BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
Alright seeing this go back to 5 mana kinda hurts my face, because of all the time DH cleared taunts AND went FACE with this thing. Luckely Twin Slice will be gone, so let's hope that that makes the card a lot more balanced? The -1 durability is huge, now DH cant clear 9 health worth of taunts AND go face on the same turn.
But in Wild... oh no... ODD DH can use it again... oh no... Let's hope it wont break the game. (Even though Wild is already quite broken.)
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
Solid removal and heal. DH loved this card and it always saw play, even after the nerf. Eye Beam also doesn't feel that bad to play against, and that's something we can all agree on being really important for a DH card.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
sees a lot of play, and it can now enable you to play Illidari Inquisitor on turn 6, and many other demons a lot earlier. Also obviously a core part of the Il'gynoth OTK. Great DH minion, and doesn't really feel THAT bad to play against. (Wish other DH cards felt like this.) Let's hope Big DH gets more support, maybe then i will finally play DH.
Definatly a zoo card, but it's WAY too slow for zoo. BUT i feel like Imp Swarm (Rank 1) has some hidden potential.. in it's Fell tag. My guess is that Warlock will get something similar to Bru'kan, a.k.a. a card that synergises with Fell tag spells. But untill we see that Imp Swarm (Rank 1) will just be a bad card.
Yeah, rip. My warlock decks this year will be all J-Rax all day
Druid: The core set seems quite weak without any kind of AOE, but Nordrassil Druid seems interesting and the buff to Cenarius seems interesting.
Hunter: I love the Tracking change, it really nerfs aggro hunter and buffs late game hunter decks. Selective Breeder seems good as well, and i hope i can be able to finally play a Beastmaster Leoroxx hunter deck. Bearshark being back is interesting, and Dire Frenzy is solid for late game beast decks. I really like the direction hunter seems to be going now!
Mage: Babbling Book IS BACK! YES! I love this card. Coldarra Drake and Fallen Hero being back might hint towards some kind of hero power synergy in the future. (Like in the Rastahkans Arena expansion.) Shooting Star is interesting, and your opponent can play around it. Ethereal Conjurer still seems bad even after that buff, it dies way too fast. Aegwynn, the Guardian seems really powerfull, i like it. And Arcanologist.... wait... Arcanologist... oh no... oh.... no.... well good thing the secret synergy from Uldum will rotate, otherwise Standard had to REALLY bow down (just like wild) to our Secret mage overlords.
Paladin: Dude Paladin seems busted with all this support. I'm kinda scared about it's powerlevel. BUT as long as Paladin doesn't get that much draw we should be fine. Righteous Protector being back is huge, that card used to see play in pretty much every paladin deck when it was last in standard, and she still sees play often in wild.
Priest: I'm hyped for priest actually. Tempo priest is getting a lot of support and Shadowed Spirit seems really good together with Rally!. Also i'm really interested in what their going to do with Shadowform and shadow priest. Focused Will also might hint that were going to see some more Silence Priest. But in order for tempo and Silence priest to work they will need some more card draw first.
Rogue: Tomb Pillager seems interesting, that coin can help with activating a lot of combo cards. SI:7 Agent is iconic and i'm glad to have it still in the core set. Swashburglar buff is AMAZING and i love it, and Vanessa VanCleef seems like very flexible card that has a lot of potential. Looking forward to the thing rogue is going to do this year. (And it's cool that we still have our 3 amazing 0 cost spells.)
Shaman: RIP Wrath of Air Totem, but at least we got Novice Zapper to replace it. Seeing Menacing Nimbus back is amazing, i always loved playing that card. Actually Shaman has a lot of elementals in core, so i hope Elemental shaman will make a comeback. Shaman seems really good in core, most cards were the ones from classic but with some buffs to make them better. Let's hope these changes change shaman from "OP or trash" into an actually balanced class.
