anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
Hearthstone not being prepared includes bugs. I tried Odd Demon Hunter in wild and when the last game started, Baku didn't upgrade my hero power. The two games before that it worked fine. Didn't change anything in between, checked for even cards afterward. No idea what happened.
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
Feedback, second try. Please excuse the fact that I tried to strike to the point, I don't mean to be harsh but am still pissed I deleted my first iteration of this post.
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Russell should target minions with 5 or more attack imho. I don't know where those ideas of suicide on turn 10 come from, but I'm not yet convinced of them. Couldn't you find another restriction? Maybe reduce the maximum number of mana crytals?
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The health reduction was really needed. I like the new version, it's a great anti aggro tool.
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Freezing your hand would be a completely new mechanic, which is why I'd rule out Icecrown Lich. Unstable Nightmare looks very interesting, but you turn around the Outcast mechanic which should give you an advantage… so the safe play would be Spark Elemental. Maybe give it Rush to make it a little more exciting?
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The Demon tag is fine, it's a Doomgiard after all. Not sure about the wording, "on your opponent's side" feels wrong. Have you checked with other cards with similar effects?
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I'm a big fan of Deathwing and this card is great. I wouldn't tune down the stats, for two reasons: 1) It's a legendary, 2) They make up for the huge risk of this getting silenced or transformed, which might prove fatal regarding the lack of draw in warrior.
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While this is a cool idea, I think you got the stats completely wrong. This card is suicide against any zoo deck. If you face a druid with BEEEES!!!or a hunter with Swarm of Locusts, you almost hand them over an OTK. The easiest way to solve this would have been to reduce the attack.
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I'm fine with the card, the only thing which comes to mind is maybe changing the watermark to K&C since this is when Recruit was introduced and that is what I'd like to do with this guy.
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I have a feeling you really care for Lord of the Flame, so just go with that one. The effect is challenging but interesting, the card looks balanced to me. Well done!
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I'm sad you already submitted. You could have redacted the orphan (single word) in the second line and giving your opponent Health instead of Armor (capital A!) would have been so much more flavorful (food = health sustain).
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While the art is cool, the "bag" thing might be too complicated. I liked your first idea better.
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Great idea to pair Windfury with twins! That said, maybe the damage part is too big a drawback. Asuming you go face twice for 10 damage, you have to pay with 6 health (on top of the 4 mana for the card). Sounds like a bad bargain. Maybe reduce it to 2 damage?
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Really cool idea, I like this a lot!
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That's a tough one. The art doesn't look very HS-like and as people already pointed out, the card gets practically useless after turn 9… Maybe destroy 2 mana crystals?
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I prefer Cobalt Sky-Serpent. Very nice card!
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I actually like Icy Guardian better, but I understand the others sentiments of Sinestra being more interesting. I'd like to advice to tune down Sinestra's stats a bit, though… 7/9/9 is just too strong in a class which benefits from damaging their own minions as often as they don't.
@unknown creator: My favorite entry so far is the Demon Hunter Legendary that destroys empty mana crystals and draws that many cards. It's innovative without breaking the rules, fits the class identity and would be really strong without being OP. Great work!
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
I just managed to delete 45 minutes of feedback when I edited my post. So, here's my card which is meant to target one of hunter's prime weaknesses, card draw. I made it cost one more than Darkshire Librarian because the battlecry and the deathrattle are switched and the effect can be exploited by emptying your hand or silence. Flavor-wise I liked the thought of a track hound gone rabid who first helps you hunt down your prey but then turns on you.
Please tell me what you think about it, while I rewrite my thoughts about your cards. *sigh
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
Here's my idea for this week. The card targets one of hunter's prime weaknesses: draw. I made it cost one more than Darkshire Librarian because the battlecry and the deathrattle are reversed and it targets 2 cards instead of 1. Obviously this can be exploited by emptying your hand (doesn't work on curve) or silence. I liked the flavour of a Track Hound gone rabid who helps you find your prey and then turns on you. Witchwood seemed to fit best. Let me know what you think about it!
Feedback time!
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I actually prefer Icy Guardian, but I understand the others reasoning it's not exciting enough. Sinestra looks cool too, but maybe tune down the stats because Warrior benefits from the effect about half of the time.
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Interesting idea! I agree with the argument it might be overstated.
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Cobalt Sky-Serpent looks really cool! No ideas to improve this further.
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While it's a really creative effect, I don't like the card very much. The art doesn't look like Hearthstone-style and as someone already pointed out, it's unplayable from turn 10 onwards.
