Amazing card for any kind of Mage - either true Dragon mage or just one of the other 95% of decks that run Kalecgos. So the potential is there for 3 straight turns of a 0-mana big spells on 8/9/10 with two of these and then Kelecgos...going to be nuts when it hits...
I expect existing Highlander decks will run this - nice big minion and some hand refill that may or may not be garbage. Given that Paladin both 1) seems like the current front-runner for "best dragon deck", and 2) also already has a viable Highlander deck, I would expect Highlander Dragon Paladin to run alongside "regular" Dragon Paladin and we'll see if a clear winner emerges.
If you only get one 5/5, then you still got a 5/5 and a 2/5 for 3 mana. That is a pretty good deal. Keep in mind that you can only generate one 5/5 each turn, and this will only happen on at least turn 6, and you will probably have to end up getting less than ideal value for your spells.
Is that true? That's NOT how Dragon Soul worked (see the Disguised Toast vid below - he plays 6 spells on turn 5 and gets 2 dragons) so it would be weird for this to play differently...
It's decent, but people tend to forget Cyclone Mage FUCKING DIED after they nerfed CC.
It has potential because Sandbinder can tutor it alongside Cyclone.
I'M assuming it only counts spells cast after it was played so no Elemental Evocation shenanigans.
The earliest Mage can really snowball with this is turn 5 and that's assuming they also drew Apprentice, Evocation, Cyclone and a couple other cheap spells....which just sounds like a worse version of current Flamewaker Mage (which is garbage)
I don't believe the hype, probably going to end up as a meme deck
Cyclone Mage did die when they nerfed CC...and then it resurfaced when they brought Flamewaker back from the dead. The deck is generally still pretty strong (although fairly high-roll dependent) it just needs SOMETHING to give it a clear win condition. First it was CC, then Flamewaker, now potentially this.
I don't expect this will be a T1 deck (original Cyc Mage wasn't either) but I would bet it'll be somewhere between high T3/low T2 once someone who really wants to make it work tweaks out a viable decklist.
This is an excellent card for Cyclone Mage - the effect is obviously very good, but the Elemental tag and low cost mean you will almost certainly see a ton of value off it while also presenting a "must remove" target for your opponents, leaving you room to tempo off even a single good turn. Expect this to be an anchor card moving forward in that deck.
I don't understand the "secretly" except as a lazy attempt to try and get your opponent to burn a Silence on the egg when you had picked a bad minion. But Pascal's Gambit can be applied here: pick a good minion regardless, because if they silence it you're no worse off, but if they don't then you GET the big minion. If you pick a little minion and you get that and then you overpaid for trash.
I would give this 0 stars if I could. Even in meme Egg decks this won't see play because of the cost.
This will see play in every Dragon deck. As everyone is pointing out, Zola saw tons of play; as does Seance for Priests. There are so many good dragons to copy, and the vast majority are 8-mana or less, so expect to see this being very versatile - copy a lower cots dragon for tempo? Sure. Copy a Big Boi for some late-game insanity? Yep!
Obvious Handlock synergy, but I really don't get what Blizz is doing with Warlock right now since they've got like 2 cards each for 4 different synergies (Handlock, Dragonlock, Demonlock, and Quest/Shufflelock). Not to mention Lackey Zoolock is still "around" I guess?
Someone needs to pick a lane and stick in it or it's going to be another 4 months at the #9 spot for winrate and played decks (which hsreplay has it at right now) for Warlock.
The nice part about Warlock is that it is one of the only decks that can run disparate pieces and still have consistent synergy because of how many cards it sees during the game.
It's pretty likely that the deck that plays this also plays a dragon package because of twilight and the new breath card.
Until we see more, this deck probably still plays some manner of plot twist endgame...because that's all it really has right now.
But does it REALLY have *consistency*, even with all that draw?
I guess that was kind of my point in bringing up HSReplay/metastats - Warlock has been the single worst class for play % and winrate for the entirety of SoU & I think partly because none of the "menagerie" decks really have the kind of consistency necessary (in addition to the obvious overpowering of Shamanstone and the fact that few of the "resurrected" Wild cards really helped any main Warlock deck like they did Priest for example).
None of what we're seeing says that will change with DoD. Can you put together a Menagerie Handlock deck? Sure. Will it be any good, even as a meme? I'm thoroughly skeptical.
I said this in a comment on Valdris Felgorge: my guess is Shuffle Warlock was a bust, so Blizz is going back to old fashioned Hand Controlock NEXT YEAR and these two cards are the "first wave" of that so to speak. I expect April's expansion is going to be a lot more synergistic with that than DoD appears to be.
Obvious Handlock synergy, but I really don't get what Blizz is doing with Warlock right now since they've got like 2 cards each for 4 different synergies (Handlock, Dragonlock, Demonlock, and Quest/Shufflelock). Not to mention Lackey Zoolock is still "around" I guess?
