

    Everything can't be playable/viable. You'd have to nerf so many cards to kill decks from expansions that are not part of the new expansion, or nerf a ton of them to knock them down 1+ tier levels and something tells me that you do that sales will take a hit because nobody wants a third to half of their collection that they bought with real money to be nerfed (let alone to allow new cards that they are supposed to spend more real money on can replace their previously bought cards)

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5610 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Would be nice if you can let us know which expansion was it that you find least bored with.

  • Lemushki's Avatar
    Squirtle 1120 1068 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    This Was 5 months ago... I would just let it go

    Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.

  • Carew6's Avatar
    120 13 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    bye, Felicia, you won't be missed

  • Bystekhilcar's Avatar
    270 335 Posts Joined 09/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Somebody fetch the holy water and a shovel, we got a necro on our hands here.

    I see you when you're sleeping; I'm gone before you wake

    I'm not as good as turn 4 Barnes; But I'm at least a Twilight Drake

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Bystekhilcar

    Somebody fetch the holy water and a shovel, we got a necro on our hands here.

    Look man: it's 2020. We don't kink-shame anymore - and we certainly don't beat them with shovels!

  • Korialstrasz's Avatar
    Supporter 390 81 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Accidently edited the post haha. Descent of Dragons has been very enjoyable and I've been enjoying Lightforged Paladin the most and I can't wait to try out some of the cards that will be added, especially the Shaman Legendary weapon!

  • Bystekhilcar's Avatar
    270 335 Posts Joined 09/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From ArngrimUndying
    Quote From Bystekhilcar

    Somebody fetch the holy water and a shovel, we got a necro on our hands here.

    Look man: it's 2020. We don't kink-shame anymore - and we certainly don't beat them with shovels!

    Hey, something's going in that grave. It's either the original occupant or the person who exhumed them. Dem's the rules.

    I see you when you're sleeping; I'm gone before you wake

    I'm not as good as turn 4 Barnes; But I'm at least a Twilight Drake

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