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I'm a big Deathwing fan and really like your card. I don't think you have to tune down the stats, the risk of this getting silenced or transformed is big enough to grant them as they are. On top of that, it's a legendary and Warrior doesn't have much draw now that Acolyte is gone, so if this wiffs, you have a big problem.
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The art is cool but I don't like the the effect. It's no good sign if you have to explain how card works for other people to understand it. I liked your first idea better.
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I think you should go with Lord of the Flame. From what you've written I got the feeling you really like the card and its effect is more interesting than the other's.
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I'm fine with the card, but since it would only be natural to try and cheat it out maybe change the watermark to K&C when Recruit was introduced?
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Nice card, cool flavor. You got a good rating from me ;-)
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Pairing Windfury with twins is a great idea! I'm not sure about the damage effect, if you go face for 10 you have to pay 6 health. That seems quite expensive. What about 2 damage?
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I'm a bit sad you already submitted. You should have redacted the orphan (single word) in line 2 and giving health instead of armor to your opponent would have been really great for the flavor of the card (food = health sustain).
Fedrion: Your idea is cool but the stats are really bad for you. Imagine plying this and your opponent answers with BEEEES!!!, Swarm of Locusts (that's almost an OTK!), Knife Juggler or some such. It would be completely unplayable against zoo decks.
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The Demon tag is fine, it's a Doomguard after all. I'm not sure about the wording, maybe it should be "Summon this (minion?) for your opponent."?
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First thing I'd rule out Icecrown Lich. Hand freezing is no thing as of now as far as I know. Unstable Nightmare looks interesting to me, though people might argue that you turned around the Outcast effect: all the current cards grant you a bonus if they are Outcast, you make it a disadvantage. So the safe play would be Spark Elemental.
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
Good luck to the finalists! My favourite is the Paladin card which eats your Silver Hand Recruits. I like the effect of the thief priest card even better, but I had to deduce some points for the card text, which made me a little sad. Such a great idea!
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
After the first few days I must say I really like the new system. Each single game feels harder then on the old ladder and I think I lose more games because of it. But then the star multiplier kicks in and that just makes up for all of it. So my personal experience is that the new system encourages me to play more. I reached diamond 3 yesterday, which is the second highest I ever achieved in wild and might be an indicator for the climb being a bit too easy. But then I had no multiplier from diamond 5 onwards so maybe it's just fine.
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for featuring "my" deck (I surely wasn't the first one to come up with it)! I understand the hate it gets, it's a frustrating archetype to play against. I'm currently grinding out the last 50 wins to the 1.000 hero portrait with this out of nostalgia. Back when I started playing Hearthstone (summer/autumn 2015?), Tempo Mage was the first really competitive deck I built. It was centered around Mana Wyrm (pre nerf at 1 mana), Sorcerer's Apprentice and Flamewaker. Good times!
I hit legend last month and started with an 11 star multiplier.
What really shocked me though was even if I lost several games in a row (it happens to us all), my multiplier remained the same. So there is no cost to losing games... at least in that sense.
But then I hit Platinum 5 today. I still had a 2 star multiplier. So I only need to win 15 stars to hit legend, and I get two stars per win, and only one per loss. (I'm almost there.)
On the one hand, this is great. Maybe my MMR is higher than I suspected. My matches have for the most part been challenging, so it doesn't feel like I'm playing against easy opponents.
But if this keeps up, legend may become a quick breeze for those who've made it many times before (high MMR?) and much harder to others. Is that good? People who regularly make legend will get there faster. I suspect by the end of the month we will see a much higher legend pool than we normally do, and "high" legend will be very different from "dumpster" legend.
Yeah, same experience here, no easy wins, but that's not too bad because the multiplier makes up to this.
But... there's still diamond after platinum so you've got 45 stars to go, don't you? And if I remember correctly, the star bonus ends at rank 5 diamond at the latest and there also is no more win streak bonus from there on.
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
So the new ladder system kicked off yesterday and there are a few interesting things about it to observe. Personally, my first surprise was when I received a multiplyer of x10 when I "only" finished on rank 2 in march - x10 was communicated to be distributed to players hitting legend. I haven't played more than 10 games yet, but I must say the new system feels very rewarding, especially if you manage to pull off a win streak. Cruising through those ranks, seeing more and more rewards getting added to your chest feels cool (not to mention the first time achievements).
Much more important seems to be this blog post, though:
One of the key infos is, that your multiplyer is determined EITHER by the rank you achieved the previous month OR your MMR, whichever is higher; now combine that with the statement that your MMR will only change slightly from month to month and you can conclude that you will keep a good multiplyer for a long time if you have a high MMR. On the other hand, having a low MMR but finishing in high ranks only gets you a bonus for the new month, no longtime benefits.