Someone needs to pick a lane and stick in it or it's going to be another 4 months at the #9 spot for winrate and played decks (which hsreplay has it at right now) for Warlock.
What - and I cannot stress this enough - the actual fuck.
I legitimately have no idea what in the world is going on with this. I don't think Handlock has enough stuff in Standard to make this a Thing: Abyssal Summoner & Mountain Giant being the main targets I guess? In Wild a bit more options, but honestly I feel like this is "setting the stage" for Handlock in NEXT APRIL's expansion, so just a little random right now
This card is either going to be insane or a total bust - no in between. I can definitely see the potential here, but it's too early to judge how much immediate impact this will have outside of obviously being anti-Sathrovarr. Really interesting to see how this plays out...
So this sidequest is just auto-completed with Time Out!? Not sure how valuable a 3/6 taunt is off that, but I suppose for only 2 mana that's a good value if you're going for it. I'm sure it will see some play.
I'm surprised so many people don't think this card is good anti-Res tech.The body is much better than Flight Master and it summons 3 minions instead of 1 so a much better chance of diluting the Res pool. It's also a lot cheaper than Mad Summoner. Given that all the summons are 1-drops, any board clear that does 2 or more dmg is likely to wipe out the lot, so it's a quick play for maybe 6/7 mana in total that will almost certainly leave you with a good body afterwards - especially in Priest mirrors given that health line is a prime target for Divine Spirit + Inner Fire afterwards.
Will this be meta-defining? No. But I expect we'll see it played probably at/slightly below the frequency we saw other deck-specific tech cards like Skulking Geist
This is a real toss-up for me and I think will either be awesome or useless based on the class - I think Warrior will be a bad fit, but Hunter and Paladin will make good use of this.
Warrior: A lot of great warrior mechs are Taunts (or magnetize with Taunts) so I can't see Stealth being a good thing there and removing (temporarily) the Taunt.
Hunter: This would be great to get an extra turn's worth of clear off your Missile Launcher + Venomizer by stealthing it or for some otherwise bursty magnetic SMOrc
Paladin: Ditto for Hunter - the Stealth + Magnetic + SMOrc will be very strong, especially in Wild.
Decent enough stats for a 6-mana card & is an obvious board clear combo when combined with any of the current "cheap, 1-attack Rush" minions and/or Unleash the Hounds in Hunter atm. Could fit nicely into Quest Hunter as some mid-game control just before completing your quest. I'll certainly fold it in and see how it works if I pull it, though probably not worth the dust to craft...
This is definitely the kind of support card that will help the good Galakronds (Warrior and Rogue) be amazing and the mediocre ones (Warlock and Priest) be perhaps more playable. Tons of value on its own, BUT like highlander cards will be over-the-top fantastic with any kind of shuffle/bounce mechanic where you can get more than one play out of it.
Seems like it will be decent enough to replace some of the smaller spells - expect we'll see a lot more of it in April once rotation hits.
Amazing card for any kind of Mage - either true Dragon mage or just one of the other 95% of decks that run Kalecgos. So the potential is there for 3 straight turns of a 0-mana big spells on 8/9/10 with two of these and then Kelecgos...going to be nuts when it hits...
Solid midrange card that will definitely see play, if not be overly impactful.
I expect existing Highlander decks will run this - nice big minion and some hand refill that may or may not be garbage. Given that Paladin both 1) seems like the current front-runner for "best dragon deck", and 2) also already has a viable Highlander deck, I would expect Highlander Dragon Paladin to run alongside "regular" Dragon Paladin and we'll see if a clear winner emerges.
Is that true? That's NOT how Dragon Soul worked (see the Disguised Toast vid below - he plays 6 spells on turn 5 and gets 2 dragons) so it would be weird for this to play differently...
Cyclone Mage did die when they nerfed CC...and then it resurfaced when they brought Flamewaker back from the dead. The deck is generally still pretty strong (although fairly high-roll dependent) it just needs SOMETHING to give it a clear win condition. First it was CC, then Flamewaker, now potentially this.
I don't expect this will be a T1 deck (original Cyc Mage wasn't either) but I would bet it'll be somewhere between high T3/low T2 once someone who really wants to make it work tweaks out a viable decklist.
This is an excellent card for Cyclone Mage - the effect is obviously very good, but the Elemental tag and low cost mean you will almost certainly see a ton of value off it while also presenting a "must remove" target for your opponents, leaving you room to tempo off even a single good turn. Expect this to be an anchor card moving forward in that deck.
