Nice cheap pirate that gives you more nice cheap pirates? Sure, I can see this being run assuming that deck actually takes off. I wonder how Pirate Warrior is doing in Wild? Would they use this?
So an Invoke plus a dmg trigger for all those Warriors minions that like a little damage? Sure - I can see the rough workings of on OTK build forming...
3 stars since this was so OP on the stream, but even they acknowledged how perfectly high-rolly that whole game was. I can see this being very strong, but probably not always AS strong as we all saw.
Very good card for an archetype that got a lot of love the last few expansions. I'm sure Overload Shaman will come back in a big way as everyone flees from Evolve Shaman
Not a bad card, but honestly is it weird that Shaman Galakrond has better Invoke options than this? I mean I'm sure it will still see some play, but not sure how much...
Whoo boy this is a spicy one. Given the undercosted Overload spells, this has some real potential for mid- and late-game control shenanigans with a healthy enough body to be a threat on it's own. Looking forward to this bad boy.
Fantastic Galakrond - the free rush minions counterbalance the focus on Overload to help fight for board control with locked-up mana. I am 100% on board with Overload Galakrond Shaman - might even have to craft Vessina if it seems ladder-worthy.
Meh I don't really see this being included in any deck, but as I've said on other cards Warlock is all over the freaking place right now so I have no idea where 70% of these cards are supposed to go...maybe a month in someone will "solve this puzzle" and come up with some OP Warlock nonsense.
Seems a little late to try an make Pirate Rogue a Thing given how much will rotate our with RR in April. Who knows though - Pirate Warriors is back so maybe this will be too?
I do like the expansion flavor though - half the dragon flights and half the random other races being Sky Pirates and fighting too.
Oh good lord. Thank goodness N'zoth is going back out... This card will be the reason I start putting 2 silences in my decks from now on. So insanely strong for class that has some of the best and strongest deathrattles around.
Definitely fits Wild Aggro Mech Paladin to a "t". I'm sure it will see play there - not sure how viable it is in Standard, especially given how many of the better Mech cards are rotating in 4 if it does see play, my guess that will be short-lived.
This card + Lightforged Crusader are definitely a package deal - if you're doing it, you're going all-in. I can see Paladin being one of the classes that could reasonably win with just class cards, so I won't count it out just yet.
Nice cheap pirate that gives you more nice cheap pirates? Sure, I can see this being run assuming that deck actually takes off. I wonder how Pirate Warrior is doing in Wild? Would they use this?
So an Invoke plus a dmg trigger for all those Warriors minions that like a little damage? Sure - I can see the rough workings of on OTK build forming...
Not bad for a cheap Invoke. Given how strong Warrior Galakrond looks, I'm sure we'll get use out of this.
3 stars since this was so OP on the stream, but even they acknowledged how perfectly high-rolly that whole game was. I can see this being very strong, but probably not always AS strong as we all saw.
With all the big minions coming down this expansion, I'm sure this will see significant play.
Very good card for an archetype that got a lot of love the last few expansions. I'm sure Overload Shaman will come back in a big way as everyone flees from Evolve Shaman
Not a bad card, but honestly is it weird that Shaman Galakrond has better Invoke options than this? I mean I'm sure it will still see some play, but not sure how much...
Whoo boy this is a spicy one. Given the undercosted Overload spells, this has some real potential for mid- and late-game control shenanigans with a healthy enough body to be a threat on it's own. Looking forward to this bad boy.
Excellent card for Overload Shaman - not much else to say, just a solid card all around.
Jeez two of these and Galakrond is done. Just one of them Dragon's Pack is powered up. Very strong class-based Invoker - I'll definitely use it
VERY strong - excellent support for Galakrond deck with some beefy taunts for a decent (and easily discountable) cost. 5 stars
Fantastic Galakrond - the free rush minions counterbalance the focus on Overload to help fight for board control with locked-up mana. I am 100% on board with Overload Galakrond Shaman - might even have to craft Vessina if it seems ladder-worthy.
Meh I don't really see this being included in any deck, but as I've said on other cards Warlock is all over the freaking place right now so I have no idea where 70% of these cards are supposed to go...maybe a month in someone will "solve this puzzle" and come up with some OP Warlock nonsense.
Seems a little late to try an make Pirate Rogue a Thing given how much will rotate our with RR in April. Who knows though - Pirate Warriors is back so maybe this will be too?
I do like the expansion flavor though - half the dragon flights and half the random other races being Sky Pirates and fighting too.
0-mana Priest Spells always find a place in the meta. I'm sure this one will be no different, especially given the versatility of the lackeys.
Excuse me! I CANNOT believe she doesn't have a chemise like Jaina - those Orcish Mammaries are NOT appropriate and I. AM. OFFENDED. /s
Good 1-drop though and generally a better Invoke card than many others so I'm sure Galakrond will make use of this.
Oh good lord. Thank goodness N'zoth is going back out... This card will be the reason I start putting 2 silences in my decks from now on. So insanely strong for class that has some of the best and strongest deathrattles around.
This is a very strong card for a good token class. Auto-include for Wild Odd Paladin. I'm sure we'll see a lot of this in the coming months.
Definitely fits Wild Aggro Mech Paladin to a "t". I'm sure it will see play there - not sure how viable it is in Standard, especially given how many of the better Mech cards are rotating in 4 if it does see play, my guess that will be short-lived.
This card + Lightforged Crusader are definitely a package deal - if you're doing it, you're going all-in. I can see Paladin being one of the classes that could reasonably win with just class cards, so I won't count it out just yet.