So if get this correctly, Blizzard has modelled the new ladder system to be beneficial for long time players (who should tend to have a higher MMR than new players) for once.
Anyway, my first impression is very good - at the start of the season everybody gets at least 2 times the profit from winning than the loss from losing a game and that just feels nice to me. What are your thoughts about the new system?
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
I have your Carpet Demon Hunter deck on my list, as well as Xarkkal's Quest Hunter. I also descided to make a Highlander Demon Hunter deck because that looks like the best option to test as many new cards as possible in one go. I just threw in everything that looked interesting and somewhat synergystic to me:
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for the feedback! I must say that I agree with you, linkblade91, a tech card shouldn't be a legendary. I would even go further and say that a tech card shouldn't be a class card. So I decided to rework my idea. How would you feel about a battlecry that grants armor and equips a weapon? This would keep the flavour of the card and be way more versatile so people wouldn't be disappointed to get it from a pack (thanks for that notion, I'll always check this for my future entries!). It's gonna be hard to balance this as I still consider myself a card design noob, but I'll go with Uther of the Ebon Blade and Scourgelord Garrosh for references and show you where that leads me.
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
Thanks, that was quick! Regarding my card, I was wondering if there was an actual WoW in game demon who is known by name, hunts dragons and looks remotely like the art I used - even though I know that is a lot to ask... I couldn't find anyone who even matched one of those requirements and so made up the name.
Thanks for pointing out how your card is meant to work. I should have remembered that this effect was already in game. Looks like good synergy with Scavenger's Ingenuity.
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
This year looks to be the best ever with a new class, new rewards and all the cool cards they announced for the first expansion. I'm looking forward to try out as many as possible :-)
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
Here's my idea for this week. I have no clue about WoW lore and couldn't find a fitting character, so I made one up myself. If anyone could help me out on this part I would be very thankful, as well as for general feedback!
Feedback time!
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Linkblade91: Even me who isn't into WoW at all gets the flavor of this card. Well done!
Demonxz95: It's a great idea, but maybe a bit too powerful. The stealth part makes it hard to counter and Rogue shouldn't have too much problems to reliably pull this off for 3 or more copies.
Hordaki: I'm glad you went with the Observer. It's an interesting card I'd have fun to try out. Well done!
hereharehere: I agree about this being too strong. The drawback isn't severe enough and there's just no way to play around it. Sadly I have no idea how to improve your card… sorry!
shaveyou: This fits Ashes of Outlands like a glove and it is really well balanced. Great job!
the powrofcheese: I prefer the priest card. It combines the thief archetype with the heal/buff concept which is a cool idea. The balance is hard on this one, but looks okay. Maybe 9 mana would be appropriate, too, so you couldn't just play this and hero power the stolen minion. I mean, at worst it's a removal on a stick.
Xarkkal: Now this looks nasty! Great flavor, great potential (especially in wild). Together with BasilAnguis‘ my favorite card so far!
CovenantKevlar: Cool idea, I can totally follow your train of thought about the art and the effect. I second the opinon to make it cheaper, though.
Nirast: I'm having difficulties grasping what you exactly mean. "Enchantments" make me think of buffs, but I guess you also mean permanent effects like poisonous or Divine Shield, don't you? And what happens if a minion has multiple of those?
BasilAnguis: Great art on both of them! I prefer the mage card. It's one of those cards that really make my fingers itch to try and exploit them. This could make Rhonin playable! Together with Xarkkal’s my favorite card so far!
Wailor: I go with the priest card. It looks really annoying, reminds me of Infiltrator. I’m not sure if it isn’t too strong and/or too cheap…
Dermostatic: Cool idea! I prefer the first alternative. The balance seems fine to me, since Plague Spells often need to be held for a few turns before they get useful.
Satanley: The first alternative is my favorite. Just as you pointed out, the versatility is really cool and it fits the class. Well done!
CaptainDG: Terror oft he woods looks better to me. It’s almost a build around, but there deathrattle is something Hunter is good at. I’m not sure about the beast restriction, though… what about cuting that part and tuning down the stats?
All in all, there already are lots of very impressive ideas this week!
anchorm4nHarbinger of Winter 19152510 PostsJoined 03/13/2019
Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
I just played against a Shaman who discoverd the Demon Hunter Hero Power through Sir Finley Mrrgglton. Just wanted to let you know. It looks pretty cool :-)
Hearthstone not being prepared includes bugs. I tried Odd Demon Hunter in wild and when the last game started, Baku didn't upgrade my hero power. The two games before that it worked fine. Didn't change anything in between, checked for even cards afterward. No idea what happened.