Warrior: It kinda seems like they want to make the warrior core set less control focussed. The core set overall seems a lot weaker for warrior, sure they have some iconic stuff but it still doesn't seem that good. but aggresive cards like Bloodsail Deckhand seems amazing though. (Also i love the Warsong Commander change, she actually has a use now! :O )
Warlock: As someone who loves playing control warlock, these changes are very exciting. Drain Soul might see play with that buff, as it now can actually destroy some early game minions, and the buff to Siphon Soul is really good. Enslaved Fel Lord seems AMAZING and Twisting Nether still being here is also good! But most importantly: Lord Jaraxxus IS GOOD NOW! WHOOO! Lord Jaraxxus is such a good finisher (if it keeps the 2 mana HP with "summon a 6/6 demon"). Warlock seems like strong class for the future expansions, and i love it. Also it's interesting that Tiny Knight of Evil and Lakkari Felhound are back, maybe their going to push discardlock some more? (As a wild player, please no. It's already strong enough.)
Neutral: The new dragons really impress me, they look so much more powerfull now. I love it. Baron Geddons buff is also amazing, and the new legendaries all seems quite good in some decks. Baron Rivendare being back can be a bit scary, but i still look forward to what kind of shenanigans you can do with it. Bloodmage Thalnos is still here and that's really good, he is such a good and flexible card. The neutral part of the core set seems really good. Oh and Murloc Tinyfin is back, everyone that watched a few of GrosGhiles videos knows that it's definatly OP and wins games easely. (lol) Oh and Humongous Razorleaf is back, hinting even more towards the return of Silence Priest.
However the rotation will be a sad day. It will be the day we remember our lord and savior Magma Rager, who got replaced with the unholy Ice Rager. Rip Magma Rager, us memers will miss you. (Well tbf he did see more play in meme rager decks in wild.)
Also i love seeing Bluegill Warrior and Stonetusk Boar FINALLY getting "the axe" i'm so happy to see those sometimes game breaking cheap Charge minions finally gone. (I hope these changes are also to the legacy versions, not just the core set versions. It would be horrible to still have the Charge versions of those cards around in wild.)
I HATE that they got them rid of charge for wild.
ANd the murloc not having charge anymore killed anyfin palladin. Wild is susposed to be for your old cards/decks but it seems thats not the case anympre >.>
Well now i think about it yeah RIP Anyfin Palladin, that actually is unfortunate. Personally never played that deck or played against it, but i do know that a lot of people really like that deck. So that's really unfortunate that they killed that deck. The reason i was happy on first glance was because cheap charge minions can become very problematic in the future, but tbh Stonetusk Boar was the biggest offender and deserves this treatment, not Bluegill Warrior. RIP Anyfinn Paladin. :(
Also i love seeing Bluegill Warrior and Stonetusk Boar FINALLY getting "the axe" i'm so happy to see those sometimes game breaking cheap Charge minions finally gone. (I hope these changes are also to the legacy versions, not just the core set versions. It would be horrible to still have the Charge versions of those cards around in wild.)
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
AMAZING rework! Old Onyxias trouble was that her board was too easy to clear, and this fixes it. Also: if your opponent doesn't clear Onyxia the Broodmother, and she spawns tokens at the end of your opponents turn, will those tokens be able to attack on your turn? IF so then that's potentially 16 FACE damage. I'm REALLY glad that this releases AFTER Unseal the Vault rotates, that would have been a nightmare to face.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
Seems really good as a finisher in control decks, and maybe a few midrange decks might want it? Aggro certainly doesn't considering they want to end the game before then. The new alexstrasza is still a big nerf compared to old Alexstrsza, but this is better for the health of the game.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
ALRIGHT, so on paper it seems like a BIG meme card. BUT, IF all the Aggro players anonimously agree to make Nozdormu the Eternal a must include in any aggro deck, they will be able to rankup to legend even faster and get too 1000 wins even faster!
I love how the effect needs both players to include it in their deck, makes it a lot better to face than a randomly generated Nozdormu into a lot of panic.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
Seems like a good minion. Tutors big cards like the old gods, and it's still quite a sticky minion with that divine shield and taunt. Will probably see play in a few combo decks, and probably also in some control decks that really want to draw their old gods.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
Incredible for weapon based classes. Even considering the fact that it's Southsea Deckhands "replacement", it is still a good card.