I don't understand the "secretly" except as a lazy attempt to try and get your opponent to burn a Silence on the egg when you had picked a bad minion. But Pascal's Gambit can be applied here: pick a good minion regardless, because if they silence it you're no worse off, but if they don't then you GET the big minion. If you pick a little minion and you get that and then you overpaid for trash.
I would give this 0 stars if I could. Even in meme Egg decks this won't see play because of the cost.
This will see play in every Dragon deck. As everyone is pointing out, Zola saw tons of play; as does Seance for Priests. There are so many good dragons to copy, and the vast majority are 8-mana or less, so expect to see this being very versatile - copy a lower cots dragon for tempo? Sure. Copy a Big Boi for some late-game insanity? Yep!
Absolutely fantastic - this will be in every Dragon/Control Warrior deck until it rotates.
For anyone on NA you should check - just logged in (16:45 EST) and got my 3 Hack the System from one of them so...yay?
But does it REALLY have *consistency*, even with all that draw?
I guess that was kind of my point in bringing up HSReplay/metastats - Warlock has been the single worst class for play % and winrate for the entirety of SoU & I think partly because none of the "menagerie" decks really have the kind of consistency necessary (in addition to the obvious overpowering of Shamanstone and the fact that few of the "resurrected" Wild cards really helped any main Warlock deck like they did Priest for example).
None of what we're seeing says that will change with DoD. Can you put together a Menagerie Handlock deck? Sure. Will it be any good, even as a meme? I'm thoroughly skeptical.
I said this in a comment on Valdris Felgorge: my guess is Shuffle Warlock was a bust, so Blizz is going back to old fashioned Hand Controlock NEXT YEAR and these two cards are the "first wave" of that so to speak. I expect April's expansion is going to be a lot more synergistic with that than DoD appears to be.
But until then ‾\_(ツ)_/‾
Obvious Handlock synergy, but I really don't get what Blizz is doing with Warlock right now since they've got like 2 cards each for 4 different synergies (Handlock, Dragonlock, Demonlock, and Quest/Shufflelock). Not to mention Lackey Zoolock is still "around" I guess?
Someone needs to pick a lane and stick in it or it's going to be another 4 months at the #9 spot for winrate and played decks (which hsreplay has it at right now) for Warlock.
What - and I cannot stress this enough - the actual fuck.
I legitimately have no idea what in the world is going on with this. I don't think Handlock has enough stuff in Standard to make this a Thing: Abyssal Summoner & Mountain Giant being the main targets I guess? In Wild a bit more options, but honestly I feel like this is "setting the stage" for Handlock in NEXT APRIL's expansion, so just a little random right now
This card is either going to be insane or a total bust - no in between. I can definitely see the potential here, but it's too early to judge how much immediate impact this will have outside of obviously being anti-Sathrovarr. Really interesting to see how this plays out...
So this sidequest is just auto-completed with Time Out!? Not sure how valuable a 3/6 taunt is off that, but I suppose for only 2 mana that's a good value if you're going for it. I'm sure it will see some play.
I'm surprised so many people don't think this card is good anti-Res tech.The body is much better than Flight Master and it summons 3 minions instead of 1 so a much better chance of diluting the Res pool. It's also a lot cheaper than Mad Summoner. Given that all the summons are 1-drops, any board clear that does 2 or more dmg is likely to wipe out the lot, so it's a quick play for maybe 6/7 mana in total that will almost certainly leave you with a good body afterwards - especially in Priest mirrors given that health line is a prime target for Divine Spirit + Inner Fire afterwards.
Will this be meta-defining? No. But I expect we'll see it played probably at/slightly below the frequency we saw other deck-specific tech cards like Skulking Geist
This is a real toss-up for me and I think will either be awesome or useless based on the class - I think Warrior will be a bad fit, but Hunter and Paladin will make good use of this.
Warrior: A lot of great warrior mechs are Taunts (or magnetize with Taunts) so I can't see Stealth being a good thing there and removing (temporarily) the Taunt.
Hunter: This would be great to get an extra turn's worth of clear off your Missile Launcher + Venomizer by stealthing it or for some otherwise bursty magnetic SMOrc
Paladin: Ditto for Hunter - the Stealth + Magnetic + SMOrc will be very strong, especially in Wild.
Decent enough stats for a 6-mana card & is an obvious board clear combo when combined with any of the current "cheap, 1-attack Rush" minions and/or Unleash the Hounds in Hunter atm. Could fit nicely into Quest Hunter as some mid-game control just before completing your quest. I'll certainly fold it in and see how it works if I pull it, though probably not worth the dust to craft...
This is definitely the kind of support card that will help the good Galakronds (Warrior and Rogue) be amazing and the mediocre ones (Warlock and Priest) be perhaps more playable. Tons of value on its own, BUT like highlander cards will be over-the-top fantastic with any kind of shuffle/bounce mechanic where you can get more than one play out of it.