I had 90 packs from the preorder and 24 on top from gold.
Got golden Maiev Shadowsong from the bundle and then opened Lady Vashj, Reliquary of Souls, Metamorphosis, Kargath Bladefist, Evocation, golden Shadowjeweler Hanar and Magtheridon. So 7 out of 114 which is already great. I day 1 crafted Kayn Sunfury and Baku and am still considering both hunter legendarys.
What really made my day was the best pack I ever opened:
What about King Phaoris? Seems like a good fit with all the spells and might even become an alternate win condition.
Feedback, second try. Please excuse the fact that I tried to strike to the point, I don't mean to be harsh but am still pissed I deleted my first iteration of this post.
@unknown creator: My favorite entry so far is the Demon Hunter Legendary that destroys empty mana crystals and draws that many cards. It's innovative without breaking the rules, fits the class identity and would be really strong without being OP. Great work!
I just managed to delete 45 minutes of feedback when I edited my post. So, here's my card which is meant to target one of hunter's prime weaknesses, card draw. I made it cost one more than Darkshire Librarian because the battlecry and the deathrattle are switched and the effect can be exploited by emptying your hand or silence. Flavor-wise I liked the thought of a track hound gone rabid who first helps you hunt down your prey but then turns on you.
Please tell me what you think about it, while I rewrite my thoughts about your cards. *sigh
Here's my idea for this week. The card targets one of hunter's prime weaknesses: draw. I made it cost one more than Darkshire Librarian because the battlecry and the deathrattle are reversed and it targets 2 cards instead of 1. Obviously this can be exploited by emptying your hand (doesn't work on curve) or silence. I liked the flavour of a Track Hound gone rabid who helps you find your prey and then turns on you. Witchwood seemed to fit best. Let me know what you think about it!
Feedback time!
Fedrion: Your idea is cool but the stats are really bad for you. Imagine plying this and your opponent answers with BEEEES!!!, Swarm of Locusts (that's almost an OTK!), Knife Juggler or some such. It would be completely unplayable against zoo decks.
I'll go with a highlander build for the first games because that way I can test a maximum number of cards and see what works.
Good luck to the finalists! My favourite is the Paladin card which eats your Silver Hand Recruits. I like the effect of the thief priest card even better, but I had to deduce some points for the card text, which made me a little sad. Such a great idea!
After the first few days I must say I really like the new system. Each single game feels harder then on the old ladder and I think I lose more games because of it. But then the star multiplier kicks in and that just makes up for all of it. So my personal experience is that the new system encourages me to play more. I reached diamond 3 yesterday, which is the second highest I ever achieved in wild and might be an indicator for the climb being a bit too easy. But then I had no multiplier from diamond 5 onwards so maybe it's just fine.
Thanks for featuring "my" deck (I surely wasn't the first one to come up with it)! I understand the hate it gets, it's a frustrating archetype to play against. I'm currently grinding out the last 50 wins to the 1.000 hero portrait with this out of nostalgia. Back when I started playing Hearthstone (summer/autumn 2015?), Tempo Mage was the first really competitive deck I built. It was centered around Mana Wyrm (pre nerf at 1 mana), Sorcerer's Apprentice and Flamewaker. Good times!
Yeah, same experience here, no easy wins, but that's not too bad because the multiplier makes up to this.
But... there's still diamond after platinum so you've got 45 stars to go, don't you? And if I remember correctly, the star bonus ends at rank 5 diamond at the latest and there also is no more win streak bonus from there on.
So the new ladder system kicked off yesterday and there are a few interesting things about it to observe. Personally, my first surprise was when I received a multiplyer of x10 when I "only" finished on rank 2 in march - x10 was communicated to be distributed to players hitting legend. I haven't played more than 10 games yet, but I must say the new system feels very rewarding, especially if you manage to pull off a win streak. Cruising through those ranks, seeing more and more rewards getting added to your chest feels cool (not to mention the first time achievements).
Much more important seems to be this blog post, though:
One of the key infos is, that your multiplyer is determined EITHER by the rank you achieved the previous month OR your MMR, whichever is higher; now combine that with the statement that your MMR will only change slightly from month to month and you can conclude that you will keep a good multiplyer for a long time if you have a high MMR. On the other hand, having a low MMR but finishing in high ranks only gets you a bonus for the new month, no longtime benefits.