Standard: Weapon Rogue might experiment with it? Might be too slow.
Edit: Weapon shaman might also like it. Boggspine Knuckles is still in standard after rotation, so Evo shaman will probably still be a thing, and it might run Fogsail Freebooter.
Wild: might fit in Wild Weapon Rogue and Pirate warrior, but it will surely see experimentation at the very least.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
Hunter's Pack for warrior? On first glance it seems really bad, but it is really good in BIG Warrior... oh wait that rotates for the most part.... Let's hope BIG Warrior will get more support, because the Scholomance stuff isn't enough to keep that deck viable in standard. In wild i'm not sure BIG Warrior even wants it. OH it's ODD Costed, so maybe ODD Warrior might TRY it out, in order to perhabs get some EVEN cost cards randomly? (But it would be pretty hard to make space for it.)
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
Seems really good. Finally support for BIG Demon Warlock. Also has a lot of synergy with Animated Broomstick, Kanrethad Ebonlocke and most importantly Archwitch Willow! Also it corrupts Tickatus so that's also good. I think Enslaved Fel Lord will see a lot of play! And this is the first non-neutral Warlock card with an cleave effect!
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
Hmm this seems awefull. Zoo never really has that many card, and i think they rather have an actual minion in hand to play instead of a card that rarely does something. Still it is a 0 cost card and those SHOULD never be underestimated, but i feel like it has a way too strict requirment to be any good. However it might be a replacement for Sea Giant now that that is gone?
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
WOW, thats an AMAZING tempo/aggro priest card! Priest now has an really good target for the 3 mana slot of Rally!! This card has a lot of potential, and i wouldn't mind seeing priest getting a different gameplan than the one they have right now!
Edit: okay i don't know much about WoW lore and stuff, but shouldn't this be an Elemental? It seems like one.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
Worse Silence when targetting your opponents minions, so i'm guessing were going to probably also see the return of Silence priest? However the problem Silence priest always had was their enourmous lack of card draw, not the lack of Silence effects. Also most Silence priest cards are going to rotate soon, so that's also unfortunate.
Alright seeing this go back to 5 mana kinda hurts my face, because of all the time DH cleared taunts AND went FACE with this thing. Luckely Twin Slice will be gone, so let's hope that that makes the card a lot more balanced? The -1 durability is huge, now DH cant clear 9 health worth of taunts AND go face on the same turn.
But in Wild... oh no... ODD DH can use it again... oh no... Let's hope it wont break the game. (Even though Wild is already quite broken.)
Solid removal and heal. DH loved this card and it always saw play, even after the nerf. Eye Beam also doesn't feel that bad to play against, and that's something we can all agree on being really important for a DH card.
sees a lot of play, and it can now enable you to play Illidari Inquisitor on turn 6, and many other demons a lot earlier. Also obviously a core part of the Il'gynoth OTK. Great DH minion, and doesn't really feel THAT bad to play against. (Wish other DH cards felt like this.) Let's hope Big DH gets more support, maybe then i will finally play DH.
Agreed, J-rax all day.
Okay, interesting. Thank you for the information! :)
So my reactions to the core set:
DH: Illidari Inquisitor and Kor'vas Bloodthorn seem insane, but that's DH in a nutshell.
Druid: The core set seems quite weak without any kind of AOE, but Nordrassil Druid seems interesting and the buff to Cenarius seems interesting.
Hunter: I love the Tracking change, it really nerfs aggro hunter and buffs late game hunter decks. Selective Breeder seems good as well, and i hope i can be able to finally play a Beastmaster Leoroxx hunter deck. Bearshark being back is interesting, and Dire Frenzy is solid for late game beast decks. I really like the direction hunter seems to be going now!