So if get this correctly, Blizzard has modelled the new ladder system to be beneficial for long time players (who should tend to have a higher MMR than new players) for once.
Anyway, my first impression is very good - at the start of the season everybody gets at least 2 times the profit from winning than the loss from losing a game and that just feels nice to me. What are your thoughts about the new system?
I have your Carpet Demon Hunter deck on my list, as well as Xarkkal's Quest Hunter. I also descided to make a Highlander Demon Hunter deck because that looks like the best option to test as many new cards as possible in one go. I just threw in everything that looked interesting and somewhat synergystic to me:
Okay, these are my alternative versions for my Demon:
Number 1 doesn't fit the flavor so well, but has simplicity on its side. Maybe the Armor gain is too much?
Number 2 got a bit complicated but the huge weapon seems very fitting.
Thanks for the feedback! I must say that I agree with you, linkblade91, a tech card shouldn't be a legendary. I would even go further and say that a tech card shouldn't be a class card. So I decided to rework my idea. How would you feel about a battlecry that grants armor and equips a weapon? This would keep the flavour of the card and be way more versatile so people wouldn't be disappointed to get it from a pack (thanks for that notion, I'll always check this for my future entries!). It's gonna be hard to balance this as I still consider myself a card design noob, but I'll go with Uther of the Ebon Blade and Scourgelord Garrosh for references and show you where that leads me.
Thanks, that was quick! Regarding my card, I was wondering if there was an actual WoW in game demon who is known by name, hunts dragons and looks remotely like the art I used - even though I know that is a lot to ask... I couldn't find anyone who even matched one of those requirements and so made up the name.
Thanks for pointing out how your card is meant to work. I should have remembered that this effect was already in game. Looks like good synergy with Scavenger's Ingenuity.
This year looks to be the best ever with a new class, new rewards and all the cool cards they announced for the first expansion. I'm looking forward to try out as many as possible :-)
Here's my idea for this week. I have no clue about WoW lore and couldn't find a fitting character, so I made one up myself. If anyone could help me out on this part I would be very thankful, as well as for general feedback!
Feedback time!
Linkblade91: Even me who isn't into WoW at all gets the flavor of this card. Well done!
Demonxz95: It's a great idea, but maybe a bit too powerful. The stealth part makes it hard to counter and Rogue shouldn't have too much problems to reliably pull this off for 3 or more copies.
Hordaki: I'm glad you went with the Observer. It's an interesting card I'd have fun to try out. Well done!
hereharehere: I agree about this being too strong. The drawback isn't severe enough and there's just no way to play around it. Sadly I have no idea how to improve your card… sorry!
shaveyou: This fits Ashes of Outlands like a glove and it is really well balanced. Great job!
the powrofcheese: I prefer the priest card. It combines the thief archetype with the heal/buff concept which is a cool idea. The balance is hard on this one, but looks okay. Maybe 9 mana would be appropriate, too, so you couldn't just play this and hero power the stolen minion. I mean, at worst it's a removal on a stick.
Xarkkal: Now this looks nasty! Great flavor, great potential (especially in wild). Together with BasilAnguis‘ my favorite card so far!
CovenantKevlar: Cool idea, I can totally follow your train of thought about the art and the effect. I second the opinon to make it cheaper, though.
Nirast: I'm having difficulties grasping what you exactly mean. "Enchantments" make me think of buffs, but I guess you also mean permanent effects like poisonous or Divine Shield, don't you? And what happens if a minion has multiple of those?
BasilAnguis: Great art on both of them! I prefer the mage card. It's one of those cards that really make my fingers itch to try and exploit them. This could make Rhonin playable! Together with Xarkkal’s my favorite card so far!
Wailor: I go with the priest card. It looks really annoying, reminds me of Infiltrator. I’m not sure if it isn’t too strong and/or too cheap…
Dermostatic: Cool idea! I prefer the first alternative. The balance seems fine to me, since Plague Spells often need to be held for a few turns before they get useful.
Satanley: The first alternative is my favorite. Just as you pointed out, the versatility is really cool and it fits the class. Well done!
CaptainDG: Terror oft he woods looks better to me. It’s almost a build around, but there deathrattle is something Hunter is good at. I’m not sure about the beast restriction, though… what about cuting that part and tuning down the stats?
All in all, there already are lots of very impressive ideas this week!
Congrats to MathU! And don't give up Linkblade, your entry was my favorite this week ;-)
I just played against a Shaman who discoverd the Demon Hunter Hero Power through Sir Finley Mrrgglton. Just wanted to let you know. It looks pretty cool :-)