Mage: Babbling Book IS BACK! YES! I love this card. Coldarra Drake and Fallen Hero being back might hint towards some kind of hero power synergy in the future. (Like in the Rastahkans Arena expansion.) Shooting Star is interesting, and your opponent can play around it. Ethereal Conjurer still seems bad even after that buff, it dies way too fast. Aegwynn, the Guardian seems really powerfull, i like it. And Arcanologist.... wait... Arcanologist... oh no... oh.... no.... well good thing the secret synergy from Uldum will rotate, otherwise Standard had to REALLY bow down (just like wild) to our Secret mage overlords.
Paladin: Dude Paladin seems busted with all this support. I'm kinda scared about it's powerlevel. BUT as long as Paladin doesn't get that much draw we should be fine. Righteous Protector being back is huge, that card used to see play in pretty much every paladin deck when it was last in standard, and she still sees play often in wild.
Priest: I'm hyped for priest actually. Tempo priest is getting a lot of support and Shadowed Spirit seems really good together with Rally!. Also i'm really interested in what their going to do with Shadowform and shadow priest. Focused Will also might hint that were going to see some more Silence Priest. But in order for tempo and Silence priest to work they will need some more card draw first.
Rogue: Tomb Pillager seems interesting, that coin can help with activating a lot of combo cards. SI:7 Agent is iconic and i'm glad to have it still in the core set. Swashburglar buff is AMAZING and i love it, and Vanessa VanCleef seems like very flexible card that has a lot of potential. Looking forward to the thing rogue is going to do this year. (And it's cool that we still have our 3 amazing 0 cost spells.)
Shaman: RIP Wrath of Air Totem, but at least we got Novice Zapper to replace it. Seeing Menacing Nimbus back is amazing, i always loved playing that card. Actually Shaman has a lot of elementals in core, so i hope Elemental shaman will make a comeback. Shaman seems really good in core, most cards were the ones from classic but with some buffs to make them better. Let's hope these changes change shaman from "OP or trash" into an actually balanced class.
Warrior: It kinda seems like they want to make the warrior core set less control focussed. The core set overall seems a lot weaker for warrior, sure they have some iconic stuff but it still doesn't seem that good. but aggresive cards like Bloodsail Deckhand seems amazing though. (Also i love the Warsong Commander change, she actually has a use now! :O )
Warlock: As someone who loves playing control warlock, these changes are very exciting. Drain Soul might see play with that buff, as it now can actually destroy some early game minions, and the buff to Siphon Soul is really good. Enslaved Fel Lord seems AMAZING and Twisting Nether still being here is also good! But most importantly: Lord Jaraxxus IS GOOD NOW! WHOOO! Lord Jaraxxus is such a good finisher (if it keeps the 2 mana HP with "summon a 6/6 demon"). Warlock seems like strong class for the future expansions, and i love it. Also it's interesting that Tiny Knight of Evil and Lakkari Felhound are back, maybe their going to push discardlock some more? (As a wild player, please no. It's already strong enough.)
Neutral: The new dragons really impress me, they look so much more powerfull now. I love it. Baron Geddons buff is also amazing, and the new legendaries all seems quite good in some decks. Baron Rivendare being back can be a bit scary, but i still look forward to what kind of shenanigans you can do with it. Bloodmage Thalnos is still here and that's really good, he is such a good and flexible card. The neutral part of the core set seems really good. Oh and Murloc Tinyfin is back, everyone that watched a few of GrosGhiles videos knows that it's definatly OP and wins games easely. (lol) Oh and Humongous Razorleaf is back, hinting even more towards the return of Silence Priest.
However the rotation will be a sad day. It will be the day we remember our lord and savior Magma Rager, who got replaced with the unholy Ice Rager. Rip Magma Rager, us memers will miss you. (Well tbf he did see more play in meme rager decks in wild.)
Well now i think about it yeah RIP Anyfin Palladin, that actually is unfortunate. Personally never played that deck or played against it, but i do know that a lot of people really like that deck. So that's really unfortunate that they killed that deck. The reason i was happy on first glance was because cheap charge minions can become very problematic in the future, but tbh Stonetusk Boar was the biggest offender and deserves this treatment, not Bluegill Warrior. RIP Anyfinn Paladin. :(
Warsong Commander LIVES and it's decent now! (Well as long as Animated Broomstick is 1 mana, it will still outshine Warsong Commander. But hey it's a step in the right direction!)
Also i love seeing Bluegill Warrior and Stonetusk Boar FINALLY getting "the axe" i'm so happy to see those sometimes game breaking cheap Charge minions finally gone. (I hope these changes are also to the legacy versions, not just the core set versions. It would be horrible to still have the Charge versions of those cards around in wild.)
AMAZING rework! Old Onyxias trouble was that her board was too easy to clear, and this fixes it. Also: if your opponent doesn't clear Onyxia the Broodmother, and she spawns tokens at the end of your opponents turn, will those tokens be able to attack on your turn? IF so then that's potentially 16 FACE damage. I'm REALLY glad that this releases AFTER Unseal the Vault rotates, that would have been a nightmare to face.
Seems really good as a finisher in control decks, and maybe a few midrange decks might want it? Aggro certainly doesn't considering they want to end the game before then. The new alexstrasza is still a big nerf compared to old Alexstrsza, but this is better for the health of the game.
ALRIGHT, so on paper it seems like a BIG meme card. BUT, IF all the Aggro players anonimously agree to make Nozdormu the Eternal a must include in any aggro deck, they will be able to rankup to legend even faster and get too 1000 wins even faster!
I love how the effect needs both players to include it in their deck, makes it a lot better to face than a randomly generated Nozdormu into a lot of panic.
Seems like a good minion. Tutors big cards like the old gods, and it's still quite a sticky minion with that divine shield and taunt. Will probably see play in a few combo decks, and probably also in some control decks that really want to draw their old gods.
Incredible for weapon based classes. Even considering the fact that it's Southsea Deckhands "replacement", it is still a good card.
Standard: Weapon Rogue might experiment with it? Might be too slow.
Edit: Weapon shaman might also like it. Boggspine Knuckles is still in standard after rotation, so Evo shaman will probably still be a thing, and it might run Fogsail Freebooter.
Wild: might fit in Wild Weapon Rogue and Pirate warrior, but it will surely see experimentation at the very least.
Seems really good, very flexible and probably will see a lot of play in many warrior decks.
Hunter's Pack for warrior? On first glance it seems really bad, but it is really good in BIG Warrior... oh wait that rotates for the most part.... Let's hope BIG Warrior will get more support, because the Scholomance stuff isn't enough to keep that deck viable in standard. In wild i'm not sure BIG Warrior even wants it. OH it's ODD Costed, so maybe ODD Warrior might TRY it out, in order to perhabs get some EVEN cost cards randomly? (But it would be pretty hard to make space for it.)
2 MANA Fiery War Axe RETURNS! And Bloodsail Deckhand is a pirate so probably will see a LOT of play in pirate warrior in Wild.... :(
Bloodsail Deckhand will see a lot of play!
Seems really good. Finally support for BIG Demon Warlock. Also has a lot of synergy with Animated Broomstick, Kanrethad Ebonlocke and most importantly Archwitch Willow! Also it corrupts Tickatus so that's also good. I think Enslaved Fel Lord will see a lot of play! And this is the first non-neutral Warlock card with an cleave effect!
Hmm this seems awefull. Zoo never really has that many card, and i think they rather have an actual minion in hand to play instead of a card that rarely does something. Still it is a 0 cost card and those SHOULD never be underestimated, but i feel like it has a way too strict requirment to be any good. However it might be a replacement for Sea Giant now that that is gone?
WOW, thats an AMAZING tempo/aggro priest card! Priest now has an really good target for the 3 mana slot of Rally!! This card has a lot of potential, and i wouldn't mind seeing priest getting a different gameplan than the one they have right now!
Edit: okay i don't know much about WoW lore and stuff, but shouldn't this be an Elemental? It seems like one.
Worse Silence when targetting your opponents minions, so i'm guessing were going to probably also see the return of Silence priest? However the problem Silence priest always had was their enourmous lack of card draw, not the lack of Silence effects. Also most Silence priest cards are going to rotate soon, so that's also unfortunate.